Blake’s WWF Wrestling Challenge 9/13/86 Review: Angry Hart Foundation

In this WWF Wrestling Challenge 9/13/86 review, Ricky Steamboat takes on Roger Kirby, everyone is coming for The British Bulldogs, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: WWF Wrestling Challenge
  • Date: September 13, 1986

RINGSIDE: Gorilla Monsoon, Ernie Ladd, and Johnny V are back once again.

Jimmy Jack and Hoss Funk (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. The Junkyard Dog and George “The Animal” Steele (w/Captain Lou Albano)

What an interesting team JYD and Steele are. JYD starts bodyslamming dudes before the match even begins, which was unintentionally hilarious. Albano does an inset promo where he rants about pairing JYD and Steele together. The heels try some shenanigans, but Steele chases Hoss with a chair and JYD finishes off Jimmy Jack for the win. (SQUASH)

BACKSTAGE: Wrestler’s Rebuttal with The Hart Foundation. Jim Neidhart is pissed they’re being called nasty boys. Bret sends a message (or a rebuttal, I suppose) to their critics.

Mario Mancini vs. Kamala (w/The Wizard and Kim Chee)

Johnny V thinks Kamala looks like a go-go dancer from Harlem. That’s certainly a comparison. I give Mancini a 0.1 percent chance of winning this match, so let’s see if he can defy the odds. Narrator: He did not. Kamala squashes poor Mario in quick fashion for the easy win. (SQUASH)

BACKSTAGE: Ken Resnick with Albano. He hypes up Steele and tells a story about Steele being made fun of as a kid. Not gonna lie, this was a hell of a promo by Albano. Steele comes in and taunts Randy Savage.

Joe Mirto and Jack Kruger vs. Hillbilly Jim and Cousin Luke

Mirto and Kruger sounds like a law firm. Jimmy Hart taunts Hillbilly in an inset promo, and as always, I enjoy these. Hillybilly and Luke use a double team to take control, then it’s Hillbilly using the bearhug to notch the victory. (SQUASH)

BACKSTAGE: Resnick with The Rougeaus. They’re All-American boys….well, not yet. Raymond reels off the list of teams in the WWF, and Jacques pushes their bond as brothers.

BACKSTAGE: The Honky Tonk Man went out with Betty Sue, and he danced all night long. Good for Honky. He’s coming to the WWF, and he wants to get his hands on Paul Orndorff.

Roger Kirby vs. Ricky Steamboat

Had to do some research on Kirby, who defeated Danny Hodge for the NWA Junior Heavyweight title back in 1971. That’s quite an accomplishment. Kirby also won numerous titles in the NWA, GCW, WWA, and more during his career. He gets more offense in than most do in these squash matches, as he controls the majority of the match.

Kirby even gets a near fall after a backbreaker, but the tide swings in favor of Steamboat. That leads to him heading up top for the flying cross body to score the win. This was good stuff. (**1/2) 

RINGSIDE: The Snake Pit with Jake Roberts, and this week’s guest is Hillbilly Jim. Jake makes fun of Hillbilly’s grandmother’s recipes. What a heel. They do some verbal sparring and that’s that.

King Kong Bundy and Big John Studd (w/Bobby Heenan) vs. Paul Roma and Billy Jack Haynes

A nice mix of talent for the main event. Inset promo from “King” Harley Race, who is gonna rule wrestling. I WILL RULE YOU. Wait, wrong King (the 2000 WCW fans will get that reference). Bundy and Studd are a hell of a hoss team, I bet you can guess who is taking the fall in this one. Double team power moves from the heels, and Bundy destroys Roma for the win. (*)

The Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff, and Hercules vs. Corporal Kirchner, Jim Powers, and Salvatore Bellomo

It took me a second to figure out who was in the match, as Kirchner’s team ran down and interrupted Nikolai singing the anthem. What’s funny is there is trash all over the ring during the match, once again showing you what Americans thought of the Russians. This was all bad guys, with Hercules racking Powers to notch the victory. (SQUASH)

BACKSTAGE: Resnick continues hyping the challengers for the British Bulldogs. Bret and Neidhart make their way in with Jimmy Hart. Back to the nasty boys theme, but I don’t see Brian Knobs or Jerry Sags. Neidhart is still pissed, and Resnick tries to call them out. Bret shuts him down and says they’re winners.


Overall Rating: 6.0/10

Thoughts: Another easy watch, but Steamboat vs. Kirby was really the only thing of note. Still, the action is quick and inoffensive, and that’s what worked for an era that was more about character and storyline development.

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Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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