Blake’s WWF Wrestling Challenge 10/4/86 Review: Heenan’s Family

In this WWF Wrestling Challenge 10/4/86 review, Bobby Heenan continues to taunt The Machines, Roddy Piper takes a beating, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: WWF Wrestling Challenge
  • Date: October 4, 1986

RINGSIDE: Gorilla Monsoon and Johnny V are on commentary. From my research, it appears Ernie Ladd was removed from the booth in favor of the more frequent team of Gorilla and Bobby Heenan. As a huge Ladd fan, I’m not thrilled, but Gorilla and Heenan are the best.

Allen Martin vs. “King” Harley Race (w/Bobby Heenan)

I WILL RULE YOU. I’ve gotta assume that’s what Harley tells all of his opponents. Martin was a career jobber for various promotions, so you know what his task is in this match. A quicker squash match than usual, as Harley hits the cradle suplex for the royal pin and the win. (SQUASH)

VIDEO: Wrestlers’ Rebuttal segment with The Machines. Forgot to mention it on last week’s episode (REVIEW), but Bill Eadie, the future Ax of Demolition, is playing the role of the Super Machine. Blackjack Mulligan is Big Machine, and he rattles off every word he can think of that’s associated with the Orient. Super Machine wants more sushi and saki. This group is wild.

Bob Bradley and “Mr. Electricity” Steve Regale vs. The Rougeau Brothers

No, Steve Regale is not William Regal but rather a former AWA wrestler. If you haven’t seen the cheesy 80s vignette that the Rougeaus participated in a few weeks ago, that’s a must-see. We get an inset promo from them speaking French Canadian and all I gathered is they want the British Bulldogs.

Bradley goes for a move off the top but misses. Then it’s the impressive double team finisher from the Rougeaus to score the victory. (*)

BACKSTAGE: Ken Resnick with Corporal Kirchner. Resnick pushes Kirchner as a potential Intercontinental title challenger, and he lists off opponents and says he won’t let Elizabeth be a distraction if he wrestles Randy Savage.

VIDEO: Replay of Piper’s Pit vs. The Flower Shop. Adrian Adonis welcomes in Bob Orton Jr. and what do you know, he picks Adonis’ show over Piper’s show. Piper interrupts and flusters Adonis, who is pretty great in his role here. Piper welcomes Magnificent Muraco, and they eventually have a verbal joust about how Adonis dresses. Adonis, Orton, and Muraco then gang up on Piper and destroy the set.

BACKSTAGE: Resnick with Dick Slater. He wants a shot at Paul Orndorff or anyone else for a title.

Tiger Chung Lee vs. Dick Slater

Heenan reveals that all the Federettes are asking he and Orndorff for dates, and I mean, can you blame them? They have a lot to offer. Heenan’s money is on “the big Korean” in this match, and Gorilla continues to call refer to him as “the big Korean” as well. It was a different time in wrestling.

Lee actually controls a good portion of the match, but Slater reverses the sleeper attempt and he stays on offense from there. Slater with the elbow off the top to Lee’s head to earn the win. (*)

RINGSIDE: Snake Pit with Jake Roberts, and he welcomes Butch Reed and Slick. Reed pushes his love for everything natural, then Jake notes he can’t find any weaknesses with Reed.

VIDEO: More WWF JLN action figures! Still the best.

Don Hastings and Jerry Allen vs. The Dream Team (w/Johnny Valiant)

Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake do an inset promo and they are ecstatic that Johnny V is on Wrestling Challenge commentary. As you would expect, Hastings and Allen get in a few nice shots, but Valentine and Beefcake showcase their offense and Valentine locks in the Figure Four for the victory. (SQUASH)

Jimmy Jack Funk vs. The Junkyard Dog

The crowd still loves them some JYD. Heenan shit-talking JYD is hilarious, but that’s Heenan for you. Gorilla then accuses King Kong Bundy and Big John Studd of dodging The Machines. A back and forth match since this is the main event, and Jimmy Jack gets a few decent spots in. But it’s JYD who hits the powerslam for the win. JYD invites a kid in to dance after the match. (*1/2)

BACKSTAGE: Resnick with Heenan. Resnick also suggests they’re scared of The Machines. Heenan calls The Machines a bunch of cowards and in come Bundy and Studd. Bundy is great on the mic as a badass heel in this segment, and they say they’ll fight anyone in the WWF.


Overall Rating: 5.0/10

Thoughts: Not a whole lot of note in this particular episode aside from the continued theme of Heenan’s issues with The Machines. I still enjoy the format and how it weaves in the same storyline in different segments throughout the show, so that’s always enjoyable.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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