Blake’s WWF Prime Time Wrestling 1/5/87 Review: Heenan’s Resolutions

In this WWF Prime Time Wrestling 1/5/87 review, Bobby Heenan reveals his New Year’s resolutions, Jake Roberts goes one-on-one with Tito Santana, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: WWF Prime Time Wrestling
  • Date: January 5, 1987

IN THE STUDIO: Gorilla Monson taunts Bobby Heenan and discusses the featured match, which is Don Muraco vs. Hillbilly Jim. Heenan says 1987 is gonna be a better year for him and groans about Gorilla being too loud.

The Dream Team (w/Johnny Valiant) vs. The Islanders

Brutus Beefcake and Greg Valentine make up the Dream Team, while Haku and Tama are the Islanders. Gorilla and Lord Alfred Hayes are on commentary for this one at Madison Square Garden, and Johnny V joins them shortly into the match. Gorilla thinks the winner should challenge The British Bulldogs for the Tag Team titles, then Johnny V rants about something. Gorilla calls him a FOUNTAIN OF MISINFORMATION.

Haku and Tama control the early part of the match and we head back to the studio, where Gorilla taunts Heenan again about not having a team in championship contention. Gorilla wants Heenan to write down a new year’s resolution, and that’s our hook for the rest of the show. This thing is all Islanders, and Johnny V is back on commentary pushing a conspiracy. Valentine gains some momentum and that puts the heels in control for a bit.

They work to a hot tag for Haku, and he runs wild on Valentine and Beefcake. Johnnyu V hops on the apron and Tama headbutts him. However, Valentine stradles Tama on the top rope with the referee’s back turned, and that allows Beefcake to score the pin for the win. The fans are throwing trash in the ring because this was the 80s.

IN THE STUDIO: Gorilla says President Jack Tunney is gonna take a hard look at manager interference in 1987. He wants to know what’s on Heenan’s list, but he’s not done yet.

VIDEO: Gorilla throws it to a video hyping Hulk Hogan, which irks Heenan since he thought it was for one of his clients. It’s a 1986 year in review, which features Paul Orndorff’s memorable turn on Hogan in July, then Hogan getting his revenge in August. There’s also highlights from a February match with Randy Savage, and a July match with Beefcake. The crowd pop is INSANE when Beefcake hits Johnny V and Hogan rolls Beefcake up for the win. Just a different level.

IN THE STUDIO: Heenan isn’t impressed with Hogan’s accomplishments last year and thinks the footage doesn’t show enough of Hogan’s flaws.

Tito Santana vs. Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts

This match was taped at The Summit in Houston, and Ken Resnick joins Gorilla commentary. Jake’s heel antics are great as always. He’s incredible working the crowd, while Tito plays the ultimate babyface. Tito hits a Flying Cross Body but Jake manages to get his foot on the ropes. Tito takes the match to the mat, where he locks on the sleeper until a desperation counter from Jake nearly breaks Tito’s jaw. Gorilla and Resnick push how Savage is delaying a potential Intercontinental title defense against Tito.

Back from commercial and a great response from Heenan when asked if he’s into snakes: “I’m not into snakes, but I’ll tell you what I am into. There’s this dancer….” and we head back to the match before he can finish his sentence. This is why Prime Time Wrestling was so great. Jake has Tito in a headlock when we return to the match, and eventually we get a DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER with both men hitting the mat.

Jake hits the short-arm clothesline but only gets two after a cocky pinfall attempt. More aggression from Jake and he calls for the DDT, but Tito avoids it. Jake takes it back to the ground with the headlock and uses the ropes for leverage. Tito eventually fights back, so Jake kicks him in the head. Jake goes for the DDT again but Tito back drops him. Tito locks in the Figure Four but Jake reaches for the snake bag as the bell rings for the time limit draw.

After the match, Jake brings out Damian and threatens to go after Tito and referee Dave Hebner.

IN THE STUDIO: Heenan is still working on his list. Gorilla taunts him some more and Heenan wants to know if they’re gonna get along this year. Gorilla taunts him again. Classic! Heenan wants to know why Gorilla didn’t come to his New Year’s party. Back from commercial and Heenan says King Harley Race wants recognition from the fans this year.

King Harley Race (w/Bobby Heenan) vs. Sivi Afi

Afi was trained by Peter Maivia, so that’s your trivia note for the episode. We get an inset promo from Junkyard Dog, who makes it clear that he has no king. Vince McMahon, Jesse Ventura, Bruno Sammartino are on commentary, and they don’t have to say much since Race hits his finisher for the quick win.

IN THE STUDIO: Heenan is pissed that Gorilla left the room for Race’s match. Heenan calls it one of the greatest matches in wrestling history. Gorilla mocks Race’s crown being too small, and that once again leads to Heenan trying to defend him.

BACKSTAGE: Resnick with The Hart Foundation. Resnick questions referee Danny Davis’s actions, and Jim Neidhart says he won’t drink wine until they have the Tag Team titles. Bret Hart says they’re on the heels of the British Bulldogs, who are drinking shanties and listening to WHAM! records in England. Incredible.

VIDEO: Highlights of the biggest title changes in 1986, including Savage winning the Intercontinental title from Tito via shenanigans, and the Bulldogs winning the Tag titles from Valentine and Beefcake at WrestleMania II.

IN THE STUDIO: Heenan points out the illegal way that the Bulldogs won the Tag titles, though he conveniently didn’t see anything illegal about Savage’s win.

VIDEO: Highlights from Captain Lou Albano pinning Johnny V in his WWF retirement match and getting a champagne bath and a cake to the face in the locker room.

IN THE STUDIO: Gorilla asks Heenan what he has accomplished that’s anywhere close to Albano’s achievements. Heenan says Albano is out of professional wrestling and that’s good for him.

Adrian Adonis and The Hart Foundation (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. SD Jones & The US Express

Can always appreciate a Mike Rotunda and Danny Spivey appearance. The babyfaces control things in the early going, and we get an inset promo with Jimmy Hart calling his team the ultimate trifecta. Adonis hits a huge powerslam on Rotunda but misses an elbow drop. Bret and Neidhart use a double team on Rotunda, and we’ve got a BROUHAHA with all six men in the ring. The referee gets distracted, and Adonis locks on the sleeper on Jones for the victory.

IN THE STUDIO: Heenan takes a shot at Ricky Steamboat after the attack from Savage. Heenan then reveals number on his list, and it’s to manage the tag team champs. He’s not sure which combination of his clients though. Back from commercial and he reads number two, and he wants to manage the IC champ, whether it’s King Kong Bundy, Hercules, or someone else.

Hillbilly Jim vs. Don Muraco (w/Mr. Fuji)

Back to MSG, and Muraco is absolutely jacked at this point. Hillbilly humiliates Muraco before the match, and the New York crowd is eating it up. Gorilla and Alfred note that Muraco came to the ring with Roddy Piper’s entrance music, so that feud is in full swing here. They stall for a good several minutes before the match gets started, which includes Fuju losing his and Hillbilly wearing the kilt on his head.

They return to the studio, and Gorilla wants to know what took so long for the match to start. Heenan expresses his love of Fuji’s hat. It’s all Hillbilly until Muraco reverses momentum, and Fuji grabs Hillbilly’s leg. However, Hillbilly picks Muraco up for the bearhug, and that’s when Fuji hits him with the cane for the DQ.

Fuji continues the attack after the match as Muraco holds Hillbilly to the mat.

IN THE STUDIO: Gorilla once again brings up why managers are under the microscope from the WWF rules committee, and Heenan tells Hillbilly that he should dress like a wrestler and not a hick. Heenan’s next resolution is to become the WWF manager of the year again, and Gorilla says he’s never won it. Heenan also wants to make more money than ever, and he wants to manage the world champ. Heenan wants to become commentator of the year as well. Heenan’s phone rings and it’s Miss Betty, and Gorilla makes a joke about him being a married man and not doing those kinds of things.


A fun start to 1987, with Gorilla and Heenan showcasing their legendary chemistry. The matches are what they are on this show, but the highlight packages for Hogan and the title picture were a nice setup for the year.

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Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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