Blake’s Monday Night RAW 2/1/93 Review: Beefcake’s Return

In this WWF Monday Night RAW 2/1/93 review, there’s the return of a popular star and Mr. Perfect being perfect.

Let’s dive right in.

  • Date: February 1, 1993
  • Location: Manhattan Center in New York, NY

Damian Demento vs. Tatanka

The UNCUT, UNCOOKED, and UNCENSORED theme is back from Vince McMahon, Randy Savage, and Rob Bartlett. Thank goodness. Tatanka with some slams early, and he sends Demento reeling to the outside. Back inside and it’s chop city on Demento. The big man turns the tide and gets a few two counts.

Chinlock time on Tatanka and the fans are chanting “we want Flair.” I’m sure Vince loved that. Tatanka eventually gets control and scores the win at 4:10.

VIDEO: We get a Headlock on Hunger video with Bret Hart carrying a $100,000 check and giving it to the American Red Cross.

IN THIS VERY RING: Vince welcomes back Brutus Beefcake, who is appearing for the first time since the parasailing accident in 1990. He announces that he’s returning to the ring and VINCE LOVES IT. But Vince is also concerned due to the face reconstruction. Beefcake discusses his mother and father passing away and his wife divorcing him. He also talks about Hulk Hogan being the only one there for him. Beefcake is desperate and will take on anyone.

High Energy vs. Iron Mike Sharpe and Von Krus

Von Krus is the future Big Vito. Owen and Koko’s pants really were tremendous. This is all High Energy as they make quick work of the jobbers at 1:31.

VIDEO: We get another look at Doink attacking Crush. Vince says Crush will be back in a few weeks.

Doink vs. Typhoon

Doink the evil clown was superior to Doink the good clown in my opinion. THE MANHATTAN CENTER IS CHEERING THE HEELS AND BOOING THE FACES. Great Doink chant going early on. Doink with some mat work and a camel clutch on Typhoon. The big man gets to his feet and lifts Doink into the corner.

Big bear bug from Typhoon but Doink gets things back on the mat. Slaps from Doink but Typhoon powerslams him. Typhoon misses a move in the corner and Doink comes off the top and uses the tights for the win at 3:10.

RINGSIDE: Vince and Todd Pettengill hype the WWF Mania show on Saturdays.

IN THE RING: We get the 10-bell salute for Andre the Giant along with photos from his career.

Yokozuna (w/Mr. Fuji) vs. Bobby DeVito

Bobby DeVito beating the No. 1 contender for the WWF title would certainly do wonders for his career. Let’s see how things work out for him. Yoko super kicks DeVito while Vince tries to get a phone connection to Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Hacksaw thinks he can knock Yoko off his feet and then mispronounces his name. Meanwhile, Banzai Drop to DeVito for the pin at 2:02.

RINGSIDE: Vince welcomes Ted DiBiase and IRS. They make fun of Beefcake and challenge him. DiBiase flips a coin and says he’ll be the one to take on Beefcake. Jimmy Hart comes out and he’s concerned with one member of the tag team getting hurt in a singles match. DiBiase calms him down and says no one is getting hurt but Beefcake. Jimmy is still upset as they leave.

‘The Narcissist’ Lex Luger vs. Jason Knight

Before the match starts, we get the classic video of Mr. Perfect throwing and catching his own pass. THAT IS PERFECT. Luger destroys the jobber and Savage announces that Beefcake has accepted DiBiase’s challenge. And then Vince announces that QUANTUM LEAP IS UP NEXT. I prefer Silk Stalkings. Total destruction here from Luger and he pinks Knight with his pinkie at 2:38.

RINGSIDE: Vince announces that the dog show will pre-empt next week’s show. But we’ve got a battle royal and Beefcake vs. DiBiase in two weeks.


Beefcake’s return was the biggest development, and the rest was lots of SQUASHING JOBBERS. The characters were solid during this time period.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.


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