Blake’s Monday Night RAW 1/25/93 Review: Loser Leaves Town

In this WWF Monday Night RAW 1/25/93 review, they’ve already apparently scrapped the UNCUT, UNCOOKED, and UNCENSORED theme.

That’s too bad.

Let’s dive into this one, which features a noteworthy main event.

  • Date: January 25, 1993
  • Location: Manhattan Center in New York, NY

OUTSIDE THE ARENA: Sean Mooney interviews the Repo Man, who still has Randy Savage’s hat.

RINGSIDE: Vince McMahon, Bobby Heenan, and Rob Bartlett welcome us.

Repo Man vs. Randy Savage

Savage attacks from the beginning, and my goodness does Savage really want that hat back. Savage takes things outside the ring and then brings it back inside. Then things go to the aisle, and this is pretty much Savage SQUASHING JOBBERS at this point.

Back and forth on the outside now and Repo sends Savage’s shoulder into the post. Repo goes on offense for a bit and the crowd is completely silent before a Macho chant starts. Savage turns the tide just in time for the commercial break. Repo back on offense and the crowd is bored. It stays this way for a while, and Barlett and Heenan are debating the hotness of Hillary Clinton. Only in 1993.

Savage in control after catching Repo off the top. Savage goes up top himself and delivers the flying elbow for the victory at 13:30. MACHO HAS HIS HAT BACK. This wasn’t terrible, but it was lacking something.

VIDEO: WrestleMania IX hype. I bet that will be a great show.

Kamala (w/Slick) vs. The Brooklyn Brawler

Brawler goes for a slam right off the bat. I’ll give you one guess as to how that turned out for him. Kamala with the ass smash in the corner and then he dominates the rest of the match for the win at 3:32.

RINGSIDE: Vince interviews Slick, who credits the fans for converting Kamala.

VIDEO: Gene Okerlund back with the Royal Rumble report, which took place the day before this show aired. Gene highlights Yokozuna winning the Rumble, Lex Luger debuting, and Giant Gonzalez attacking The Undertaker.

Ric Flair vs. Mr. Perfect – Loser Leaves WWF Match

Flair and Perfect exchange slaps and shoves to kick things off. Heenan consults with Flair after Perfect goes on the offensive. Flair back inside and technical back and forth before Perfect locks in the hammerlock. Chops from hell from Perfect to Flair. More back and forth and Perfect with round two of the chops.

Flair gets back on offense with the finger poke to the eye. Then he goes outside and grabs a chair but Earl Hebner takes it away. Flair shoves Hebner, but he will have none of that and shoves him back. Another commercial and we come back to Flair whipping Perfect over the post in the corner. PERFECT IS BLEEDING LIKE A STUCK PIG.

Reversals from both and Perfect gets a near fall. And then another. Perfect get Flair to the corner and it’s punch time, but Flair stops that with a knee the groin before getting a two count. Things escalate to Flair locking in the sleeper hold and Perfect is on SPAGHETTI LEGS. Perfect gets the arm up after two drops and then some miscommunication as he locks in the headlock on Flair.

Flair gets out of the headlock by delivering a suplex and both men are down. Flair goes for the Figure Four and locks it in with some help from the ropes. Hebner breaks the hold and Perfect hobbles around while Flair regains control. Flair goes up top but Perfect throws him off as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Flair pulls out the brass knocks and destroys Perfect with Hebner’s back turned. Flair goes for the pin but Perfect gets the foot on the ropes and then kicks out of the next near fall. Flair with the chops in the corner but PERFECT IS HULKING UP, BROTHER. Perfect on a roll now and gets a two count. Flair goes for the pin with the ropes but no go. Perfect reverses into the Perfect Plex and that’ll do it at 23:00. Heenan goes ballistic. Very good given the participants and Bartlett not saying much.


No surprise that the Flair/Perfect match delivered, but everything else was just there. Fast forward to the main event and you’ll be fine.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.


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