Blake’s WrestleMania VI Review: The Ultimate Challenge

In this WrestleMania VI review, coming off the reaction to the interchange between Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior at the Royal Rumble, the WrestleMania main event was obvious.

So, the Ultimate Challenge was set.

Let’s jump in.

Date: April 1, 1990

Location: SkyDome in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

ON THE STAGE: Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura welcome us.

IN THE RING: Robert Goulet sings O Canada as the crowd goes wild.

Koko B. Ware vs. Rick Martel

Yes, this is the show with the glorious cart entrances, and they never disappoint. Martel attacks off the bat but Koko hits a flurry of offense to knock him outside the ring. Koko flips Martel back in the ring, but Martel immediately turns the tables and throws Koko out to the floor. Suplex from Martel for a two count as goes back to kicking Koko. Martel hits the double axe handle off the top and then goes with the backbreaker. Martel then attempts the Boston Crab but can’t get it locked in.

Martel starts throwing Koko’s head off the turnbuckle, but that doesn’t work as Koko takes advantage. Koko hits a couple of flying headbutts for a near fall, but Martel ducks Koko’s high flying move. Martel then quickly locks in the Boston Crab to grab the win at 3:51. Not much to this one.

• Rating: *

BACKSTAGE: Mean Gene Okerlund with Andre the Giant, Haku, and Bobby Heenan. They run down Demolition ahead of the big title match.

BACKSTAGE: Sean Mooney with Ax and Smash. Ax talks about cutting down redwoods, and Smash says he’d like to put Andre and Haku in a truck and run them off a cliff. That’s one way to win a match.

Demolition vs. (c) The Colossal Connection (w/Bobby Heenan) – WWF Tag Team Titles

Demolition’s entrance music is simply one of a kind. Andre and Haku attack from behind to start the match but Smash gains control with punches on Haku. Quick tag to Ax, and he starts chopping away. Andre comes in and nails Ax, but Smash is back in with a chin lock on Haku. Another tag as Ax and Haku go back and forth. Smash tags in again but he gets a thumb to the eye from Haku. Both men try a backslide attempt simultaneously, and just as Smash gets the upper hand, Andre breaks it up.

Ax back in but Haku ducks a clothesline and hits the karate chop to the throat. More chops from Haku and then he hits a backbreaker for a two count. Heenan then gets in a cheap shot as the ref is distracted by Haku, and Andre gets some work in  as well. Double team from Andre and Haku but Ax gets under the ropes on the pin attempt. Thumb to the eye from Haku and then Andre hits a big chop.

Andre starts choking Ax in the corner with the tag rope as the ref gets distracted with Smash. Haku then hits the shoulder breaker for a two count. Irish whip from Haku, but Ax hits him with the boot before using the clothesline. Hot tag to Smash, who hits an elbow to Haku and then delivers a big back body drop. Andre decides to get involved which leads to Ax and Smash double teaming both guys.

The ref gets distracted with Ax, and Haku goes for a super kick on Smash. But he ducks, and Haku hits Andre with the kick which causes him to get tied up in the ropes. Ax and Smash hit the Demolition Decapitation on Haku to win the titles at 9:30. After the match, Heenan goes nuts and gets in Andre’s face and slaps his hand. Andre grabs Heenan and smacks him before hitting a big right. Andre then attacks Haku and steals the cart from Heenan and Haku. That leads to Andre riding the cart to the back. The match wasn’t great, but the crowd popped huge for the title change, and the Andre stuff was excellent.

• Rating: **

BACKSTAGE: Mean Gene with Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. They hype the match with Hercules.

Hercules vs. Earthquake (w/Jimmy Hart)

Earthquake tries to sneak attack Hercules but misses the splash in the corner. Earthquake regroups outside and then gets back in so he can shake the ring. Test of strength goes in Earthquake’s favor, and then he throws Hercules around a bit. Earthquake spears Hercules in the corner, but Hercules tries to gain some offense with shoulder tackles. Hercules finally gets one that knocks Earthquake to one knee but then thinks he can back drop him. That doesn’t work, and Earthquake hits the elbow drop and splash for the win at 4:52. Earthquake then hits another splash after the bell for good measure. SQUASH.

• Rating: 1/2*

VIDEO: Rona Barrett interviews Miss Elizabeth. Rona wants to know where Elizabeth has been. Elizabeth says she doesn’t want to disappoint her fans and teases her return as a manager.

BACKSTAGE: Mooney with Brutus Beefcake. He hypes the match with Mr. Perfect.

Mr. Perfect (w/The Genius) vs. Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake

So the setup here is that Perfect still has his undefeated streak going. They fight in the corner right away and Beefcake hits a ton of punches before knocking Perfect over the top. Perfect sends Beefcake for the Irish whip but gets kicked in the face for his efforts. Beefcake hits the atomic drop to send Perfect to the floor again. Back inside and Perfect goes to work as Beefcake gets thrown into the turnbuckle.

Beefcake quickly regains some momentum and throws Perfect for another Irish whip before hitting a big clothesline. Mary Tyler Moore is in the crowd cheering on Beefcake, and here comes Genius on the apron to offer a distraction. He drops the scroll in the ring as the ref tries to get him back to the outside, and Perfect clocks Beefcake with it when he turns around. Neck snap from Perfect for a two count. More offense from Perfect and then he adds some chops.

Perfect with several slaps to the face until Beefcake sling shots him in the corner, which causes Perfect’s head to hit the post. Beefcake then covers him for the pin at 7:48. After the match, Beefcake put the sleeper on Genius and cuts his hair. Perfect sold everything great as usual here, but him losing his first match in this fashion just felt like a creative misstep.

• Rating: **

VIDEO: We see the events leading to the rivalry between Roddy Piper and Bad News Brown.

BACKSTAGE: Mean Gene with Piper, who has half his body and face painted black. He cuts a wacky promo about his split personality.

Bad News Brown vs. Roddy Piper

They go after each other and roll around the mat before Piper hits a splash for a two count. Bad News hits some punches and a headbutt, then Piper gets pissed after getting his head thrown into the turnbuckle a few times. Bad News works on the shoulder but Piper gets out and they exchange punches. Bad News goes for the choke and gets a two count. Bodyslam and an elbow drop for another near fall on Piper, who proceeds to poke Bad News in the eye. Piper throws wild punches in the corner but gets the eye rake.

Bad News goes over and exposes the turnbuckle and goes to sling Piper into the corner, but it gets reversed. Piper pulls a glove from his tights and clocks Bad News with it. He hits several times before hitting Bad News off the top. Huge right from Piper sends Bad News to the floor. Bad News goes to hit Piper in the corner, but he ducks and hits the post. Piper grabs a chair and swings and misses, but that doesn’t matter since the ref calls for the double countout at 6:48. They brawl up the aisle afterwards as referees try to pull them apart. Not much to this one after a solid build to the match.

• Rating: *

BACKSTAGE: Steve Allen is in the shower playing the piano, and here comes Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov to prepare for the Russian national anthem. He plays a bunch of different non-anthem songs in what really was a funny segment.

The Hart Foundation vs. The Bolsheviks

Bret and Neidhart attack from behind to start the match, and that quickly leads to the double team on Zhukov and the pin at 19 seconds. It did what it needed to do.

• Rating: NR

VIDEO: Vince McMahon hypes the WrestleMania VII extravaganza at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Something tells me they may have to change locations due to poor ticket sales, but I could be wrong.

BACKSTAGE: Mean Gene with Tito Santana. Tito basically says he’s gonna kick Barbarian’s ass.

The Barbarian (w/Bobby Heenan) vs. Tito Santana

Tito gets some offense right off the bat and Barbarian heads outside to strategize with Heenan. Back inside and Barbarian delivers some chops before Tito hits a flying cross body for two. Hip toss from Barbarian helps him regain the advantage, but then he goes for the drop headbutt and Tito gets out of the way. Tito runs and jumps onto Barbarian, who catches him. Tito hits repeated punches and eventually falls on Barbarian for another two count.

Jesse makes burrito jokes as Tito runs off the ropes, but his face gets introduced to the huge boot of Barbarian. Shoulder-breaker from Barbarian but he misses the flying elbow off the top. Punches from Tito and then a couple dropkicks sends Barbarian to the mat. Double axe handle off the top and then Tito hits the flying forearm, but Heenan puts Barbarian’s foot on the ropes at two. Tito gets pissed and Barbarian runs him into the top rope. Flying clothesline off the top after that and Barbarian gets the pin at 4:33. Another short match to help get a monster over.

• Rating: *

VIDEO: We get a hype video for the upcoming mixed tag team match.

BACKSTAGE: Sean Mooney with Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire. Dusty says he and Sapphire have what Savage and Sherri are missing, and it’s the crown jewel.

Randy Savage and Sensational Sherri vs. Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire – Mixed Tag Team Match

Gorilla reminds us this is the first mixed tag match in the company’s history. Jesse then gets flustered about the ring announcer saying that Dusty and Sapphire are a combined 465 pounds because he knows Sapphire is a good 250 pounds. This was a different era to say the least. Dusty grabs the mic before the match and says he’s got the crown jewel, and here comes Miss Elizabeth riding on the cart. Savage goes nuts as the crowd loses their minds. Dusty hits an elbow on Savage as the match starts, and Sherri hits him from behind. Sapphire grabs Sherri’s hair but Savage breaks it up quickly.

Savage goes up top but Dusty catches him and throws him into Sherri. Dusty tags in Sapphire and then goes and retrieves Sherri from outside. Sapphire then throws Sherri into Savage, which sends him to the outside. Sapphire starts using some unique offense, and by unique I mean using her hips to send Sherri flying across the ring. Airplane spin from Sapphire gets a one count, and now Sherri goes on offense. Sapphire counters and falls on Sherri for a two count.

Dusty back in and he holds Savage, which allows Sapphire to give him a slap to the face. Sherri comes over for the save, and Dusty shoves her into the corner. That allows Savage to come from behind and attack Dusty. The action heads outside, and Sherri gets a slap in on Dusty. Savage hits the double axe handle off the top on Dusty, and Sherri keeps going to work on him. Another double axe handle to the outside. Savage goes for a third but Sapphire stands in front of Dusty. Savage does not give a damn and slings Sapphire to the ground by her hair. Elizabeth checks on Sapphire before Savage returns to the ring.

Suplex from Savage on Dusty and you know it’s not a three count because of Earl Hebner’s trademark move before the three. Sherri distracts Hebner and Savage comes off the top with the scepter and nails Dusty. Sherri hits the splash off the top on Dusty, who kicks out quickly. Dusty then runs wild and we get DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER TIME on Savage and Sherri. Elbows from Dusty on Savage, but Sherri runs over and jumps on his back. Dusty tags in Sapphire who hits a rough neck breaker for a two. Sherri and Sapphire grab each other by the hair and Sapphire slings her out. Elizabeth throws Sherri back in and chaos ensues. Elizabeth then throws Sherri over the back of Sapphire who gets the pin at 7:52. Far from a technical masterpiece but the crowd loved it.

• Rating: **

VIDEO: Vince McMahon hypes WrestleMania VII at the LA Coliseum. Well, about that…

BACKSTAGE: Mean Gene with Heenan. He’s pissed about Andre and says he’s supposed to take orders from him. Heenan says he’s starting a new family.

BACKSTAGE: Gorilla and Jesse with Rona Barrett. She says she saw a film with Jesse in it, and Gorilla asks if it’s X-rated. Incredible.

BACKSTAGE: Sean Mooney with Savage and Sherri. They’re angry and losing their minds. The craziness of these two was just awesome.

BACKSTAGE: Mean Gene with Demolition. Gene asks about the Hart Foundation getting a title shot. They don’t care and just wanna celebrate.

ON THE STAGE: Gorilla and Jesse recap the action thus far and hype the main event.

BACKSTAGE: Mean Gene with Hulk Hogan. He’s ready for the ultimate challenge. Hogan says he can save Warrior. Hogan says it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, but what kind of winner or loser you are. Profound!

BACKSTAGE: Sean Mooney with The Ultimate Warrior. He tells Mooney he doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as him and Hogan. Warrior tells HO KOGAN that he’s ready to accept the challenge. Warrior says he’s gonna bring the Warriors and Hulkamaniacs together as one.

The Orient Express (w/Mr. Fuji) vs. The Rockers

Tanaka and Jannetty exchange rights early before Jannetty and Michaels hit various double team moves. Jannetty tries to get in some offense but Mr. Fuji goes to his bag of shenanigans and hits him with the cane while the referee was preoccupied elsewhere. Sato then shoves Jannetty face-first into the post. Double teaming on Jannetty, and Sato delivers some nice chops. Double super kicks as Michaels gets a tag and then he hits the bodyslam to Tanaka.

Sato back in, but he gets a neck breaker from Michaels. More shenanigans from Tanaka, and that allows Sato to hit the stomach breaker. Flying counter from Tanaka, and Sato hits the knee of the top for a two count on Michaels. Tanaka back into the match and he works on Michaels until the latter counters with a big clothesline. Michaels dives over and makes the hot tag to Jannety as he takes both Sato and Sanaka down. Then he gives the world another DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER and goes for the pin on Tanaka, with Jannetty moving out of the way as Sato drops an elbow on Tanaka.

Double dropkick to send Sato out of the ring and then it’s a double backdrop on Tanaka. Both Jannetty and Michaels go up top but Fuji hops up and hits Jannetty on the leg as the ref gets distracted with Michaels. Jannetty picks up the chain and goes after Fuji, but Sato sneaks around and throws powder in Jannetty’s eyes. That leads to the awesome spot of Jannetty running into the steel railing and falling over it into the front row, which causes him to get counted out at 7:38. Good stuff from these two, but the finish was pretty lackluster.

• Rating: **1/2

BACKSTAGE: Steve Allen with Rhythm and Blues. Honky Tonk Man says Allen must be excited to hear the new rune. Allen responds by saying that he hasn’t been this excited since he found out Pee Wee Herman was straight. Well then. Honky promises a big show and Greg Valentine says they’re on the way to the Hall of Fame.

Dino Bravo (w/Earthquake and Jimmy Hart) vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Hacksaw gets booed out of the building for waving the American flag, so he responds by trying to get a USA chant started. Hilarious. Hacksaw with a clothesline and some lefts and rights before delivering the back body drop. He clotheslines Bravo to the outside. Hacksaw with an atomic drop and then he hits Bravo with some punches in the corner. Bravo moves out of the way and Hacksaw runs into the turnbuckle. Bravo with some punches and then he starts choking out Hacksaw. The ref gets distracted with Bravo, which allows Earthquake to get a cheap shot in.

Bravo goes back on offense but Hacksaw hulks up momentarily before Bravo drops him with a kick to the face. Bravo with the Irish whip into the corner, but Hacksaw charges back at him. Hacksaw then goes after Earthquake as Hart throws the 2×4 in the ring. Bravo goes to grab it but Hacksaw takes it from him and nails him with it as the ref is occupied with Earthquake. The ref turns around and Hacksaw gets the pin at 4:15. After the match, Earthquake kicks Hacksaw’s ass and drops a few elbows before hitting multiple splashes.

• Rating: 1/2*

VIDEO: We get a video recapping the feud between Ted DiBiase and Jake Roberts.

BACKSTAGE: Gene with Jake. Yes, this is THAT promo from Jake. He talks about making DiBiase beg for his own money and then uses the classic line: “A victim of your own greed, wallowing in the muck of avarice.” If only wrestling promos were still like this. Just tremendous work here.

Ted DiBiase (w/Virgil) vs. Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts – Million Dollar Title

They exchange shoves and hard rights to quickly confirm that we’ve got a BROUHAHA on our hands. Jake with a big knee to DiBiase’s face before the latter counters out of a DDT attempt. Hip toss from Jake and then he goes for another DDT but DiBiase slides out of the ring. Jake goes to work with the hammerlock as he drives a knee into DiBiase’s ribs. DiBiase eventually tries to counter out of the hammerlock, but Jake drops down and slings DiBiase through the ropes to the outside.

Jake follows him out and throws him back in the ring. That allows DiBiase to take advantage momentarily, but Jake hits him with a knee. Jake goes for a running bulldog but DiBiase with his own counter that sends Jake to the mat. DiBiase works on Jake and then uses the front face lock as the Toronto crowd starts the wave. At least they’re not chanting “CM Punk.” Of course, it’s also not ideal that they’re focused on the wave during what’s supposed to be a heated feud between two of the company’s top stars.

DiBiase rams Jake’s arm into the ring post as Jesse jokes about the crowd being on their feet for DiBiase. The boos start as DiBiase hits a piledriver, but he taunts for a second before getting a pin attempt for two. Jake reverses into his own pin attempt for a near fall as DiBiase quickly goes back on the attack. DiBiase then locks in the Million Dollar Dream and holds it on for a bit before Jake gets his foot on the ropes. DiBiase drags Jake to the middle of the ring but only gets a two count.

DiBiase up top and he jumps off, but Jake catches him with a right to the midsection. Jake with a few clotheslines and then a back body drop. Jake hits the short-arm clothesline as Jesse questions why he’s not immediately going for the DDT. Virgil pulls the rope down and Jake goes outside and bodyslams him. DiBiase comes from behind and locks on the Million Dollar Dream. Jake tries to counter and both men run into the ring post. They’re both down, but Virgil grabs DiBiase and rolls him back in the ring as Jake gets counted out at 11:50. After the match, Jake hits a double clothesline on DiBiase and Virgil as money goes flying everywhere. Jake then hands out money to the crowd, including Mary Tyler Moore pocketing a crisp $100 bill. Jake also shoves some money in DiBiase’s mouth before unleashing Damien, but Virgil gets DiBiase out of the ring. The rest holds didn’t do much for the crowd and it seemed like this one never hit that next gear. It was still fine, though.

• Rating: **1/2

BACKSTAGE: Sean Mooney with Akeem and Slick. Mooney talks about the split with the Big Boss Man due to his unwillingness to take money from DiBiase. FORESHADOWING. Slick taunts Boss Man and Akeem does the same.

BACKSTAGE: Gene with Boss Man. He says DiBiase is scum and that he doesn’t take money from anybody. Boss Man also says he’s proud to be an American. So we’ve had Hacksaw trying to start a USA chant and Boss Man talking about his American pride. Did Vince realize this show was in Canada?

Akeem (w/Slick) vs. Big Boss Man

Man was Jive Soul Bro an absolute classic. Before the match even starts, DiBiase comes out from under the ring and attacks Boss Man from behind. DiBiase destroys him before ramming him into the steel post. DiBiase throws Boss Man in the ring to start the match. Akeem with a big clothesline in the corner for a two count. Akeem with more offense until Boss Man tries to pick him up for slam, but Boss Man just sort of drops him and hits a boot to the face.

Boss Man with multiple Irish Whips on Akeem before hitting a clothesline. Akeem tries to regain the advantage but Boss Man hits the side slam for the victory at . After the match, Boss Man clocks Slick. Poor Akeem just got squashed at WrestleMania.

• Rating: 1/2*

RINGSIDE: Mooney asks the crowd if they want to hear Honky and Valentine perform their song. A small boy basically shits on them and says they suck. But a small girl disagrees and wants to hear it. Mooney then interviews Mary Tyler Moore, who doesn’t have a clue who Honky or Valentine are as Mooney keeps asking questions about them.

IN THE RING: Honky and Valentine make their way to the ring in the pink Cadillac, which is driven by future yoga master Diamond Dallas Page. Honky grabs a mic and says they’re ready to debut their new song. They sing Honky Love for about an hour until Honky spots two men trying to sell programs. Honky quickly recognizes that it’s the Bushwhackers, and that leads to Honky and company running away. Luke and Butch grab the guitars and strum away before breaking them.

IN THE RING: Howard Finkel announces the SkyDome attendance record of 67,678. Fink was so great.

Rick Rude (w/Bobby Heenan) vs. Jimmy Snuka

Steve Allen is joining commentary for this one. He’s a natural as he starts throwing around insults, including calling Snuka ugly. Rude charges at Snuka from behind and sends Snuka for an Irish whip. Rude goes for a dropkick but Snuka grabs the ropes. Snuka does a little taunting and then delivers the back body drop. Snuka with a headbutt before hitting a dropkick to send Rude over the top. Back inside where Rude counters and hits a suplex before doing his usual shimmy.

Another back body drop from Rude and Allen makes a joke about Snuka wearing his wife’s underwear. Rude with a tackle and Snuka responds with a flying cross body. Snuka goes up top and he leaps over Rude before going back on offense. Snuka with a bodyslam, and he follows it up with a diving headbutt attempt but Rude moves out of the way. Rude capitalizes and hits the Rude Awakening for the win at 3:59. Short match, with Rude being awesome as usual.

• Rating: *

VIDEO: We look at the events leading up to the main event.

(c) The Ultimate Warrior vs. (c) Hulk Hogan – WWF Title and Intercontinental Title

People can talk about workmate all they want, but the insane popularity of these two made this a must-see spectacle. We get the stare down and then Warrior shoves Hogan. And Hogan returns the favor by giving Warrior a shove. They lock up and Warrior throws Hogan into the corner. Another lock up and Hogan throws Warrior into the corner. The crowd is eating this up with a spoon. And Warrior gets ready for the GRECO ROMAN KNUCKLE LOCK. They engage in the test of strength with Warrior eventually getting the upper hand to send Hogan to the mat But Hogan makes his way back up and overpowers Warrior to send him to the mat.

Warrior fights his way out of the hold but Hogan sends him to the mat and drops and elbow for a one count. Warrior tries to shoulder block Hogan but it doesn’t work and HERE COMES THE CRISS CROSS. The dumbest sequence in wrestling history but I mark out for it every single time. Hogan with the scoop slam but Warrior pops right back up and taunts him. Another criss cross and Warrior hits his own slam before clotheslining Hogan to the floor. Hogan starts selling his right knee after coming down hard on it. Warrior doesn’t give a shit as he goes outside and starts kicking Hogan. The ref checks on him but Warrior shoves him away and throws Hogan back in the ring.

Warrior starts kicking Hogan’s knee in true heel fashion, so Hogan responds with an eye rake. Warrior with an eye rake, then Hogan with another eye rake. Jesse is loving these two playing dirty. Hogan gets pissed and starts hitting big rights before clotheslining Warrior in the corner. Hogan with eight punches and then a bodyslam. Hogan drops back-to-back elbows but Warrior kicks out at two. Hogan goes for a headlock and transitions it into a small package for another near fall. Hogan goes back to work with punches in the corner before hitting a clothesline for yet another two count.

Hogan with a backbreaker on Warrior and he gets a two count. Hogan goes back to the headlock for a bit and delivers a knee to Warrior’s back. Hogan picks him up for a suplex but Warrior kicks out again. Back to the headlock until Warrior breaks out of it and we get a double clothesline to send both men to the mat. Warrior is the first to sit up and Hogan joins him. Warrior starts shaking the ropes as Hogan hits him in the back. Warrior takes control with multiple clotheslines and then he Irish whips Hogan a few times into the corner. Warrior follows that up with a suplex, but Hogan kicks out at two.

Warrior goes to the standing bearhug for a few minutes, which leads to the ref dropping the arm. But Hogan holds his arm up the third time and fights out of the hold. Warrior then goes for a shoulder charge on Hogan but hits the ref instead. Warrior heads up top and hits a flying double axe handle. Warrior tries to keep the offense going but Hogan counters and throws him face-first to the mat. Hogan then covers Warrior for an obvious pin but the ref is still down. Warrior gets up and hits back suplex for another obvious pin with the ref still on the mat. The ref crawls over as the Warrior goes for the pin, but Hogan kicks out at two. Hogan then does the school boy on Warrior for a near fall. The crowd is going nuts.

Hogan with a clothesline to send Warrior outside the ring. They battle on the floor with Hogan using a headbutt on Warrior. But Warrior answers by throwing Hogan into the post. Back in the ring and Warrior hits a clothesline. Warrior picks Hogan up for the gorilla press slam and then hits the splash, but Hogan kicks out once again. Hulk up time as Warrior delivers several hard rights. Hogan with the punches and the big boot. Hogan goes for the leg drop but Warrior moves out of the way before hitting the splash to win the titles at 22:51. After the match, Hogan gets in the ring and raises Warrior’s hand as he hands him the titles. Again, there will be those that will hate on this match because of how they feel about the two participants. However, this more than delivered. The finishing sequence was awesome, and this was simply a fun main event.

• Rating: ****


You won’t find many technical masterpieces on this show, but the cast of characters was one of the best of any event in wrestling history. As was usually the case during this era, lots of the matches on the card were used to push storylines, and there was nothing wrong with that. The Hogan vs. Warrior main event exceeded expectations, and Andre’s turning on Heenan and riding off into the sunset was quite a visual. Fun show.

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Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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