Blake’s WCW WrestleWar 1990 Review: Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger

In this WCW WrestleWar 1990 review, the main event looks a little different due to Sting’s injury.

But would Ric Flair and Lex Luger still be able to deliver a classic?

Let’s jump in.

Date: February 25, 1990

Location: Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC

ON THE STAGE: Jim Ross and Terry Funk welcome us. They hype the big matches as Funk seemingly forgot what he was supposed to say for each of them.

BACKSTAGE: Gordon Solie with Teddy Long. Solie asks about Dan Spivey’s condition, and Teddy says he won’t be able to wrestle. Teddy then reveals that he’s hired someone for a ONE-SHOT DEAL.

Kevin Sullivan and Buzz Sawyer vs. The Dynamic Dudes

Yes, the Dudes are still teaming up at this point and wowing the world with their incredible skills. Johnny Ace claps for a bit and lands a dropkick to send Sawyer outside. And then Johnny comes flying over the top with the splash onto Sawyer. Nice double team move from the Dudes but Sawyer is able to make the tag to Sullivan., who immediately gets the arm drag from Shane. Then we get a hammerlock from Shane and the Dudes are double teaming again. Sawyer gets the tag but for some reason he and Sullivan start slapping each other.

Sawyer with a big slap to Johnny but then he misses a spear in the corner. More tags as Shane gets thrown outside by Sullivan. That allows Sawyer to go out and hit a wild suplex on Shane on the floor. They get Shane back in and Sawyer hits the belly-to-belly suplex. Then a side suplex from Sawyer for a near fall. Shane tries to get some momentum with  a sunset flip but Sullivan tags in Sawyer, who then proceeds to bite Shane in the back. That’s one way to do it.

Sawyer goes to the bear hug on the mat until Shane gets things vertical momentarily before Sullivan gets the tag. Sullivan hits a cheap shot to Johnny and then throw Shane out to allow Sawyer to do more damage. More bear hug action to Shane, but he gets out and makes the mild tag to Johnny. He starts cleaning house before he and Sawyer botch a head scissors as fans in the front row shake their heads. Suplex from Sawyer and then he hits a splash off the top for the pin at 10:15. Sawyer broke his wrist on the splash, but aside from the botch, this wasn’t all that bad.

• Rating: **

BACKSTAGE: Missy Hyatt with Norman. Missy wishes him luck and Norman manages to get her to give him a hug. He then manages to get her to kiss him on the cheek before getting denied for a kiss on the lips. Norman wasn’t lacking confidence.

Cactus Jack Manson vs. Norman the Lunatic

Norman was pretty over here as the fans pop loud at his entrance. Cactus goes to work right off the bat and gets a two count as Norman kicks out and knocks Cactus outside. Back in the ring where Norman hits a big clothesline and then gives Cactus a headbutt. We get the third bear hug of the show as Norman locks it in. Norman sends Cactus into the corner and delivers a huge splash before sending Cactus back over the top. Norman causes after him and they brawl until Norman back body drops Cactus onto the exposed floor. If you’re wondering how Foley’s body got screwed up, here’s the start of it.

Norman tries to ram Cactus into the post but it’s reversed and Norman gets it instead. Cactus hits a dropkick off the apron and he’s in complete control now. Cactus then goes for the NOSE HOLD as JR points out Norman’s missing teeth. Cactus then starts biting Norman’s forehead before getting a two count. Cactus with some more offense and another two count. JR starts questioning Norman’s cardiovascular conditioning as only JR can, and Cactus has the double chin lock hooked in. Norman reverses it by lifting Cactus in the air and dropping him on his head. Norman misses a splash but manages to reverse Cactus’ move on the ropes.

Right hands from Norman and he hits the back body drop. Cactus tries to go for the piledriver and a sunset flip, but Norman simply sits down on him and gets the pin at 9:33. Not exactly a masterpiece here.

• Rating: *

BACKSTAGE: Solie with Jim Cornette and the Midnight Express. Cornette hypes the match with the Rock ’n’ Roll Express.

The Rock ’n’ Roll Express vs. The Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)

Stan Lane and Robert Gibson start things off and Lane immediately complains to referee Nick Patrick about closed fists from Gibson. Lane tries for the leapfrog and flip but Gibson counters it to send Lane reeling to the outside. Lane then gets pissed at Patrick again and shoves him, but Patrick shoves him right back and Lane falls on the apron. Cornette then starts poking Patrick with his finger, so Patrick sends him down quickly as well. NICK PATRICK FOR WORLD CHAMP. Now Cornette is in the ring with his jacket off as Patrick untucks his shirt to square off with him. The fans are absolutely losing their minds as Cornette thinks better of things and retreats to the floor. This was great stuff.

Ricky Morton in the mix and he manages to make Lane and Bobby Eaton run into each other. That leads to Lane shoving Eaton outside the ring as Cornette tries to play peacemaker. Test of strength between Eaton and Morton as Morton climbs on Eaton’s shoulders and then flies off to hit Lane. Gibson simultaneously comes off the top rope to knock down Eaton and that was a magnificent sequence. Morton then literally kicks Lane’s ass to send him reeling. Morton goes off the ropes but Cornette grabs his foot, which leads Morton to throwing Cornette in the ring. Another fun double team sequence as Morton bashes Eaton and Lane’s heads together before Gibson runs over and knocks Cornette off the apron and onto the floor. That leads to what is easily the spot of the match, as Lane runs out and starts doing CHEST COMPRESSIONS on Cornette. Absolutely hilarious.

Eaton and Morton go at it before yet another double team from the good guys, who clothesline Eaton over the top. Lane gets the tag but then he gets the double team from Morton and Gibson as well. Lane finally gets some offense as he tosses Morton outside, but Morton reverses and throws Lane’s head into the post. Eaton back in and he hits a huge uppercut in the corner to Morton as they exchange punches. Morton then flies over and both he and Eaton go falling onto the floor. Lane comes over and hits a huge bodyslam as Cornette shoves Eaton back inside. Eaton hits a backbreaker on Morton before going for the choke. Tag to Lane and now they’re the ones double teaming as Cornette gets a shot in with the handle of the tennis racket.

Kicks from Lane send Morton down and Eaton delivers an elbow to add to the advantage. Suplex from Eaton gets a two count on Morton as Lane tags back in. Powerslam from Lane and Gibson breaks up the pin. Lane aggravates Gibson as Eaton picks up Morton and throws him off the steel railing. Cornette then punches Morton for good measure. The ref still has his back turned as Eaton goes after Morton, but Morton reverses and throws Eaton face-first into the post. Lane with a two count on Morton in the ring as Cornette jumps on the apron to complain. Morton gets the sunset flip while this is going on, so there’s no one to count the pin as Patrick is distracted.

Eaton gets the blind tag and now he and Morton are going at it. Lane bacon and he uses the foot to choke Morton. Reversal from Morton but Lane quickly tags Eaton. Rest hold from Eaton and we get another tag to Lane, who goes over to put on the chin lock. Now Eaton tags back in as he goes up top and hits the flying elbow before Gibson breaks up the pin. Lane tags in and he works on Morton’s arm. And now it’s tag No. 374 as Eaton comes back into the fold. He works on Morton’s arm as well with a hammerlock until both men run into each other. Lane tags in again and catches Morton with a side slam.

Rocket launcher attempt from Lane and Eaton but Morton gets the knees up and makes his way over for the hot tag to Gibson. He gets a pin attempt on Eaton but now everyone is in the ring for a good old-fashioned BROUHAHA. Patrick gets distracted in the corner as Gibson goes off the ropes, but Cornette nails him with the racket. Eaton goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Flapjack attempt from Lane and Eaton goes wrong as Morton flies in to spear Eaton, and that allows Morton to fall on Lane for the pin at 19:31. Extremely fun match between two great teams.

• Rating: ****

BACKSTAGE: Solie with the Road Warriors and Paul Ellering. They’re wearing Sting armbands to show support for their friend. Hawk says they put 16 guys in the hospital preparing for the street fight,  and man is that a great line.

The Skyscrapers (w/Teddy Long) vs. The Road Warriors (w/Paul Ellering) – Chicago Street Fight

With Spivey being injured, Mean Mark Callous and Mike Enos (aka Blake Beverly of WWF fame) under a luchador mask are this particular version of the Skyscrapers. While Hawk and Animal are making their entrance, Teddy gets on the mic and says he’s got a big surprise for them later. Before the match starts, Teddy gets in the ring and gets clocked by Ellering. All four men brawl to kick things off as JR hypes up having no idea who the masked man is. If only he were wearing a Doom mask which completely gave away the identity. And that’s a perfect segway apparently, because here comes Ron Simmons and Butch Reed down the aisle to essentially be bodyguards for Teddy.

The action inside the ring is basically the four guys punching each other and hitting some random bodyslams here and there. Nothing like a Chicago street fight in Greensboro where all the participants are fighting in the corner of a ring Royal Rumble style. Things finally go to the outside where Hawk dropkicks Callous. That doesn’t last Callous starts throwing Hawk off the rail. On the inside, Animal and the masked man are legitimately throwing the worst punches in wrestling history aside as they appear to be going in slow motion. Skyscrapers go for the double team but Animal reverses it into a clothesline.

Callous gets clotheslined over the top and he decides he’s done with this shit. That leads to the Doomsday Device on the masked man for the pin at 4:59. After the match, Animal throws Teddy onto Doom on the outside. That leads to Doom getting inside the ring and the two teams start brawling. And if you’re wondering exactly how Hawk was beating up on Reed, Funk says that he’s “knocking the dog doo-doo out of him.” Not sure that makes sense, but let’s go with it. The post match festivities were the best part of this as the match absolutely sucked.

• Rating: DUD

ON THE STAGE: JR and Funk recap the Road Warriors/Doom stuff as Funk loses his mind and starts punching air.

The Fabulous Freebirds vs. (c) Brian Pillman and The Z-Man – United States Tag Team Titles

Hot start as the Freebirds turn around to disrobe and think that the ring ladies are taking their jackets, but Pillman and Z-Man step in as they turn around. They then put the jackets on the strut around as Hayes and Garvin go nuts on the outside. The crowd chants “Freebirds suck” which leads to Hayes stalling for a bit. Chops in the corner from Pillman and then he hits a clothesline on Hayes. Garvin and Z-Man tag in and we get a flurry of offense from Z-Man. Pillman back in and he gets a crucifix pin for a two count. Hayes tags in but Pillman keeps the offense going by smashing his head off the turnbuckle. Pillman then hits a flying cross body off the top for a two.

More back and forth with a sunset flip for a near fall from Pillman. Nice double team from Pillman and Z-Man and now Z-Man applies the wrist lock on Hayes. But Hayes gets an advantage with a clothesline before tagging to Garvin. Z-Man quickly goes to the wrist lock on Garvin, but Garvin reverses into a head scissors. Hayes gets tagged before locking in the sleeper hold on Pillman. He battles out of it after about a minute, but Hayes regains control with an elbow to the face. Hayes hits his own cross body off the top but Pillman reverses for a near fall.

Double team from the Freebirds for a two count as Pillman tries to fight back but keeps getting stopped. Eventually we get the mild tag to Z-Man, who hits a slam on Garvin before getting kicked in the face. Hayes in and Z-Man delivers the 10 punches in the corner routine. Sleeper hold from Z-Man as the ref gets distracted with Pillman, which allows Garvin to come off the top and nail Z-Man. Hayes gets a two count and then throws Z-Man to the floor. They start fighting on the floor and then Hayes throws Z-Man shoulder-first into the post. Tag to Garvin and here’s another sleeper hold spot.

After about four hours and 38 minutes, Hayes tags in and now he’s got Z-Man in the sleeper hold. Z-Man finally breaks out of it and gets the small package on Hayes for a two count. Garvin returns and he gets a two as the crowd is clearly bored out of their minds. Hey, here’s a chin lock from Hayes to get them excited. Hayes then goes up top and apparently decides against it as he simply drops back down for no reason at all.

Double team from the Freebirds that leads to a bulldog from Hayes, but Pillman breaks up the pin attempt. CHIN LOCK from Hayes and my goodness this is brutal. Z-Man finally gets a DDT and makes the hot tag to Pillman. He runs wild with dropkicks before getting thrown into the camera man on the apron. However, that doesn’t stop him as he goes up top and hits the flying cross body for the pin at 24:32. Yes, 24 MINUTES AND 32 SECONDS for this match. Not sure who thought this was a good idea.

• Rating: *1/2

Arn Anderson and Ole Anderson vs. (c) The Steiner Brothers – NWA Tag Team Titles

We go straight into this match, and it’s probably because people thought the Freebirds would come back out and try to go another half hour. Arn quickly knocks Rick off the apron, but Rick gets his payback by pulling Arn outside and punching him. Scott goes to work on Arn in the corner and Rick goes over to kick Ole’s ass. Arn tries to put together some offense, but that doesn’t work as the beatdown continues on both Horsemen. Rick and Ole square off and it leads to all four men going at it.

Order is restored as Rick locks in the headlock on Arn. Rick then hits a nice power slam and Arn retreats momentarily before gaining an advantage. Arn goes up top but Rick hops up, so Arn decides he’s had enough and walks up the aisle. He comes back but gets an inverted atomic drop from Scott, who then locks in the Figure Four. Ole breaks that up and Scott doesn’t much care for it. He gets some offense on Ole before tagging Rick back in.

Arn and Ole start double teaming in the corner, but once again Rick has a counter with a suplex. Ole tries to gain an advantage by ramming Rick’s head into the turnbuckle, but that doesn’t work either. Another double team from Arn and Ole on Rick, and Ole drops elbow for a near fall. Scott tags in as Funk starts talking about shooting his dog, and that seems less than ideal. Scott and Arn go outside the ring and Scott gets his arm thrown across the rail. Ole then throws Scott into the rail to add more damage.

Arm bar from Ole, and now Arn comes in to work on the arm. Scott fights out and hits the Frankensteiner as Arn rolls over to tag Ole, but Scott is able to get the tag to Rick. He goes nuts with clotheslines and then counters a double team to lock in the inside cradle on Ole for the win at 16:05. Afterwards, Arn and Ole destroy Scott’s arm. There just weren’t enough chin locks for my liking in this one, but overall, a decent match.

• Rating: **1/2

BACKSTAGE: Solie with Lex Luger. He says he has butterflies, but he’s ready for Ric Flair.

BACKSTAGE: Solie with Flair and Woman. Solie says people are saying Flair is gonna lose. Flair says he doesn’t care about anyone else’s opinion.

Lex Luger vs. (c) Ric Flair (w/Woman) – NWA World Heavyweight Title

Sting gets a grand entrance before the match as he comes out in the full leg brace and gets plenty of cheers prior to heading to back. We get the full title bout effects with Nick Patrick going over the rules as Flair and Luger are face to face, and it’s a shame this tactic isn’t utilized more in wrestling. Shoving match early on with Luger knocking Flair to the mat. Headlock from Luger sends Flair back down, and Flair gets up pissed. That leads to shoving between Flair and Patrick.

Luger with the finger lock, and we’ve had just about every lock there is on this show. Flair regroups to the outside for a bit and then taunts Luger once he gets back in the ring. Flair whips Luger into the corner, but Luger comes off full head of steam and clotheslines the shit out of him. Flair and Woman start to leave but Luger picks Flair up and throws him back in the ring. Flair manages to drop Luger’s head over the ropes and then starts to pose. Problem is, it didn’t affect Luger and he delivers an impressive military slam on Flair.

Shoulder block from Flair but that leads to another crazy press slam. Luger goes for the pin but Flair has an arm under the ropes. Chop in the corner from Flair and it doesn’t phase Luger a bit, so it’s military press time again. Luger throws Flair off the ropes and picks up him for a bear hug, but Flair eventually fights out of it with a punch to the eye. Back to the corner and Luger hits 10 punches before we get the trademark Flair flop. Hip toss from Luger, but then he misses a clothesline over the top as Flair ducks it. Flair sends Luger into the steel rail and then we get a vicious chop to Luger’s chest.

More chops inside from Flair as he tells Woman to come on the apron. Flair throws Luger back onto the floor and Woman is distracting Patrick while Flair delivers one of his best chops ever. More offense from Flair sends Luger to the floor once again. Back inside and Flair drops the right knee on Luger’s throat. Another knee drop from Flair for a two count. Back and forth chops and punches, with Flair regaining control by going to work on the arm while using the ropes for leverage. He then says “sit down fat boy and keep your mouth shut” to one of the fans. TRUE HEEL HEAT, FOLKS.

Flair figures he might as well chop Luger some more, so he does. But Luger gets a little momentum by reversing into a clothesline. Flair sends Luger into the ropes, and that allows Woman to get a little work in while Patrick is distracted. There’s a guy in the front row that starts holding up a “We Have Herd Enough” in what is clearly a vote of confidence for Jim Herd. How can anyone hate a guy who created the DING FUCKING DONGS? Flair goes after Luger’s arm again and then drapes Luger over the rope while Woman gets in another cheap shot.

Lateral press and numerous pin attempts from Flair with his foot on the ropes for leverage, but Luger kicks out. Here comes Luger, who whips Flair into the corner for the flip outside the ring. Now we’ve got chops on the outside, and Flair slides back in the ring to beg Luger to stop. Flair whips Luger off the ropes but Luger secures the sleeper hold. Another Irish whip and Luger catches into the sleeper again momentarily, but Flair reverses into a suplex. Flair on the apron now, and he tries to suplex Luger to the floor but it gets reversed. Luger slides out and throws Flair’s leg off the post.

Luger attempts the Figure Four on Flair but it doesn’t work. Chops again from Flair and there’s some miscommunication on the shoulder block that sends both men down. They go for it again but Luger catches Flair for a power slam and a near fall. Flair tries for more chops but Luger isn’t having it. Flair flies off the ropes and attempts a flying elbow, but Luger once again just stands there. Flair rolls outside and Luger chases before getting a thumb to the eye. Flair tries a hip toss inside, but Luger blocks it into a backslide for a two count.

Another punch sequence in the corner from Luger, but that doesn’t last as Flair hits the atomic drop to get out of it. Flair off the top with the right hand to the head and then he does it again for a near fall. Double arm suplex from Flair for yet another two count as Dave Meltzer watches in the background in a sweet 90s jacket. Flair hops on Luger’s back to lock in the sleeper hold, and that leads to Flair getting a roll up for a two count. Luger then hits a clothesline for a two count of his own.

Luger goes for the elbow drop but Flair moves out of the way. Chops in the corner from Flair and then he starts working on Luger’s leg. Flair locks in the Figure Four and holds the ropes for leverage as Patrick is clueless like most WCW referees during this era. The fans start going absolutely nuts, and it’s because Sting is making his way to the ring. Luger turns Flair over and manages to reach the ropes as Sting looks on intently.

Patrick pulls Flair away, and it’s time for Sting to deliver his best Rocky Balboa speech to Luger. Sting tells him to “kick his you know what” and man if that doesn’t get you fired up, I don’t know what will. Sting then slaps Luger in the face for the added effect. Flair chops Luger but he’s too fired up to KICK HIS YOU KNOW WHAT to care about a simple chop. They roll to the outside where Flair throws Luger into the rail, but he’s still focused on the YOU KNOW WHAT. Luger chases Flair back in and hits a huge press slam before Flair gets the eye poke. Flair goes up top, but Luger throws him off and hits a couple clotheslines before a third sends Flair to the floor.

Luger with the vertical suplex to Flair to get him back in the ring and that earns a near fall. JR is yelling like crazy now as Luger goes for a pin, but Woman slaps him in the face. Luger then grabs Woman’s arm and pulls her on the apron. Flair hits the knee from behind on Luger, but Patrick was right there and gets clocked in the process. More corner punches from Luger, and he slings Flair into the corner which leads to Flair running to the opposite turnbuckle. But Luger catches him off the top with a clothesline and goes for the pin, which isn’t gonna happen since Patrick is still down. Woman is on the apron as Luger hits a superplex, but once again, there’s no one to count the pin.

Arn and Ole hit the ring as Luger nails them both. Luger then locks in the Torture Rack as Patrick finally gets to his feet. Meanwhile, Arn grabs Sting and Ole goes to hit him with the crutch, but Luger drops Flair and goes outside to start kicking Ole’s ass. Arn also starts getting his ass kicked by Luger, and in true WCW fashion, we get the countout at 38:08 to allow Flair to retain. The Horsemen gang up on Luger after the match, but the Steiners make the save. An excellent match that had everyone believing that Luger was about to become champion. Of course, it was also another case of Luger coming up short in a huge match, which didn’t help him at all. But it was obvious that this spot was meant for Sting, and even in his absence, Flair and Luger delivered in a big way. The countout finish hurts it a little, but it’s still a classic.

• Rating: ****1/2


There are two great matches on this show with Midnight Express/Rock ’n’ Roll Express and Flair/Luger, but everything else was pretty brutal for the most part.

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Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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