Blake’s WCW Souled Out 1998 Review: Bret Hart’s In-Ring Debut

In this WCW Souled Out 1998 review, Bret Hart makes his WCW debut against Ric Flair, Randy Savage battles Lex Luger in the main event, and much more.

Let’s jump in!

  • Show: WCW Souled Out 1998
  • Date: January 24, 1988
  • Location: Hara Arena in Trotwood, OH

VIDEO: Nice package (zing!) with heel Eric Bischoff hyping up the match between Kevin Nash and The Giant.

RINGSIDE: Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, and Dusty Rhodes discuss the card.

1. Juventud Guerrera/Super Calo/Lizmark Jr./Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. La Parka/Silver King/Psychosis/El Dandy

Quite an assortment of talent in this match. I’ve said this in other reviews, but Mike Tenay add so much to these matches with his incredible knowledge and broadcasting approach. Fun back and forth between Lizmark and Silver King, then there’s lots of charisma on display with the Juvi/La Parka exchange. The crowd pops huge for Judi’s 450 Splash, and there’s another wild exchange after that with numerous competitors hitting moonsaults to the outside. It’s Chavo hitting the DDT on Psychosis to earn the win at 9:30. La Parka takes out everyone with chairs after the match to a round of cheers. *** (Recommended)

ON THE STAGE: Mean Gene Okerlund plugs the WCW Hotline.

IN THE RING: Raven says The Flock is banned from ringside for his upcoming match against Chris Benoit because he doesn’t need them.

2. Raven vs. Chris Benoit

They brawl outside to start things off, which is understandable given it’s been a long build in this feud. Raven takes a chair to Benoit’s back, then it’s the bulldog on the chair for two. Reversal sends Raven into the seat of the chair, and Benoit hits a suplex on Raven onto the chair for another two. Benoit throws Raven into the steps and railing as they fight up the aisle and ramp with Benoit suplexing Raven on the ramp. More Benoit offense, and the crowd is into it. Benoit hits the headbutt onto the chair on Raven, with Benoit down until another near fall. And then Benoit locks in the crossface, with Raven laughing until he passes out at 10:36. Kidman runs in to attack, but Dean Malenko makes the save. He clears out The Flock after that. ***1/2 (Recommended)

3. Chris Jericho vs. (c) Rey Mysterio Jr. – Cruiserweight Title

Lots of “Jericho Sucks” chants, and that plays into a quick start for Rey. However, Rey plays up a knee issue, and Jericho takes advantage by jumping off the steps and driving a knee into Rey. The latter hits an incredible springboard off the top into a sunset flip onto Jericho. More back and forth between two terrific workers, but Jericho manages to reverse Rey’s offense into the Lion Tamer, and Rey has no choice but to quickly tap to allow Jericho to win the title at 8:22. *** (Recommended)

IN THE RING: Jericho tells the crowd not to boo him. They do, so he goes after Rey’s knee again, and officials have to carry out Rey.

IN THE RING: Gene is with JJ Dillon, who talked to Roddy Piper about the title situation. Here comes Piper, and he makes a Bill Clinton joke before calling out Sting. He walks out like normal (another small tidbit that doesn’t make sense), then Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall, and Eric Bischoff make their way out. Piper notes that Hall does deserve a title shot after winning World War 3, and then he makes it official: Sting vs. Hogan at SuperBrawl VIII for the WCW title. Hogan pushes Sting and wants backup from Hall, but Hall leaves.

4. Rick Martel vs. Booker T – TV Title

The announcers continue to play up the nWo’s issues. It’s fun to see Martel in this one as he tried to rejuvenate his career. He’s still in good shape. This match doesn’t really match the action of the first three or the Hogan/Sting segment, as it’s mostly a lot of rest holds and mat work. The crowd just isn’t into it. Martel goes to the Boston Crab, but Booker gets to the ropes. Booker then hits the Harlem Hangover to retain the title at 10:50. Martel hands over the title and they shake hands, but Saturn arrives to attack Martel as Booker returns to make the save. **1/2

5. Scott Hall vs. Larry Zbyszko

Louie Spicolli is out with Hall, and here comes Dusty, who leaves the broadcast booth to join Larry. You know something is up. Hall’s mannerisms are just great. Hall takes control with huge “Larry Sucks” chants from the nWo-friendly crowd. Hall goes for the Razor’s Edge but Larry reverses with lots of offense. Larry accidentally kicks the ref, and Hall goes for the pin but there’s no ref. Spicolli comes in, and Dusty attacks him. Then comes the big spot as Dusty clocks Larry before revealing his nWo shirt. Hall and Spicolli celebrate, and Dusty drops elbows on Larry. Schiavone goes radio silent. This was a dumb turn on all levels, and officially, Larry wins by DQ at 8:09. Even more “Larry Sucks” chants afterward. **

6. Buff Bagwell/Scott Norton/Konnan vs. Ray Traylor/Steiner Brothers

Schiavone leaves the booth to play up the stunning Dusty turn, and that’s a nice touch. Tenay comes back in to add commentary as Schiavone is simply speechless. Tenay plays up Dusty being a sellout. There was a similar six-man to this one at Starrcade, but at least we get a fun hoss exchange from Norton and Traylor. They work to Rick Steiner getting the hot tag, with the story being that the babyfaces won’t make the tag to Scott Steiner. They play up Scott grabbing the referee for the third time, then the heels work over Rick. Traylor wants Scott to stay on his side of the apron, and the announces blame the Dusty heel turn for the crowd not being into the match. Scott shoves the ref yet again, with the heels working over Rick in a lengthy spot. Ted DiBiase fights Vincent on the outside for a WWF callback, and it’s Scott who hits the screwdriver for the victory. Buff sends a super secret signal to Scott after the match. **

7. Kevin Nash vs. The Giant

Hogan and Bischoff are out with Nash. Of course, this was originally scheduled for Starrcade 1997, but Nash wasn’t at the show. Schiavone hypes up Giant’s backstory with the nWo, and at the very least, it’s quite a visual with Giant and Nash in the ring. They’re tall. Nash goes FLYING over the top but Giant catches him. He certainly didn’t get all of that one. Hogan hits Giant with a chair as the ref has his back turned, and Nash is angry that Giant isn’t counted out. Back and forth power moves until Giant choke slams Bischoff, but Nash hits Giant with HOT COFFEE. After that, it’s the infamous spot where Nash goes for the Jackknife on Giant but nearly breaks his neck. Legit one of the scariest spots you’ll see, and I have no idea how it didn’t break Giant’s neck. Nash then just covers Giant for the win at 10:47. Heenan is concerned as the trainers come to put a compress over Giant’s eyes after he got dropped on his neck. Yes, because the coffee is the bigger issue after that botched powerbomb. They even show the replay multiple times. What a mess. **

8. Ric Flair vs. Bret Hart

This is Bret’s debut match in WCW. Plenty of technical wrestling early on, but Bret is able to lock in the Figure Four before Flair reaches the ropes. Bret is the aggressor with Flair playing off of him. The story features both men wearing the other down, and it’s Bret who works on Flair’s knees. Bret goes for the Figure Four once again but Flair reverses. Flair clips Bret’s knee and locks on his own Figure Four, though Bret reverses to get out of it. Bret dares Flair to chop him in a cool sequence. From there, Bret hits a superplex and puts on the Sharpshooter to force Flair to tap at 18:06. Great wrestling match, and while on paper it seemed like an easy choice for the main event, the post-match angle after the next match is likely why it was slotted in this spot. ***3/4 (Recommended)

9. Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger

Savage uses his trademark stalling until Liz hits Luger in the back in the aisle. Liz uses a bandana to choke Luger, which naturally prompts Heenan to call for a body search of Liz for more weapons. Heenan was hilarious. Tenay offers an update on Rey’s knee injury because Tenay is the best. Liz slaps Luger to give Savage the advantage yet agin. They fight through the crowd, then Luger takes control until Hall comes out with a chair. Hogan stops Hall, which prompts Luger to throw Savage into Hall to knock Hall off the apron. Luger then goes to the Torture Rack on Savage to pick up the victory at 7:07. **

IN THE RING: After the match, the nWo goes at Luger, but Sting makes the save. Luger then racks Nash in an impressive feat. Sting puts Hogan in the Scorpion Deathlock and the crowd is going nuts. This was a pretty great angle.

Blake’s Take on WCW Souled Out 1998
  • Best Match: Ric Flair vs. Bret Hart
  • Show MVP: Bret Hart
  • Overall Rating: 7.5/10
  • Thoughts: Bret/Flair, Raven/Benoit, and the Hogan/Sting angle were all enjoyable, and overall, this is undoubtedly one of WCW’s best PPVs during this era. However, Nash dropping Giant was rough. Really rough. As for the main event choice, again, it was more for the angle than the match. The Dusty turn was something, but this show was at least a step in the right direction after the debacle that was Starrcade.

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Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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