Blake’s Mid-South Wrestling 1/23/82 Review: Mr. Olympia Goes For Gold

In this Mid-South Wrestling 1/23/82 review, Bob Orton Jr. defends the Mississippi Heavyweight title against Mr. Olympia, Paul Orndorff and Bob Roop square off with Ted DiBiase and Dick Murdoch, and much more.

Let’s jump in!

Show: Mid-South Wrestling

Date: January 23, 1982

Watch: Peacock

RINGSIDE: Boyd Pierce and Bill Watts hype the card, which will be headlined by Bob Orton Jr. defending the Mississippi Heavyweight title against Mr. Olympia. Also, lots more chaos! Boyd notes the dream match mail-ins mentioned how much they want Watts as the guest commentator, so he’s back.

Tom Renesto vs. Brian Blair

Blair has become the trademark opener on these shows. He uses is technician style of offense to work on Renesto’s arm, while Watts is namedropping college wrestling coaches. Blair is just playing the ultimate babyface, and he walks the ropes to hit an elbow to Renesto. After that, it’s the guillotine into the pin for the win.

RINGSIDE: Watts talks about The Iron Sheik not respecting the customs of the US. Then we get a video recap of Sheik destroying Zapata as Skandor Akbar tells Boyd and Watts that Sheik is having a sit-down strike until he gets true competition. Akbar taunts The Junkyard Dog, and they throw it to another video recap of the match between Sheik and JYD, which was won by JYD after Akbar’s interference backfired on him.

IN THE RING: Akbar reveals that Sheik has been recalled to Iran by a spiritual leader, so there will be no rematch. That’s a true heel explanation. Akbar wants everyone to treat Sheik with respect. If not, SHEIKY BABY make you humble!

RINGSIDE: Another replay of Afa and Sika destroying their opponents on last week’s show.

Carlos Zapata vs. Mike George

CARLOS GETS HIS NAME BACK. You’d have to read the previous review to get that reference. Nonetheless, I’m happy for Carlos. Everyone deserves a first name. Except for maybe Sting. Watts hypes up the backstory with George’s allegiance to JYD and how despite the predictions, he hasn’t turned on his partner. Carlos does some nice selling in this one, and George finishes him off for the easy victory.

Mr. Olympia vs. (c) Bob Orton Jr. – Mississippi Heavyweight Title

Gotta love a good title match. They take it to the mat early, with Olympia using the head scissors on Orton. The latter tries overpower Olympia, but it’s right back to the head scissors. Watts announces that next week it’s Orton and Paul Orndorff vs. JYD and George. Should be entertaining. All Olympia thus far, but Orton reverses an Irish Whip by coming off the second rope with a hard clothesline. Orton tries to hit the piledriver again, but the strength of Olympia doesn’t allow it. Olympia locks on the sleeper and folks, we’ve got a new champion! That finish, like the RKO, came outta nowhere.

Paul Orndorff and Bob Roop vs. Ted DiBiase and Dick Murdoch

This was set up from the chaos after the Roop vs. Murdoch match last week. The fans lose their minds when DiBiase and Orndorff tag in, and there are some vocal Orndorff fans in the crowd. DiBiase quickly works to the Figure Four on Orndorff, and yet again, it’s reversed into the Indian Deathlock. However, DiBiase reverses it back, but Roop distracts the ref to break it up. Murdoch isn’t having that as he goes after Roop, but Orndorff hits him from behind and in the process, sends Murdoch into the referee who goes flying outside. Orton runs in and hits the piledriver on DiBiase. But DiBiase counters the spike piledriver attempt, which leads to the referee coming back in as Murdoch pins Orton for the win. Of course, Orton wasn’t legally in the match, and the heels beg the referee to overturn the decision but to no avail.

Ed Wiskowski vs. Terry Daniels

Daniels looks 14 or so. Therefore, I don’t like his chances against the Polish Prince. Daniels does show some aggression going after Wiskowski’s knees as Watts announces DiBiase vs. Roop for next week. Meanwhile, Wiskowski comes off the top and destroys Daniels’ back, then hits the backbreaker for the victory.

Billy Ash vs. Frank Monte

Big fan of Monte’s work thus far since we started the rewatch series. These two counter each other’s mat offense for a bit as Watts lets us know there’s two minutes of TV time remaining. He also tells us about Ash’s father, who makes respectable wrestling boots. Monte goes to the sunset flip for a near fall, and they continue to battle it out as the show goes off the air with the time limit draw.

Blake’s Take on Mid-South Wrestling 1/23/82

  • Best Match: Paul Orndorff and Bob Roop vs. Ted DiBiase and Dick Murdoch
  • Show MVP: Bob Orton Jr.
  • Overall Rating: 6.0/10
  • Thoughts: This wasn’t the most noteworthy episode of Mid-South Wrestling, but as always, it’s an easy watch with a lot of action and storylines packed into 45 minutes. Though there no must-see matches, the crowd was great for the Orndorff/Roop vs. DiBiase/Murdoch tag match.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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