Blake’s Mid-South Wrestling 1/16/82 Review: Six-Man Tag Dream Match

In this Mid-South Wrestling 1/16/82 review, it’s a six-man tag team dream match involving Andre the Giant, Dusty Rhodes, and The Junkyard Dog.

Let’s jump in!

  • Show: Mid-South Wrestling
  • Date: January 16, 1982
  • Watch: Peacock

RINGSIDE: Boyd Pierce is back, baby! As noted, he was in Hawaii on vacation in our previous highlight show review. Bill Watts is also back as guest commentator. Boyd hypes a second big dream match chosen by the fans, as Ernie Ladd and the Samoan Warriors will square off with Andre the Giant, Dusty Rhodes, and The Junkyard Dog. Plus, it’s Bob Roop vs. Dick Murdoch. For what it’s worth, the January 7 show is not available on Peacock or the WWE Network, so it jumps ahead to this one. Knowing Watts, we’ll get the backstory of what happened on that episode.

The Monk vs. Brian Blair

The Monk also returns! Ladd calling Monk’s match is still one of the early highlights of these Mid-South reviews. Watts has to board his airplane soon, and Boyd begs him to stay on commentary for as many matches as he wants. Watts leaving in the middle of the show?! Blair works on Mr. Monk for a while as Watts commends Boyd on his outfits, then it’s Blair using the standing guillotine to lean back for the pin and the win.

Ernie Ladd and The Samoan Warriors vs. Andre the Giant, Dusty Rhodes, and The Junkyard Dog

Andre, Dusty, and JYD all on the same team really is quite a spectacle. The fans got it right with those dream match mail-ins. Watts wasn’t boarding that plane before this match, as he’s amazed by Andre’s size. All babyface in the early going, with Andre using the DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER on Afa and Sika. Ladd eventually comes in and we’ve got a HOSS FIGHT with Ladd and Andre. It’s Andre who gets the better of the exchange, but Afa and Sika use the underhanded tactics to neutralize Andre in the corner. Andre fights out and Dusty tags himself in, as Watts notes Dusty signed his exclusive Mid-South contract last week. So, there’s some backstory. JYD and Andre wear down Ladd, and the action breaks down as Afa and Sika slam Andre. Take that, Hulkster! All six men in the ring, and a double backdrop from Dusty and JYD to Ladd leads to Andre doing an elbow drop off the second rope. AERIAL ANDRE. It was a struggle since the ropes could barely hold him, but hey, he made it work. That allowed Andre to get the pin on Ladd for the victory. By no means a technical masterpiece, but it’s entertaining for the star power involved. **1/2

Mr. Olympia vs. Zapata

Carlos Zapata has lost his first name. Blame Vince McMahon! I’m kidding. Mr. Olympia is Jerry Stubbs, who made his Mid-South debut on the lost January 7 episode. Watts tells a hell of an insider backstory who Zapata reminds him of, though he does not explain why he can’t call him Carlos. Poor Carlos. Olympia methodically works on Zapata, and the sleeper hold does the trick to give Olympia the win.

Ed Wiskowski vs. Tommy Wright

Boyd puts over Watts, who has left on his plane, as one of the greatest citizens in the history of civilization. Boyd is a true friend. The Polish Prince takes shit from absolutely no one, including Wright. Wiskowski has the match won but picks up Wright and beats him up some more. Then he does it again. Wiskowski hits the backbreaker and that’ll do it for the squash victory.

Bob Roop vs. Dick Murdoch

And here’s another HOSS FIGHT. Roop challenged Murdoch on last week’s episode, and Boyd recaps Paul Orndorff beating Ted DiBiase for the North American title, but it was reversed due to the belt not changing hands on a DQ. These two want to punch each other in the face with closed fists, so the referee makes it clear that is not acceptable. Long stretch with Roop keeping Murdoch on the mat by working over his arm, then the fists come out as both men haul off on one another. The crowd starts buzzing, as Orndorff grabs Murdoch’s leg to nearly give Roop the win. Orndorff hops on the apron, and Roop rolls up Murdoch for two. Fun spot with Murdoch kicking out and sending Roop into Orndorff. But Orndorff pounces onto Murdoch after that to force the DQ, and DiBiase runs out to make the save. **1/2

RINGSIDE: Ladd is pissed and tells Boyd he and the Samoans got robbed in their match. Ladd vows to get his revenge by going after any of JYD’s friends. Then he reveals he bought the contracts of two of the wrestlers in the next match, so Afa and Sika are being substituted into it.

The Samoan Warriors vs. Franke Monte and Jesse Barr

Monte and Barr don’t seem enthused at the lineup change. As you would expect, Afa and Sika come out on a mission and beat down Barr with Afa hitting a suplex to score the quick win. Ladd don’t mess around!

Mike George vs. Bob Orton Jr.

This will probably be a short match since there’s only four minutes left on the Peacock episode. Sure enough, it is, as they both get in a few moves before George hits a suplex and pins Orton for the victory.

IN THE RING: Here comes Ladd with Afa and Sika, and they start beating down George before JYD and Dusty run in to clear the ring.

RINGSIDE: Boyd calls over Dusty, who runs down Ladd and calls Afa and Sika baboons. Dusty talks about him and JYD biting at their booties as Boyd wraps things up.

Blake’s Take on Mid-South Wrestling 1/16/82

  • Best Match: Ernie Ladd and the Samoan Warriors vs. Andre the Giant, Dusty Rhodes, and The Junkyard Dog
  • Show MVP: Ernie Ladd
  • Overall Rating: 6.5/10
  • Thoughts: Another enjoyable episode built around lots of personal rivalries. Simple and effective storytelling is really all you need in pro wrestling, and there’s plenty of that during this period in Mid-South. And that all-star trio of Andre, Dusty, and JYD really was something.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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