Blake’s Clash of the Champions IX Review: New York Knockout

With Ric Flair and Terry Funk in the main event in this Clash of the Champions IX review, you know you’re gonna get something special.

The company was on the road to Starrcade, and there were plenty of twists and turns along the way in terms of both the tag team and main event feuds.

Let’s get to Blake’s Clash of the Champions IX Review.

  • Date: November 15, 1989
  • Location: RPI Fieldhouse in Troy, NY

VIDEO: Terry Funk and Ric Flair hype their title match.

RINGSIDE: Jim Ross and Gordon Solie talk about the card and discuss the “I Quit” stipulation in the Flair/Funk match.

The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Road Warriors (w/Paul Ellering)

Unlike at Halloween Havoc, the crowd is not having the Freebirds’ shit as they chant “Freebirds suck” at the top of their lungs. Hawk and Animal in control early until Animal misses in the corner and allows the Freebirds to start the double team strategy.

More double teaming from the bad guys until Hawk realizes that this match is actually quite boring, so he decides to pick up Tommy Young and slings him into the corner for the instant DQ at 5:18. This was a nothing match.

• Rating: 1/2*

RINGSIDE: Ross with Terry Funk and Gary Hart. Funk says he and Flair both love wrestling, and Hart tells Funk not to embarrass Texas. Funk responds by saying he doesn’t need anyone’s help because he’s the fucking best.

ON THE RAMP: Ross with Bill Apter, who says the fans voted Sting as the most popular wrestler in the world. Sting comes out in a sweet leather jacket and gets a big trophy. Sting yells and thanks the fans. Apter then gives another award for wrestler of the decade, and it’s Flair. He gets a trophy as well. They walk off with their trophies.

VIDEO: Woman says she has a large surprise for Rick Steiner.

Tommy Rich and Eddie Gilbert vs. Doom (w/Woman)

Ross with the not safe for work comment about Butch Reed and Ron Simmons being thick and big everywhere. You learn something new every day. Gilbert with some quick offense before tagging in Rich, who is clearly still recovering from his Halloween Havoc classic against the Cuban Assassin.

Good guys in control until a side slam takes Gilbert down. Big suplex and Doom takes control. Near fall on Gilbert before Rich tags in and goes bananas. Eventually we get a brouhaha with all four men in the ring, and the referee gets distracted with Gilbert which allows a double team from Doom for the win at 5:15. Better than the opener, but that’s not saying much.

• Rating: *

ON THE RAMP: Jim Cornette with a special edition of the Louisville Slugger. His guests are the Steiners, and Cornette asks Scott about his special move. Rick interrupts and calls it the Frankensteiner. Rick says Sid looks like Herman Munster. Scott says he can suplex anyone before Cornette mentions Woman’s surprise. Scott says his mom said not to hit a lady, but that she isn’t a lady. Rick rambles and that’s that.

The Dynamic Dudes vs. The Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)

Johnny Ace riding a skateboard down the ramp is worth the price of admission alone. Back and forth holds to kick things off until Cornette complains to Nick Patrick that Stan Lane had Shane Douglas by the hair. This continues the theme of everyone wondering if Cornette would remain in a neutral corner.

Ace gets in some offense, and then Douglas hits an impressive cross body over the top on Eaton on the outside. Back inside and Eaton eventually gets Douglas up top for a superplex attempt but it’s countered into a near fall. Pretty good back and forth action before Lane hits a karate kick to the SOLAR PLEXUS of Ace. Crowd is loving the Midnight Express as Lane just keeps kicking ass.

Rocket launcher attempt but Ace counters and tags in Douglas. He cleans house and we’ve got another tag team brouhaha in the ring. Cornette hops in and tells Douglas to go after Eaton but IT’S A SWERVE, BRO! Cornette nails Douglas with the tennis racket and Eaton gets the pin at 9:22. Fun stuff.

• Rating: ***

The Super Destroyer vs. Dr. Death Steve Williams

Norman comes down the ramp dressed as Santa Claus as the match starts. Destroyer is running wild until Williams decides he’s had enough. Military press slam before sending Destroyer onto a table outside. Oklahoma Stampede and that will do it at 1:41. Norman gets in after the match and gives Williams a teddy bear before they hug.

• Rating: DUD

The Skyscrapers (w/Teddy Long) vs. The Steiner Brothers

Rick comes out of the crowd with a box of popcorn for some reason. Big suplex from Rick on Spivey to start the match and then he sends him over the top with a clothesline. Back inside and Spivey hits the tombstone piledriver which only gets a two court. Rick might not have a future in this business if he keeps no-selling The Undertaker’s finisher.

Scott eventually gets in the mix and he goes nuts while the crowd is eating this up with a 1989-sized spoon. Sid goes for a splash in the corner but Scott moves. That doesn’t last long as Sid delivers a, well, VICIOUS clothesline. More back and forth, with Scott making the tag to Rick. Powerslam to Spivey and now the Steiners are double teaming.

Here comes Doom to give us our third tag team brouhaha of the night, but Scott hits the Frankensteiner. Chaos ensues as Tommy Young calls for the bell to give the Steiners the DQ victory at 6:08. Woman hits Rick with her shoe, but before Rick can get his revenge, a big unknown behemoth enters the ring to save her. Skyscrapers and Doom go to to work on the Steiners but here come the Road Warriors. DOUBLE TAG TEAM BROUHAHA as the crowd loses their fucking minds. This was fun all the way around.

• Rating: **1/2

RINGSIDE: Ross with the Steiners and Road Warriors. He hypes up the Starrcade matchups. Scott and Animal yell uncontrollably. Hawk basically says they’re gonna ruin lives, and Ellering hypes all four men.

Brian Pillman vs. (c) Lex Luger – NWA United States Heavyweight Title

Heel Luger is a national treasure. Luger stalls on the outside after Pillman gets in some offense, and some fan in a blue shirt visibly gives him the middle finger as he gets back in. Luger goes back to the outside to regroup before eventually making his way back in. Pillman skins the cat and Luger retreats to the corner, with Pillman going up top for a huge dropkick for a near fall.

Pillman decides to go chopping and he’s kicking Luger’s ass. But Pillman wants more, as he removes the padding around the post and throws Luger’s arm into it. Now he’s throwing the arm off the steel railing. Now he’s chopping the shit out of Luger. Pillman is not playing around. Back inside with Lugers regaining control with a back body drop. Military press from Luger and he throws Pillman down while the majority of the crowd is cheering him uncontrollably. Pillman tries to get some offense in but Luger slings him to the outside.

Luger goes to work on the outside and then goes back in the ring, where a fan has decided to throw some trash. WHAT A TRASHY MOVE. Luger suplexes Pillman but only gets a two count. Pillman then gets the school boy for a two. Luger with the power slam but another school boy from Pillman for the near fall. Back and forth until Pillman hits the cross body off the top and manages to hit the ref in the process. Pillman naturally gets several pitfalls while Patrick is down for the count.

Luger then goes outside and hits Pillman with one of the loudest chair shots you will ever hear, and you won’t believe this, but the REF DIDN’T HEAR IT. He crawls over and Luger gets the pin at 12:38 to retain. Luger beats the shit out of Pillman with a chair after the match before locking on the Torture Rack.

STING IS HERE. Luger grabs the mic and says it’s about time Sting had the guts to confront him. Sting slaps him silly and the crowd wants these two to go at it. Naturally, Luger gets the hell outta there. Sting chases him down the aisle and pops him. Luger still isn’t having it and heads to the back. Good stuff here.

• Rating: ***1/2

VIDEO: Flair hypes the match with Funk.

Terry Funk (w/Gary Hart) vs. Ric Flair – I Quit Match

Flair is ready to go to CHOP TOWN as soon as the match starts. Funk goes reeling over the rail outside and takes his trademark swing and miss at a fan. You just can’t beat Terry Funk, folks. Back inside and more chops. Then the action moves outside where Funk hits a cameraman before Flair chops him. Flair goes for the choke in the ring and Funk gains control as Ross and Solie get the hell out of the way when the fight goes to the apron.

Back in the ring and Flair gives a ridiculous chop. That doesn’t stop Funk as he throws Flair outside and goes to work. Funk grabs the mic and the two exchange chops before Funk rolls back in and regains the advantage. Funk beats on Flair in the corner and puts the mic in his face. Flair will have none of that as he hits the atomic drop.

More back and forth as Flair hits three straight chops to send Funk outside the ring. These chops are just insane. Funk’s mannerisms are just pure gold. Flair tells Funk to quit but that’s not happening. Flair gets distracted by Hart and Funk is back on offense. Now Tommy Young is playing the role of interviewer as he shoves the mic in Funk’s face as he yells. Young now asking Flair if he quits. NO SIR.

Funk hits the piledriver and another no from Flair. The fans are seriously concerned about Flair, but Funk does not give a damn as he tosses Flair outside again. Funk then delivers the piledriver on the floor and the Flair dynasty is over according to Solie. Back in the ring as Funk continues to go to work while Ross reminds us that this is where Mike Tyson got his last two parking tickets. JR is a gem.

Funk positions the table outside as Flair starts mounting his comeback. Flair throws him into the table and Ross lets us know that Funk is on SPAGHETTI LEGS. Flair is pissed as he sends Funk flying into the table again. Folks, Flair isn’t playing around. He decides to hit the elbow to the head of Hart and Funk eventually stumbles his way back inside the ring.

Flair drops Funk’s little funkers on the steel rail and goes back to the chops. We then get Flair dropping the knee on Funk in the ring. Flair starts working on the leg as Funk hobbles around. Funk escapes outside and Flair tracks him down so he can go after the leg again.

Flair suplexes Funk back in the ring and goes for the Figure Four but it’s blocked. And then Flair manages to suplex Funk on the apron before chopping like a madman. Flair locks in the Figure Four as Funk refuses to quit for a while before having no choice to say it at 18:33 to give Flair the win. Funk and Flair shake hands afterward but Hart is angry and goes after Funk. Flair then beats the hell out of Hart as The Great Muta and The Dragonmaster hit the ring to beat down Flair.

That brings out Sting who cleans house with Flair. Luger makes his way out and hilariously struggles to get a chair away from a fan. He then nails Sting with the chair and there is chaos everywhere with the bad guys standing tall. Luger then takes it a step further by breaking Sting and Flair’s trophies. THAT BASTARD. Great match and the angle certainly made you want to see Starrcade.

• Rating: ****1/2


There was a lot of really good stuff on this show, with the main event scene tremendous at this point. Flair/Funk and Luger/Pillman are both fun, and most of the tag team matches offer quality entertainment ahead of Starrcade.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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