Blake’s WWF Monday Night RAW 9/11/95 Review: Shawn vs. Sid

The 1995 Monday Night RAW season premiere has arrived with the RAW 9/11/95 review! And Vince McMahon’s commentary will make sure you know all about it.

Here’s the review.

  • Event: WWE RAW
  • Date: September 11, 1995
  • Location: Canton Civic Center in Canton, OH

– Vince McMahon narrates the highlight package from SummerSlam, including Shawn Michaels winning the Ladder Match against Razor Ramon. Tonight, it’s Shawn vs. Sid, and Razor vs. The British Bulldog. IS THE DOG’S BARK BIGGER THAN HIS BITE? Vince’s promos were so great. He pushed this as the new fall season of RAW and even made a Cal Ripken streak reference.

– Not gonna lie, this “I Like It Rough” RAW intro video is the one I remember least. It sure was something.

– We see the recap of Razor slapping the taste out of Dean Douglas’ mouth. 

Razor Ramon vs. The British Bulldog (w/Jim Cornette)

Before the match, Jerry Lawler claimed Cornette was gonna bring a POOPER SCOOPER for Razor. Naturally, Vince calls Lawler out of on it when said pooper scooper is not ringside. Then, of course, Lawler calls a woman in the crowd the pooper scooper.  Vince nearly gets orgasmic when Bulldog hits a vertical suplex on Razor, then does it again after a press slam that sends things to commercial.

Bulldog with all the momentum early and the Vinceisms kick in with him thinking every pin attempt is a three count. You’ve gotta love it. Tim White takes the ref bump, with Razor hitting the Razor’s Edge. Dean Douglas attacks Razor, 1-2-3 Kid tries to make the save, but Douglas kicks his ass too. Bulldog hits the Running Powerslam, but Kid back up and he accidentally flies onto Razor, leading to the DQ.

  • Blake’s Rating: **

– Bulldog destroys Kid and Razor after the match, then Cornette gets in on the action. 

– Back from break, and Lawler lets us know that “McMahon has gone up in the ring with those two losers, so now we’ve got three losers in the ring.” Absolutely hilarious. There’s dissension between Kid and Razor, with Vince serving as the shit-stirrer. Kid wants a match with Razor next week, and Razor accepts.

– The GOAT Todd Pettingill hypes Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Men on a Mission for next week.

Smoking Gunns vs. Rad Radford and The Brooklyn Brawler

Radford and Brawler. What a duo. Vince’s “what a maneuver” line will never get old. Something I’ve often wondered is how does anyone wrestle in jeans? I mean, Brawler’s jeans were more rugged, but Billy and Bart are out there wearing slim fits. The jean fit did not matter in this one, as Billy and Bart hit their finisher for the easy win.

  • Blake’s Rating: SQUASH

– Goldust is dressed in all gold to absolutely no one’s surprise. He wants a piece of The Undertaker. 

Dr. Issac Yankem vs. Scott Taylor

It’s gotta be, it’s gotta be, it’s gotta be…..ISSAC YANKEM! It’s also gotta be Scotty 2 Hotty. I doubt anyone expected these two to be popular figures in the Attitude Era, but wrestling is strange like that. As Vince noted, Yankem is drilling his way to the top in the WWF, and he added another quick victory by destroying Taylor.

  • Blake’s Rating: SQUASH

– Pettingill is inside the Events Center. We get hype for the big Shawn Michaels and Diesel vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna match at the next In Your House. We’re also getting Razor Ramon vs. Dean Douglas, Bret Hart vs. Jean Pierre Lafitte, Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The British Bulldog, and Savio Vega vs. Waylon Mercy. What an interesting card.

Sycho Sid (w/Ted DiBiase) vs. (c) Shawn Michaels – WWF Intercontinental Title

Vince is all about some Shawn Michaels at this point. THE MODERN-DAY EVEL KNIEVEL, FOLKS.  Seriously, Vince’s commentary is so over the top that it’s hilarious. DiBiase with some shenanigans on the outside after Sid sends Michaels to the floor. Something that really stands out when you go back and watch Michaels in this era is his athleticism. The man could move. Sid controlled most of the match, but Michaels took advantage late and hit the Sweet Chin Music to retain the title.

  • Blake’s Rating: **1/2

– After the match, Michaels teases a strip show in the ring and Vince is ALL FOR IT. How will we counter Nitro? By showing Michaels’ bare ass, pal!

– Doc Hendrix with Michaels and Diesel backstage. Doc asks about the triple title match at In Your House. Michaels says they’re gonna make history.

– Teaser highlights for next week, including Owen and Yokozuna vs. Men on a Mission, and Razor Ramon vs. 1-2-3 Kid.

Blake’s RAW Awards

  • Best Match: Sycho Sid vs. Shawn Michaels
  • Best Angle: Build to Razor/1-2-3 Kid
  • RAW MVP: Shawn Michaels
  • Overall RAW Rating: 5.5/10
  • Thoughts: There were a couple of squash matches and a solid main event on this season premiere edition of RAW, but not much else. Well, there was Vince screaming like a wild man about Michaels nearly going full nude. You can’t forget that. Michaels was certainly the star of show, and they promoted him as such.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.


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