Blake’s WWF Wrestling Challenge 10/11/86 Review: Devious Danny Davis

In this WWF Wrestling Challenge 10/11/86 review, Randy Savage squares off with Billy Jack Haynes, Hulk Hogan and Jake Roberts compare pythons, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: WWF Wrestling Challenge
  • Date: October 11, 1986

RINGSIDE: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan are on commentary, and they’re still awesome at it.

Billy Jack Haynes vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage (w/Elizabeth)

This is a matchup of shiny entrance attire. Inset promo from Elizabeth, who starts talking before Savage comes in angry and makes her stop. Heenan calls Billy Jack a “big tattooed fool” as Savage takes advantage. Billy Jack gets back in it with a big clothesline and suplex, then hits an axe handle off the top for two.

Billy Jack locks on the Full Nelson, only for Savage to use his body to kick the referee (one of the Hebners) and he’s down. Here comes Danny Davis, and he immediately calls for the DQ and places the blame on Billy Jack. The heel referee antics continue for Davis. Heenan is tremendous on commentary explaining how this was Billy Jack’s fault. “He picked Savage up and shoved him forward!” Just awesome. (**)

VIDEO: Wrestlers’ Rebuttal with Ricky Steamboat. He’s still not happy with Jake Roberts.

VIDEO: Bob Orton Jr. and Magnificent Muraco admire the replay of them beating down Roddy Piper on the recent Piper’s Pit vs. The Flower Shop segment (REVIEW). Muraco is dressed like Piper here. They continue to taunt Piper.

BACKSTAGE: Ken Resnick with The Machines. Big Machine rattles off Japanese words again, and Super Machine is ready for the competition in the WWF.

Butch Cooper and Barry O vs. The Killer Bees

Barry O is Barry Orton, the brother of Bob Orton Jr. and uncle of Randy Orton. We get an inset promo from the Bees, who explain the awesomeness of their masks. This is all Killer Bees, as the dropkick gets the job done for the easy victory. (SQUASH)

BACKSTAGE: Resnick with “King” Harley Race. ALL HAIL THE KING. He says he’s still the king, then takes aim at Hulk Hogan.

Mario Mancini and Nick Kiniski vs. The Hart Foundation (w/Jimmy Hart)

In another ancestry note, Nick is the son of Gene Kiniski. He actually got in some offense in this match, but this was nothing more than another showcase for a tag team on the rise. Bret finished off Mancini for the win as Gorilla keeps pushing the issues with Davis as a referee. (SQUASH)

RINGSIDE: The Snake Pit with Jake Roberts, and this week’s guest is none other than Hulk Hogan. It’s python vs. python, brother. Hogan does some flexing and Jake isn’t impressed by the pythons. Jake asks him if he’d turn his back on a man he’s afraid of, and Hogan says no and walks off. It’s a shame these two never had a top-tier feud together.

Tito Santana and Pedro Morales vs. Ken Glover and Steve Lombardi

It’s the Brooklyn Brawler! Also, Heenan is now doing Mexican jokes, which isn’t much of a surprise. The crowd is really behind ultimate babyface Tito, and while Gorilla and Heenan are bickering at one another, Morales pins Glover for the easy win. (SQUASH)

Moondog Spot vs. Toma

One half of the Islanders and Moondogs in singles action here. Yet another inset promo for Superstar Billy Graham, who is still on his way back to the WWF. Moondog Rex comes down and grabs Toma, and that’s not smart since it’s an automatic DQ. Haku hits the ring and the Islanders run wild. (NR)

BACKSTAGE: Resnick with The Wizard and Sika. These Wizard vignettes have been a highlight of this Wrestling Challenge review series. They’re so insane that they’re great. We get a camera zoom on Sika’s face while Wizard is screaming about Sika and Kamala coming for Hogan. As always, I appreciate characters having a goal, especially when it comes to going after the champion.


Overall Rating: 6.0/10

Thoughts: Tag teams were the main focus of this particular episode in terms of the in-ring action. The Savage/Billy Jack match was entertaining, and you know how much I love these ridiculous Wizard vignettes at this point. They’re just the best.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.


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