Blake’s WWF Wrestling Challenge 9/6/86 Review: The Debut Episode

In this WWF Wrestling Challenge 9/6/86 review, it’s the debut edition of the show with Cowboy Bob Orton explaining his split with Roddy Piper, Jake Roberts and Randy Savage forming an alliance, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: WWF Wrestling Challenge
  • Date: September 6, 1986

RINGSIDE: Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to the debut episode, with Ernie Ladd and Johnny Valiant joining him.

Mike Sharpe and Don Muraco (w/Mr. Fuji) vs. Mike Rotundo and Danny Spivey

Ladd on commentary is always my jam, so our first venture into Wrestling Challenge should be fun. We get an inset promo early in the match from Superstar Billy Graham, who hypes his big comeback. The action breaks down with all four men in the ring, and Spivey helps Rotundo reverse Sharpe’s pin attempt into his own pin for the win. (*)

VIDEO: It’s the Wrestlers’ Rebuttal segment of the week, and Randy Savage is PISSED about Elizabeth getting cheers. Macho wants the cheers! Old segments like this are so simple but effective at developing characters.

Adrian Adonis (w/Cowboy Bob Orton and Jimmy Hart) vs. Tommy Sharp

I don’t like ‘ol Tom Sharp’s chances in this one. As you would expect, the heels play the number game as Hart distracts the referee while Orton comes in for the double team on Sharp. That allows Adonis to come off the top and score the easy win. (SQUASH)

BACKSTAGE: Ken Resnick with Orton. He says Adonis and Hart offered him more than Roddy Piper. Again, such a simple way to push the reason why Orton decided to leave Piper and join Adonis and Hart.

Bob Bradley vs. Koko B. Ware

Valiant jokes that Koko’s name reminds him of a breakfast cereal. I mean, the connection makes sense. Koko’s inset promo is all energy, and one could even say it’s high energy. And since this was the mid-80s, Valiant proclaims the female referee should be home doing the dishes. Of course he said that. Koko does several high-flying moves and notches the victory. (SQUASH)

BACKSTAGE: Resnick with Hart. He gives his side of the story on bringing in Orton.

Troy Martin vs. Paul Orndorff (w/Bobby Heenan)

Orndorff comes out to Hulk Hogan’s music in a great heel move. For the wrestling trivia buffs out there, Martin is the future Shane Douglas. Inset promo from Honky Tonk Man, who isn’t happy with Orndorff. I’m sure there’s a backstory to Honky playing a babyface, but I have no idea what it is. Orndorff destroys Martin on the outside, then brings him back in and hits the piledriver for the win. (SQUASH)

VIDEO: The Snake Pit with Jake Roberts features Kamala. This was such an 80s presentation, but I absolutely love it. Short segment with the Wizard hyping Kamala’s uniqueness.

VIDEO: And now it’s the coronation of King Harley Race. All the heels are gathered around the throne, with Heenan reading off of a scroll. Vince McMahon is losing it on commentary at this whole display, especially when Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy carry Race away.

VIDEO: We get a random replay from Superstars of The Machines coming out for a match.

The Moondogs vs. The British Bulldogs (w/Captain Lou Albano)

Ladd pushes the importance of a win for The Moondogs in their quest for the tag titles. It’s the little things. Valiant is still pissed at the Bulldogs beating The Dream Team at WrestleMania 2 (review). DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER makes an appearance in this match. All four men get involved, and it’s Bulldog diving off the top with the flying cross body to earn the pin for the win. (*1/2)

BACKSTAGE: Resnick with Jake Roberts. His white jacket is full-on Don Johnson. Jake addresses the critics who want the DDT banned. In comes Savage, and these two on the same page is a dangerous thing. What a duo.


Overall Rating: 6.5/10

Thoughts: An entertaining trip down memory lane with this inaugural edition of Wrestling Challenge. The character development was just on another level in this era of wrestling, and that’s what I love most about these 80s WWF shows. A fun watch for old school wrestling fans.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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