Blake’s Mid-South Wrestling 3/6/82 Review: The Loaded Boot

In this Mid-South Wrestling 3/6/82 review, The Junkyard Dog squares off with The Grappler, Ernie Ladd sends a message to Skandor Akbar and his stable, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: Mid-South Wrestling
  • Date: March 6, 1982

RINGSIDE: Boyd Pierce and Bill Watts recap Dusty Rhodes leaving the commentary booth on last week’s episode (REVIEW), which led to Dusty getting attacked by Bob Roop and Paul Orndorff. Watts reveals Dusty was fined $2,500 and pushes the importance of the rules. We get a replay of the angle, and it’s still awesome. Watts’ attention to detail is great when he’s selling these storylines.

VIDEO: Back from break, and Watts recaps a recent show where Dusty had to fill in for The Junkyard Dog due to JYD’s daughter being sick. We see highlights from the match with Dusty teaming with Dick Murdoch to take on The Samoans. Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang interfere to allow Afa and Sika to retain the titles, with the idea that Murdoch will be sidelined due to the heels’ attack. Watts notes that Skandor Akbar’s group has taken out Ernie Ladd, Mike George, and now Murdoch.

RINGSIDE: Back from break again, and Reeser Bowden is with Ernie Ladd, who shows off the huge cast on his leg. He’s gonna be back for revenge.

VIDEO: Highlights from the tag title match from a few weeks ago, where shenanigans led to The Samoans retaining the titles against JYD and Brian Blair.

The Grappler vs. The Junkyard Dog

Something I noticed with these two is their tights are different colors, but the wording on the side of them is in the same font and color. But since you probably care more about the match, JYD presses his way out of a pin attempt and throws Grappler about 15 feet in the air. That was impressive.

JYD has Grappler tied in the ropes, so he spears him. Why not. Grappler loads the boat behind the referee’s back and nails JYD in the groin. JYD goes after the boot and eventually takes it off. Grappler grabs a cane and swings and misses, so JYD picks it up and hammers Grappler with it for the win. Who needs rules when the referee wants to see Grappler get his ass beat? (*1/2)

Bob Orton Jr. vs. “Killer” Karl Kox

Kox is back (this is the time we’ve seen him in the review series though), and Watts reminds everyone that he’s not playing with a full deck. Kox cuts a promo before the match until Orton goes after him. This was pretty much all Kox, as he hit the brainbuster on Orton to score the victory. (SQUASH)

Don Serrano vs. Iron Mike Sharpe

Another newcomer to our review series, though most wrestling fans know Sharpe from his WWF run that started in 1983. Boyd reveals that Ted DiBiase will be back as a guest commentator next week. Sharpe uses his power and takes care of business against Serrano. This was a hell of a showcase for the powerful Sharpe. (SQUASH)

Jesse Tanner vs. Jesse Barr

Two more newcomers. They are really rotating in some new faces on this episode. Watts hypes a North American title match in two weeks, with DiBiase facing either Orndorff or Roop. Watts also calls one of the Jesse’s “Jesse Ventura” which is unintentionally hilarious. Not much to this match, but Barr manages to hit a German suplex for the victory. (1/2*)


Overall Rating: 5.0/10

Thoughts: Not exactly the most noteworthy episode of Mid-South Wrestling. The first half of the show was highlights, while the second featured a few returning faces and not much else. But as always, there’s solid nostalgia despite the lack of storyline advancement.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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