Blake’s WWF Monday Night Raw 2/7/94 Review: The Demand

In this WWF Monday Night Raw 2/7/94 review, IRS looks for revenge on Marty Jannetty, a new match is made official for WrestleMania X, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: WWF Monday Night Raw
  • Date: February 7, 1994
  • Location: Fernwood Resort in Bushkill, PA

VIDEO: Vince McMahon narrates a recap of last week’s shenanigans, with the 1-2-3 Kid stealing IRS’s briefcase and the setup for the IRS vs. Marty Jannetty match.

RINGSIDE: Vince and Bastion Booger hype the matches. Booger eats what looks like some tasty nachos.

The Smoking Gunns vs. Reno Riggins and Barry Horowitz

Booger confirms the nachos are the best he’s ever had. Quite a jobber tag team with Riggins and Horowitz. For the 1994 trivia buffs, Bill Alfonso is the referee here. Riggins and Horowitz sell all of the Gunns’ offense like pros, and the most entertaining part of the match is Booger’s food puns. The Gunns hit their double team finisher for the win.

VIDEO: Recap of Owen turning on Bret Hart at the Royal Rumble (REVIEW) and his interview with Vince on All-American Wrestling. Can we get some of those episodes on Peacock? We also see the rebuttal from Bret.

Owen Hart vs. John Paul

Before the match, Owen denies a kid wearing a Bret shirt his glasses. Total heel move. Vince suggests Booger should take some ICO PRO in a funny line. Booger follows that up by saying “BoogerMania is running wild.” Classic. Owen decides not to pin Paul and keeps beating him down until finally locking the Sharpshooter for the victory.

VIDEO: Speaking of ICO PRO, Tatanka is on it. You should be too!

RINGSIDE: Booger is eating an awesome-looking pizza as Vince throws it to a video of Bearer in a graveyard. He continues hyping the return of The Undertaker.

VIDEO: The first-ever WWF Fan Festival is coming to Madison Square Garden for WrestleMania weekend.

IRS vs. Marty Jannetty

Again, this was set up throughout last week’s episode. Vince draws attention to the pizza sauce running down Booger’s arm and requests napkins for him. The commentary is one of the best things about these 1994 editions of Raw thus far.

Like any grudge match should, the action picks up when IRS slings Jannetty into the steel post. Things get more interesting as The Quebecers come out to interfere, but a referee sends them packing. Johnny Polo eventually makes his way down as well, and so does Razor Ramon. The Quebecers also come back.

It’s Polo who interferes with the ref’s back turned to give IRS the win. After the match, Razor and Jannetty take out the Quebecers to set up what I assume will be a future tag match between the four.

RINGSIDE: What do you know, we return from break and Vince announces that Razor and Jannetty called Jack Tunney to demand a tag title match in two weeks. Why two weeks? It’s Westminster Dog Show week next week! I love dogs but I remember hating Raw being preempted for it.

Sparky Plugg vs. Duane Gill

GILLBERG IS HERE. Let the streak begin. Gill is sporting Hulk Hogan-esque hair, but let’s get to the bigger story: Vince’s promotion of Silk Stalkings. Sounds like a spicy episode coming up after Raw. Plugg hits his finisher for the easy victory.

VIDEO: WrestleMania X report with Todd Pettengill. We see highlights from the coin toss, with Lex Luger winning to set up the first WWF title match against Yokozuna, while Bret will face Owen. Jim Cornette also cuts a promo explaining why Luger shouldn’t get another shot at Yokozuna. Pettengill also announces Randy Savage vs. Crush in a Falls Count Anywhere Match for the show.

Crush (w/Mr. Fuji) vs. Dave Thornberg

Booger reveals he has a date with Tonya Harding. This was indeed 1994. Vince also hypes the upcoming edition of the WWF Magazine, and as an avid collector, I need to get my hands on that one. Crush beats down poor Thornberg and hits a leg drop for the win.

RINGSIDE: Vince reveals the tag title match is official with Razor and Jannetty challenging the Quebecers. They cut backstage, and Polo and the Quebecers are so pissed that Pierre is destroying a wall. If you need a real hook for the next Raw, Vince gives Booger some Milk Bones and Alpo as the show goes off the air. What a sell.


Overall Rating: 5.0/10

Thoughts: A pretty standard edition of Raw during this era. They furthered the feud between Bret and Owen, and also set up the tag title match for the next episode. Other than that, it was mostly Bastion Booger dinner theater.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.


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