Blake’s WWF Monday Night Raw 1/20/97 Review: Controversy & Chaos

In this WWF Raw 1/20/97 review, Gorilla Monsoon addresses the controversial finish to the Royal Rumble match, Stone Cold Steve Austin squares off with The Undertaker in the main event, and much more.

Let’s jump in!

  • Show: Monday Night Raw
  • Date: January 20, 1997
  • Location: Lamar University in Beaumont, TX
  • Raw Rating: 2.2
  • Nitro Rating: 3.7

VIDEO: Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler narrate the highlights from the Royal Rumble, including the controversial finish to the Rumble match.

RINGSIDE: The announce trio is hyping the action, and here comes a pissed off Bret Hart. He gets in the ring and takes aim at Vince, saying that Vince promised him a WWF title shot when he decided to come back to the company. Bret then plays up a conspiracy theory with Vince and Shawn Michaels. Bret wants to know where his opportunity is at says he’s been screwed by Michaels, Austin, Vince, and the WWF. Man, how prophetic that line, minus Austin, would become. Bret then says he quits the WWF and leaves through the crowd. And here comes Austin. His mic isn’t working, so he runs down the mic handler. Austin taunts Bret, then does the same to Gorilla Monsoon, Sycho Sid, and The Undertaker. Vince walks to the back in disgust. This was an AWESOME way to start the show.

Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Owen Hart and British Bulldog

Before the match, we see the recap of Owen eliminating Bulldog in the Rumble while trying to eliminate someone else. Also, this is a non-title match. Furnas and LaFon were such an underrated duo. These dudes could go in the ring. Furnas showcases that with a hurricanrana on Bulldog that pops the crowd. JR also reveals that Taker has been fined for chokeslamming a referee at the Rumble. Pretty much all Furnas and LaFon in this one until Owen hits a beautiful dropkick off the top to Furnas. Coming up after Raw is LA FEMME NIKITA. What a television program. Back and forth with Furnas getting a near fall, then Owen hits an enziguri for another near fall. The crowd is into it as Owen misses a flying headbutt, and they work to a hot tag to LaFon. He runs wild and gets multiple two counts on Bulldog. The action breaks down from there, and Owen hits LaFon with the Slammy while the ref is occupied with Furnas, which allows Bulldog to hit the Running Powerslam for the win.

  • Blake’s Rating: This was great stuff between these four, but that’s not exactly a surprise given the talent involved. ***

VIDEO: Highlight package of Michaels’ entrance at the Rumble. You know the company is behind you when you get a highlight package of your entrance.

Farooq vs. Bart Gunn

Farooq is coming off the match with Ahmed Johnson at the Rumble, and my guess is Ahmed gets involved in some form or fashion. Speaking of getting involved, PG13 use some underhanded tactics on Bart while Lawler informs us Bill Clinton is tuning into Raw. Who am I to doubt the King? Farooq wears down Bart, but Bart mounts a comeback and hits a bulldog. However, more PG13 shenanigans and Bart goes after them, but he gets hammered by Farooq. Crush rolls Bart back in, and Farooq hits the Dominator for the victory.

  • Blake’s Rating: Not much to this match, though it was an effective way to push the Nation’s advantage over its opponents. *1/2

IN THE RING: Vince is out with Gorilla, who is not happy with Bret leaving. Gorilla says Austin did technically win the Rumble, but he’s no longer guaranteed a title shot at WrestleMania. And then comes the announcement of Austin vs. Taker vs. Vader vs. Bret in a four-way No DQ elimination match, with the winner set to challenge for the WWF title at WrestleMania. Austin comes out pissed and says Bret quit. Then he says there’s no instant replay in the WWF before calling Gorilla a jackass. The fans are loving Austin, who says he’ll win the match and beat up Gorilla afterward. Austin gets in Vince’s face, and BRET IS BACK and accepts the match. Wild pull-apart brawl in the aisle as Bret throws Austin into the steel steps as they go to commercial. Back from commercial and they’re still jawing at each other as Taker comes out and brawls with Bret. Then Austin jumps Taker from behind and now these two are brawling. This was just tremendous.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker

The crowd is going nuts as the match starts and these two just go right at each other. Taker takes control early, but Austin reverses the momentum and starts to wear him down. Lawler leaves commentary and yells for Austin to go after Taker’s ribs. However, Taker mule kicks Austin right in the balls, but then Austin hits him with the Stunner. Meanwhile, the camera cuts backstage, where superstars are holding back Bret and Vader. Love it. Austin tries to go up top, but Taker racks him. But Austin goes back up and hits the elbow drop for two. LA FEMME NIKITA is next, folks! Here comes Vader, and there referee calls for the bell as Taker chokeslams Vader. Bret runs in and all heel breaks loose with these four with referees doing their best to pull them apart, but it doesn’t work. They continue to brawl as the show goes off the air.

  • Blake’s Rating: Solid match that was mostly there to push the post-match angle, but given the excellence of the angle, there’s nothing wrong with that. **
Blake’s Take on WWF Monday Night Raw 1/20/97
  • Best Match: Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Owen Hart and British Bulldog
  • Show MVP: Stone Cold Steve Austin
  • Overall Rating: 9.0/10
  • Thoughts: This is just a fantastic edition of Raw built around the most engaging storyline in the company. What makes it work is it’s not just one segment dedicated to the storyline, but rather, the storyline being a running thread in nearly every segment on the show. That’s how it should be when a storyline is that good. The crowd was into it, and it was terrific work from everyone involved, including the announcers.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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