Blake’s Mid-South Wrestling 1/30/82 Review: Referee Paul Orndorff?

In this Mid-South Wrestling 1/30/82 review, Paul Orndorff wants to be a referee, Mr. Olympia defends the Mississippi Heavyweight title against Ed Wiskowski, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: Mid-South Wrestling
  • Date: January 30, 1982

RINGSIDE: Boyd Pierce and Cowboy Bill Watts are back. Watts makes fun of Boyd’s bright gold suit. It sure is gold.

Tom Renesto vs. Dick Murdoch 

Murdoch only recently made his way to Mid-South, and he’s coming off of the tag team win with Ted DiBiase on last week’s episode (REVIEW). They take the action to the ground as Murdoch pops him in the face. It’s all Murdoch from there, and he hits the brainbuster for the easy win. (SQUASH)

RINGSIDE: Watts recaps Skandor Akbar’s passionate speech on The Iron Sheik being recalled to Iran. Then it’s Reeser Bowden with Akbar, who runs down all the babyfaces and blames them for Sheik’s exit. Akbar hypes the conspiracy and he’s not happy.

The Samoans (w/Ernie Ladd) vs. Frank Monte and Terry Daniels

Regular readers know I’m a Monte fan based on what I’ve seen of his work in Mid-South. Afa and Sika just start beating the shit out of these guys and they use teamwork to score the quick victory. A Samoan squash, folks. (SQUASH)

Carlos Zapata vs. Brian Blair

For those that only know Blair’s work from the WWF, his Mid-South stuff is a good refresher on his technical prowess in the ring. Our friend Carlos did get a variety of offense in, so congrats to him on that. Watts plays up Blair being foolish in the early going, and he makes his comeback and goes to the guillotine pin for the win. (*)

Paul Orndorff and Bob Orton Jr. vs. The Junkyard Dog and Mike George

We’ve got a BROUHAHA on our hands before the bell even rings. It’s the jump start like this that seems like a small thing, but it makes a big difference in terms of believability. There’s a history between these four, and they don’t like each other. Why would they abide by the rules rather than going at it as soon as they’re all in the ring? Good stuff.

As always, the crowd loves them some JYD. A competitive match as expected, with George firing away on the heels. JYD gets the hot tag and it’s DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER time for Orndorff and Orton. However, they regroup and throw George and JYD into each other and double team both men.

They take out George, but Orton accidentally hits Orndorff with an elbow off the top. That allows JYD to reverse momentum and score the pin for the victory. (**)

Ed Wiskowski vs. Mr. Olympia – Mississippi Heavyweight Title

Olympia won the title from Orton on the previous episode, and now, the Polish Prince gets his opportunity. Wiskowski just clubs Olympia for a bit, and Olympia goes for a desperation pin attempt for two. A nice exchange with Wiskowski using his power, only to Olympia counter it into another near fall.

Wiskowski locks in the Boston Crab, but Olympia uses his leg strength to get out of it. Olympia goes to the sleeper and the Polish Prince is done for. After the match, Olympia knocks him in the neck for seemingly no reason at all. (*1/2)

RINGSIDE: Watts throws it to highlights of the recent DiBiase vs. Orndroff match, which had some shenanigans with Bob Roop that led to Orndorff regaining the North American title….until the referee reverses the finish and gives the belt back to DiBiase.

IN THE RING: Orndorff comes out before a scheduled match between Roop and DiBiase and pleads his case against the biased referees in Mid-South. He reveals he’s been licensed to be the referee for this match. Hilarious. Old school heel tactics are the best. Referee Alfred Neely leaves to confirm this claim, and DiBiase isn’t buying it.  DiBiase goes to leave, and Orndorff and Roop attack him. Here comes Murdoch in to make the save, and they eventually fight off the heels.

Bill Ash vs. Rick Ferrara

Watts lets us know Orndroff’s whole deal was a sham, to absolutely no one’s surprise. Ash and Ferrara work each other over, and Watts also announces a tag title match for next week with JYD and George against The Samoans. The bell rings and it’s a draw for Ash and Ferrara as the show goes off the air.


Overall Rating: 6.0/10

Thoughts: The Orndorff stuff was classic heel work in wrestling, and that was probably the most notable thing on this episode. Orndorff and Orton vs. JYD and George was also fun.

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Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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