Blake’s WWF Raw 1/6/97 Review: Sid Sends A Message

In this WWF Raw 1/6/97 review, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart still don’t like each other, and Sid still doesn’t like Jose Lothario or his son.

Let’s jump in!

  • Vader hypes up his match with Bret Hart, then it’s Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler hyping up the debut of Shotgun Saturday Night, which featured THE FLYING NUNS and a risqué Terri Runnels. What a show that was.

Owen Hart (w/Clarence Mason) vs. Mankind (w/Paul Bearer)

Vince is salivating over the possibility of Shawn Michaels appearing during the Bret/Vader match. He also teases dissension between Owen and the British Bulldog. Mankind in control in the early going, but then this breaks into a “toughman contest” (I assume this means no holds barred) with Owen hitting Mankind with the Slammy and title belt. Naturally, Lawler makes a Mexican joke about Jose Lothario, because that’s what Lawler does. Owen controls it for a bit, but Mankind hits him with a drink tray before we get a Full Metal: The Album commercial. Great CD! Mankind wins it with a piledriver in a short but sweet match. Blake’s Rating: **1/2

  • Speaking of Michaels and Jose, they’re backstage with Jose’s son. They play up the beating Sid gave Jose, with the son being the ultimate babyface. Michaels then taunts Sid as Vinnie Mac is drooling.
  • Honky Tonk Man joins commentary, and I completely forgot Honky was with the company at this point. Apparently he’s scouting a protege.

Fake Razor Ramon and Fake Diesel vs. Furnas and Lafon

My goodness was this Fake Razor and Diesel thing such a debacle. It’s also interesting to think how pivoting away from that type of ridiculousness would change the course of WWF history. Honky sounds like a doofus trying to convince folks that Fake Razor could be a great choice for him. My guess is the real one would be better, Honky. Vince hyping Fake Razor and Diesel as legit Royal Rumble competitors is hilarious. This match is way longer than it has any reason to be, as it’s mostly just Fake Razor and Diesel doing power moves and rest holds. Hot tag to Lafon gives his team the momentum, then a double team on Fake Razor allows Furnas and Lafon to notch the win. Yeah, this was long. Blake’s Rating: *1/2

  • We get a replay of Hunter Hearst Helmsley going after Marlena before getting the upper hand on Goldust. Vince announces it’ll be HHH and Lawler against Marc Mero and Goldust. And then it’s another replay of Marlena showing her boobies on Shotgun Saturday Night.
  • Bret is backstage and he taunts Michaels and Vader before he walks off as Sid’s music hits.
  • Sid in the ring with Jim Ross. Man does Sid look like a superstar. Ross questions Sid, and this was when his music went on and off in the background. It’s interesting. He says he was born THE MAN, and Michaels can’t be THE MAN. What about Becky Lynch? Michaels and Lothario make their way out, and Vince creams himself watching Michaels dance on the announce table. Sid apologizes for what he’s gonna do to Michaels, then leaves.

Bret Hart vs. Vader

Shawn just runs down Bret on commentary. Vince hypes the attitude in the WWF, and we get footage of The Undertaker hitting the Tombstone on Jim Cornette on Superstars. Vince then says “of course, that was the best play-by-play guy in the business, Jim Ross, giving commentary” in the most smug way possible. Bret methodically works on Vader, but Vader goes the power route to gain the advantage. STONE COLD is backstage watching the match, as we get highlights of Ahmed Johnson hitting the Pearl River Plunge on a car on Shotgun Saturday Night. Bring that show back, man. Vader tries to finish off Bret, but Bret gains control with Steve Austin still watching. It’s also interesting to think about how much the crowd’s reactions would change throughout the year. These folks are sitting on their hands. Sid is back and he grabs the camera man to take him to the back, and Austin comes out to attack Bret. Vader brings Bret back in the ring and hits the splash for the win. Blake’s Rating: **1/2

  • Backstage, Sid is kicking Pete Lothario’s ass. Sid hits the power bomb on poor Pete on a table. Michaels is backstage with Kwang, Aldo Montoya, and more checking on Pete.
Blake’s Take on WWF Raw 1/6/97
  • Best Match: Owen Hart vs. Mankind (**1/2)
  • Show MVP: Sid
  • Overall Rating: 6.0/10
  • Thoughts: Pretty storyline-driven edition of Raw, as was the norm for this era. But the Owen/Mankind and Bret/Vader pairings were enjoyable, and Sid was great in his role as the monster heel.

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Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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