Blake’s WWF SmackDown 4/4/02 Review: We Want Hogan

In this WWF SmackDown 4/4/02 review, it’s all about finding Triple H’s opponent for Backlash.

Let’s dive in.

Vince McMahon is sitting on his comfortable couch and notes Ric Flair did not have the authority to name the No. 1 Contender for Triple H. Therefore, since Vince won the coin toss in the draft, he gets to name the top challenger. SUSPENSE.

– Michael Cole and Tazz hype the main event between Kurt Angle and Edge. Angle makes his way to the ring and he wants to publicly state that he’ll face Triple H at Backlash for the Undisputed title. Now we get the list of reasons why he can beat Triple H, including being adored by children and senior citizens worldwide! Before he can get to the other 26 reasons, Chris Jericho comes out. Jericho contends he deserves the title shot because he hasn’t gotten his one-on-one rematch. Jericho says he’s accepting the title shot and Angle doesn’t like it. They bicker for a bit until Jericho challenges Angle for a shot at Triple H. Here comes The Rock. He seems to set up making his case for getting a title shot, then says someone else may deserve it more. The crowd starts chanting for Hulk Hogan, and sure enough, that’s what Rock was thinking. Jericho and Angle are pissed, but Rock doesn’t care what they think. He lets the crowd chant for their pick, and it’s Hogan.

Scotty 2 Hotty hypes up Albert for their opportunity at the WWF Tag Team titles.

Scotty 2 Hotty and Albert vs. (c) Billy and Chuck (w/Rico) – WWF Tag Team Titles

The Billy and Chuck team probably wasn’t everyone’s favorite, but their chemistry in this era is undeniable. They’re also good workers. As usual, Rico got ivolved in this one, leading to the referee getting distracted with Alberto and Palumbo on the outside. That allowed Rico to hop in and roundhouse kick Scotty, and Billy got the pin to retain.

  • Rating: *1/2

– After the match, Albert comes in to get face to face with Rico. However, Albert turns and destroys Scotty. HEEL TURN.

Mark Lloyd asks Vince about his decision on the No. 1 contender. Vince says he knows what the public wants more than they do. That’s interesting. Vince then says it’ll be Triple H vs. Hogan at Backlash.

– Jericho loses it and seeks out Rock, and they set up a match for later.

– We get a video of the partnership between Diamond Dallas Page and Christian, which saw DDP teach Christian the power of positive thinking. What a storyline. Of course, Christian eventually turns on him, and DDP got his revenge at WrestleMania 18.

Christian vs. Diamond Dallas Page

The stuff between these two actually was pretty entertaining. I mean, it was certainly better than DDP stalking The Undertaker‘s wife. Quick start to this match with several counters and near falls. Christian throws a tantrum, but he was faking. Christian quickly refocuses to hit the Unprettier to get the win.

  • Rating: *1/2

– Angle is still angry about Vince’s decision. Edge walks up to him and says he feels bad that their friendship ended. That leads to the memorable skit where Edge has pictures of Angle, but on the back, they say things like “Yes I suck” and “I’m a dork” when Angle holds them up. Edge leaves before Angle realizes it.

– Triple H comes out and discusses Hogan as his new opponent for Backlash. HERE COMES THE HULKSTER. Hogan says he didn’t think it could get bigger than WrestleMania I, then WrestleMania III, then WrestleMania 18. But now it doesn’t get any bigger than the Undisputed title, and if the fans think he deserves a shot, he’s gonna take it. Triple H says it’ll be an honor to face it, but he’s sad he’s gonna have to hurt someone he’s looked up to. Triple H really plays up his old heel tendencies as the crowd is fully behind Hogan. This was great stuff from both men to get you invested in the Backlash match.

Edge vs. Kurt Angle

Edge’s Rob Zombie theme is another Forceable Entry classic. I mentioned the chemistry with Billy and Chuck earlier, but add Edge and Angle to the list of awesome chemistry guys. That applies not only to their heel group but also as opponents. Cool spot early on with Angle getting caught in the ropes, and Edge taking advantage by hitting back-to-back spears. Angle grabs a chair but it innocently lays on the apron for a few until he uses the chair to block Edge’s offense, leading to the DQ.

  • Rating: **

– After the match, Angle goes to use the chair on Edge, but Edge counters and Angle escapes.

Billy Kidman walks up to Torrie Wilson in the back. Kidman knows Torrie will be in Tajiri‘s corner, and he wants to wish them the best of luck. Tajiri catches Torrie hugging Kidman and is pissed. So, he asks Torrie to kiss him. She does. PIMPJIRI.

Billy Kidman vs. (c) Tajiri (w/Torrie Wilson) – WWF Cruiserweight Title

Tazz gives Kidman shit for trying to hook up with Torrie backstage. Gotta love Tazz. Obviously, this is a hell of a matchup with two outstanding talents. I liked them both, but still don’t think Tajiri gets enough credit for his skills. These two traded incredible offense right off the bat and eventually worked to the tarantula spot. At one point, Torrie grabbed the belt and held onto it, and when Tajiri went to use it as a weapon, he realized it wasn’t there. Kidman then took control and pinned Tajiri for the victory to win the title.

  • Rating: **

– Tajiri grabs a mic and loses his mind on Torrie.

– Vince tells Bob Holly about his hatred of Maven. He wants Holly to teach Maven a lesson. Pretty sure Maven is gonna get the shit beat out of him. Holly leaves and Stacy Kiebler enters. She wants to offer Vince her services, Vince drops his papers (not his trousers), and Stacy bends over to get them. Stacy talks about Vince’s sperm quote on RAW and they take a seat on the couch.

– Back from commercial, and an angry D’Von Dudley confronts Vince. D’Von is pissed about the Dudley Boyz split and wants an explanation. Vince sweet talks D’Von and then challenges him to find out who he is. Vince throws him out of his office and tells him not to come back until he’s ready. TESTIFY.

Al Snow with Maven. Snow hypes the ass whooping Maven is gonna get from Holly. Pretty funny.

Maven vs. Hardcore Holly

After a flurry of offense from Maven, Holly delivers some VICIOUS chops and proceeds to kick him in the nuts. Classic Bob Holly. Maven fights back to regain the momentum, but Holly hits the Alabama Slam for the victory.

  • Rating: NR

– We get a recap of the setup for the Jericho vs. Rock main event.

Chris Jericho vs. The Rock

We’ve got a BROUHAHA on our hands as they fight into the crowd before the match even begins. Jericho gains the advantage by slingshotting Rock into the post, then the match officially starts. They went into full throttle from there, with lots of back and forth to keep the crowd on their feet. However, the shenanigans eventually came into play, with Angle hitting the ring only to get his ass kicked by Rock. Jericho goes for the People’s Elbow on Rock, but Rock pops up to go for it himself. Angle stops him and hits the Angle Slam. However, Rock kicks out at two and a half. Edge runs down to attack Angle and we’ve got chaos everywhere. Jericho goes for the Lion Sault, but he misses and Rock hits the Rock Bottom for the win. Hot main event.

Rating: ***

Blake’s SmackDown 4/4/02 Awards

  • Best Match: Chris Jericho vs. The Rock
  • Overall SmackDown 4/4/02 Rating: 7.0/10
  • RAW vs. SmackDown Show Ratings (based on my individual show scores through Week 1): SmackDown leads 1-0
  • Thoughts: This was a fun first brand split edition of SmackDown. I really enjoyed the Triple H/Hogan segment to set up their Undisputed title match at Backlash. It was strong promo work from both men. Meanwhile, Rock vs. Jericho was entertaining, and it showcased SmackDown’s loaded roster with the involvement from Angle and Edge.

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Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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