Blake’s WWF The War To Settle The Score Review: Hogan vs. Piper

In this WWF The War To Settle The Score review, Roddy Piper challenges Hulk Hogan for the WWF title at Madison Square Garden.

I’m only reviewing the MTV broadcast of this show, as WWE Network pulled the two-hour edition from its catalog. Yes, it’s only one match and a lot of hype, but it’s better than nothing.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: The War To Settle The Score
  • Date: February 18, 1985
  • Location: Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY

BACKSTAGE: Alan Hunter and Mean Gene Okerlund hype the ongoing feud between Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper.

VIDEO: We also get footage of Captain Lou Albano getting into it with Cyndi Lauper, which led to her being in Wendi Richter’s corner when she won the Women’s title. Gene points out Lauper was the first manager in history to win a title in her first match. There’s also a clip of a doctor explaining that Albano has “organic brain damage,” so they’re sending currents to his brain. Wild stuff. Speaking of which, another clip of Dick Clark awarding Lauper a special achievement award at MSG, and Piper comes in and bashes the reformed Albano with the award. That leads to Hogan making the save. Afterward, Lauper, Richter, and their entourage aren’t happy.

INTERVIEW: Bobby Heenan is perfectly fine with what Piper did to Albano. So is Paul Orndorff, who thinks Lauper shouldn’t be in wrestling. Meanwhile, it’s David Schultz’s opinion that Lauper should be at home cooking meals or waiting on a man. This was indeed 1985, folks. Piper tells MTV that he’ll knock out the interviewer (it’s a woman) if she slaps him. 1985!

INTERVIEW: Jimmy Snuka weighs in on Piper’s shenanigans, and Bruno Sammartino thinks he’s a schlub. Ted Nugent and Dee Snider also want Piper to get his ass kicked. It’s Hogan’s turn, and Eye of the Tiger plays as he takes aim at Piper.

VIDEO: Footage of Piper wanting Hogan to sign a contract for the match, and Hogan agrees. Then it’s the Piper’s Pit segment from February 5, where Hogan makes it official.

VIDEO: Piper hates rock and roll and he thinks MTV stinks. He rants on the quality of it, and Snider, Kenny Loggins, and Peter Wolf are pissed. As for Heenan, he says MTV stands for Music To Vomit By. Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch are also against MTV, and so is Freddie Blassie. Next up is Tina Turner, Junkyard Dog, and Tony Atlas. What a roster of people who have thoughts on this match. More video on the build to the match, including critics pontificating on the connection between wrestling and rock and roll.

VIDEO: Gene profiles Piper and Hogan with footage of their most notable highlights.

VIDEO: Mr. Fuji shares his prediction for the match, and he chooses Piper thanks to inside knowledge from Jimmy the Greek. Hillbilly Jim picks Hogan, Brutus Beefcake picks Piper, Snider picks Hogan, Big John Studd picks Piper, Little Richard picks Hogan, Blassie picks Piper, Blackjack Mulligan picks Hogan, Nikolai Volkoff picks Piper, Peter Wolf picks Hogan, and Greg Kihn picks absolutely no one.

Roddy Piper vs. Hulk Hogan – WWF Title

Gene and Gorilla Monsoon are your commentators. Piper, in a tremendous heel move, brings out a guitar. Howard Finkel brings in Bob Costas for the introductions. Before he can do that, Piper destroys the guitar to the dismay of the crowd. The fans are throwing trash at him, and the man is loving it. Hogan comes out to Eye of the Tiger, and he has Lauper, David Wolff, Albano, and more with him. Hogan and Mr. T embrace ringside, then we’re off from there.

What I appreciate about this match is that it starts as a fight. They want to rip each other’s heads off, which they should at this point in the feud. Wrestling moves are secondary. That’s the way it should be in a heated rivalry. The crowd is buzzing as Piper locks in the sleeper on Hogan. Piper stays on offense with heel tactics, but Cowboy Boy Orton gets involved and allows Hogan to reverse the momentum. Orndorff makes his way down, and it’s ref bump time. Orndorff heads up top and hits the flying knee to Hogan. Lauper jumps on the apron as Piper and Orndorff try to corner her. HERE COMES MR. T. He makes the save for Lauper, then gets in the ring. Piper hits him from behind and Orndorff joins the attack. Hogan hulks up, and it’s a standoff between the four. A host of security and officials enter the ring to control the BROUHAHA, and eventually, Fink announces that Hogan wins by DQ.

Wrestling fans hate these kinds of finishes in the modern era, but this was necessary to keep Piper strong and set up the main event for the first WrestleMania. Just an awesome atmosphere with a ridiculous amount of heat, and fans were 100 percent going to pay for WrestleMania to see the babyfaces get their revenge.

BACKSTAGE: Gene with Hunter, and you can tell Gene is pissed about something. Hogan goes off on Piper and says their feud calls for GUERRILLA WARFARE. That’s gonna be something. Wolff talks about the connection between Hogan and rock and roll, and Lauper isn’t happy about Piper and company going after her and Hogan. Mr. T is angry at the whole situation, so Hogan tells him how much he loves him. Albano loses his mind as Gene basically tells him to get the hell out of there. Gene welcomes in Andy Warhol, and he’s speechless and doesn’t have much to say. Joe Piscopo compares the match to a Bruce Springsteen concert, and he’ll be back for WrestleMania. Billy Squier is next. He hates Piper smashing guitars. DANNY DEVITO has arrived. He talks up Albano’s natural acting ability. Piper comes in to intimidate DeVito, then he points out Hogan never pinned him.


  • Overall Rating: 8.0/10
  • Thoughts: Obviously, I’m not reviewing the entire show since it’s not available, so the score is based solely on the Hogan/Piper match and the segments around it. In hindsight, it was a good way to build interest for the biggest event in the company’s history at that point. The non-finish might irk some people, but I’m a fan of the old-school booking philosophy of making people pay for the payoff. Also, Gene’s interview work was fantastic, especially with the variety of guests.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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