Blake’s Mid-South Wrestling 12/30/81 Review: 1981 Recap

In this Mid-South Wrestling 12/30/81 review, it’s all highlights, with a look at the company’s biggest moments from the year.

I know this is a highlight show, but I figured I’d review it since it’s a good refresher on the main Mid-South storylines entering the new year.

Let’s jump in!

  • Show: Mid-South Wrestling
  • Date: December 30, 1981
  • Watch: Peacock

STUDIO: Bill Watts is the host this week as he reveals that Boyd Pierce is on vacation in Hawaii. Good for Boyd! The man deserves it. Watts set up the first highlight package involving The Junkyard Dog’s issues with the Wild Samoans.

VIDEO: The Junkyard Dog and Mike George teamed up in October at the Fairgrounds Coliseum Jackson, Mississippi to take on Afa and Sika. Ernie Ladd is in the corner of Afa and Sika. The action breaks down, with JYD knocking Ladd off the apron. Chaos everywhere with Ladd accidentally hitting Afa with the chair, allowing JYD to earn the pin to crown new champions.

STUDIO: Watts notes that Afa and Sika were suspended for physical contact with an official in the rematch, but they’ve since been reinstated. He then hypes up recent shenanigans from Paul Orndorff, Terry Orndorff, and Bob Orton Jr.

VIDEO: Another match involving JYD and George, with Paul and Terry Orndorff teaming up. Terry had been forced to wear a yellow mask, and shenanigans ensue. Ladd and Bob Orton make their way down to check on Terry on the outside while Paul fights JYD on the inside. Paul makes the tag, and it’s clearly Orton who’s donned the mask in an ol’ switcheroo under the ring. Watts, on commentary, realizes it when Orton hits the piledriver on George to pick up the victory. The referee tries to get to the bottom of it, but Orton and Terry switch again on the outside. Good stuff.

STUDIO: Watts recaps how Orndorff was paired up with Bob Roop in a rematch against JYD and George.

VIDEO: Highlights from that match, and once again, there’s chaos in the finish with all four men in the ring. We’ve got a BROUHAHA. Orton comes back out under the yellow mask and goes for the piledriver, but JYD reverses it and unmasks Orton for the big reveal. It’s a 3-on-2 after that as Orndorff puts the mask on JYD. But here comes BIG TED DIBIASE who runs the heels off.

STUDIO: Watts discusses the year in review for Dusty Rhodes, which involved a feud with The Great Kabuki and Gary Hart.

VIDEO: Hart cuts a promo on Dusty and says he’s finally found the person to take out Dusty. Kabuki is with him, and he sprays the green mist. Boyd does not look happy about it. Another video with Dusty’s response, and he’s PAINTED FOR WAR. No, seriously. His face his painted and he’s wearing a headband that says “war” on it. The presentation is just tremendous. Dusty says he’s the assassin this time as the camera zooms in on his green eye. And then it’s another video with Dusty in a cowboy hat and blue jacket, as he hypes the Bunkhouse Match with Kabuki.

STUDIO: Watts recaps Dusty’s impact on JYD winning the Louisiana Heavyweight title from Kabuki. And then it’s on the noteworthy achievements of DiBiase.

VIDEO: Highlights from the October match between Orndorff and DiBiase at the Fairgrounds Coliseum. Back and forth affair, as Watts notes that they had to condense the highlights to five minutes even though it was a long match. DiBiase locks on the Figure Four, but Roop hits the ring to cause the DQ. Then it’s JYD and George making the save for DiBiase.

STUDIO: Watts notes that Orndorff, Roop, The Iron Sheik, and many more will be vying for DiBiase’s title in 1982. He hypes up Ed Wiskowski as another potential challenger.

VIDEO: It’s DiBiase vs. Wiskowski with Roop on guest commentary. Roop in complete heel mode talking about DiBiase’s illegal moves. Then he essentially calls DiBiase an idiot for turning his back on Wiskowski. Roop is terrific here. Wiskowski goes for a cross body, but DiBiase reverses it into a pin for the win. Another video of the recent match between Wiskowski and Jim Garvin (review), with the one and only Ladd on commentary. Wiskowski notched the victory to further his contendership.

STUDIO: Watts says there wasn’t enough time to put any SHEIKY BABY highlights, though he did mention the rift with Paul Ellering. Sheik need to humble Watts! More discussion of DiBiase’s Figure Four and his tenacity.

VIDEO: Highlights from DiBiase’s recent TV showdown with Orndorff, which included dueling Figure Four leg locks with DiBiase refusing to give up after Orndorff reversed it. Hearing Ladd’s amazement over DiBiase not quitting is even better the second time around.

STUDIO: Watts discusses all the intriguing storylines heading into 1982, including next week’s dream matches. And Boyd will be back from the beaches of Hawaii!

Blake’s Take on Mid-South Wrestling 12/30/81

  • Best Match: N/A
  • Show MVP: N/A
  • Overall Rating: N/A
  • Thoughts: Obviously, no rating for this show since it was based around highlight packages. But if you want to jump into the key storylines for the company entering 1982, it’s worth the investment.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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