Blake’s Mid-South Wrestling 12/25/81 Review: Persian Club Challenge

In this Mid-South Wrestling 12/25/81 review, the Persian Club Challenge returns with The Iron Sheik trying to one-up Paul Ellering.

Let’s jump in!

  • Show: Mid-South Wrestling
  • Date: December 25, 1981
  • Watch: Peacock

RINGSIDE: Boyd Pierce hypes the card and the dream match mail-in contest. Bill Watts is the guest commentator on this edition, and he’s also intrigued by the dream match possibilities with Andre the Giant, Dusty Rhodes, and more.

Jerry Novak and Rick Ferrara vs. Mike George and Carlos Zapata

George had a very good match with Bob Roop on the previous show, so you should watch that one if you haven’t already. Watts explains The Junkyard Dog is dealing with a knee issue, with George allowing Zapata to replace him. This is the attention to detail that’s lacking in a lot of modern wrestling. Novak and Ferrara over George, and after the heels take care of Ferrara on the outside, it’s George who outworks both to earn the win.

RINGSIDE: Watts throws it to a highlight package recapping the recent show-closing angle with Paul Ellering accepting The Iron Sheik’s Persian Club challenge, only for Skandor Akbar to use his stalling tactics as the show went off the air to prevent Sheik from having to double Ellering’s reps.

IN THE RING: Ellering watches as Sheik attempts to double Ellering’s 50 reps. SHEIKY BABY’s arms have to be burning because he does 103 reps. Brute strength! Ellering says he wants to know if BLENDER BRAIN will accept his challenge to do even more reps. And by Blender Brain, he means Akbar. Ellering suggests he’s gonna do 444 reps, which would essentially make him Superman. And he’s off and rolling, but you know what’s next. Sheik attacks him at around 50 reps and beats him down before locking in the Camel Clutch. However, Ellering uses his own brute strength to fight out of the clutch and they go back and forth. Ellering goes for the neck breaker, but BLENDER BRAIN hammers him with the flag. Sheik continues the beatdown until another referee (the first got his ass beat by Sheik) sends Sheik and Akbar out. Watching buff dudes do reps in the ring may not work in this era, but I enjoyed the old school nature of it.

Paul Orndorff vs. Brian Blair

This should be entertaining. Roop is doing some scouting ringside, as Watts notes it’s all about the Figure Four. Orndorff really works on the leg, but Blair counters and starts going at Orndorff’s arm. The mat technique is a thing of beauty. Both men can move around in the ring, so it’s fun seeing them in their prime. Blair gets some momentum going, but Orndorff takes over with a flurry of aggressive offense. BUT HERE COMES BLAIR. That is until an eye rake and powerslam allows Orndorff to go for the Figure Four, but Blair kicks him away. Blair suplexes Orndorff and locks him in the Figure Four, then Orndorff reverses it as Roop cheers him on. Blair holds on for a bit until the referee calls for the bell, with Orndorff continuing to apply the hold. The second referee comes over and tells Boyd and Watts that Blair did not give up, but the referee wanted to ensure his safety. Love the psychology there. This was short but sweet. **3/4

Mike Moyer vs. Ted DiBiase

Watts notes DiBiase went to check on Blair after the match. That Ted, what a guy. And now Watts discusses Afa and Sika potentially coming back to Mid-South after their suspension. Ernie Ladd will love it. DiBiase just works over Moyer for pretty much the entire match, and he goes for the Figure Four to notch the easy victory.

Bob Roop and Bob Orton Jr. vs. Mike Bond and Frank Monte

For those keeping score, Orton is the current Missouri Heavyweight Champion. Love the team of Roop and Orton. Two impressive heels who know how to work. It’s all Bond and Monte in the early going, with Monte showcasing a lot of energy and athleticism. Shenanigans behind the referee’s back leads to Orton making the tag to Roop, but Monte tags Bond and he cleans house. And it’s a CRISS CROSS with Roop getting the tag behind Bond’s back, which confuses Bond. From there, Orton hits the piledriver and that’ll do it.

Ed Wiskowski vs. Tom Renesto Jr.

You would think after a few Mid-South reviews by computer would stop autocorrecting Renesto to Ernesto, but it doesn’t. Watts really putting over Wiskowski, then he talks about the sketchy tag in the previous match. Watts is on top of it, folks. Listening to Watts, it’s easy to see where Jim Ross got a lot of his knowledge from on how to promote wrestlers and matches. Wiskowski hits his finisher to get the victory in a one-sided affair.

The Iron Sheik vs. Don Serrano

Sheik attacks Serrano before the bell, and I think you know what the setup is here. Sheik sends Serrano outside as Ellering hits the ring to whoop some ass. Ellering is just relentless on Sheik until Akbar pulls Sheik out of the ring to hightail it to the back.

RINGSIDE: Boyd hypes the highlight episode next week before Dusty Rhodes and Andre the Giant make their way to Mid-South after that. I’m intrigued!

Blake’s Take on Mid-South Wrestling 12/25/81
  • Best Match: Paul Orndorff vs. Brian Blair (**1/2)
  • Show MVP: Paul Ellering
  • Overall Rating: 6.5/10
  • Thoughts: This episode was built around the Sheik/Ellering feud, which has been a nice treat thus far. Meanwhile, Orndorff had another quality match, and the duo of Orton and Roop showcased great heel work. Mid-South is just quality entertainment for old school wrestling fans.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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