Blake’s Mid-South Wrestling 12/19/81 Review: Paul Ellering Is Back

In this Mid-South Wrestling 12/19/81 review, “Precious” Paul Ellering makes his in-ring return, Ted DiBiase joins commentary, and much more.

Let’s jump in!

  • Show: Mid-South Wrestling
  • Date: December 19, 1981
  • Watch: Peacock

RINGSIDE: Boyd Pierce is still hyping that dream match mail-in extravaganza! Ted DiBiase is the guest commentator for the week, and Boyd grills his ass on not being able to make Paul Orndorff submit to the Figure Four in their match on the previous show. Just kidding. Boyd is a nice man. DiBiase explains how Orndorff and Bob Roop strategized against the move, then says he would’ve rather had Orndorff break his leg than give up. Boyd loves it.

Tom Renesto Jr. vs. Brian Blair

Renesto is coming off a loss to King Cobra, while Blair earned a win over Mr. Monk. Or was it The Monk? I think Ernie Ladd called him Mr. Monk, so we’re going with that. DiBiase doesn’t quite have the enthusiasm of Ladd, but who can blame the man after nearly getting his leg broken by Orndorff. What a sell job. DiBiase puts over Blair as an up and coming star, with Blair methodically working on Renesto’s arm. Boyd is pushing this dream match mail-in as the action picks up with a CRISS CROSS, which leads to Blair back in control of Renesto’s arm. While Renesto delivers a backdrop for a little momentum, Blair hulks up with an elbow off the top for two. Blair then hits a suplex and trips over Renesto before applying the Figure Four for the win.

”Precious” Paul Ellering vs. Don Serrano

Ellering has been out of action for six months due to a knee injury, so he cuts a promo before the match talking about women, foot-long hot dogs, and The Iron Sheik. Quite a trio! Ellering was pretty hilarious here. DiBiase calls him “a little strange” while hyping his charisma. Ellering is built like a brick house too. Serrano gets some early offense, but it’s quick work for Ellering as he hits the neckbreaker for the victory.

Mike Boyer vs. The Junkyard Dog

I do not like Boyer’s chances in this one. Boyd notes JYD is wearing the Louisiana Heavyweight title after winning it from The Great Kabuki. Fast start from both men with Boyer matching JYD’s offense for a bit. But JYD quickly regains the advantage and hits the Big Thump to earn the win.

Paul Orndorff and Bob Orton Jr. vs. Carlos Zapata and The Monk

MR. MONK is back. One half of the WrestleMania I main event on display, and Orndorff and Orton showcase nice teamwork in the early going. They are just dissecting Zapata, who needs to tag Monk. But the heels keep things on their side of the ring just like great heels should. Orndorff gets a near fall, but Zapata reverses to make the hot tag to Monk. That doesn’t do much, as a double team combo leads to Orndorff locking in the Figure Four to force Monk to submit. Love the teamwork from Orndorff and Orton.

Bob Roop vs. Mike George

And we’ve got ourselves another HOSS FIGHT. DiBiase notes he’s watching Roop closely given their history. George demonstrates his power by breaking the Full Nelson, then he reverses for a roll-up for two. Roop goes up top but George has it scouted, so the former thinks better of it. Roop is pissed and starts using some underhanded tactics to gain control. DiBiase does not like it. George mounts a comeback with the fans fully behind him. He rakes Roop’s eyes on the top rope as the crowd is losing their mind. George hits the Russian Leg Sweep for a near fall, and goes for it again but Roop counters. More counters with Roop sending George outside, then it’s Roop throwing George into the metal ring post. This is good stuff. Roop shoves George into the turnbuckle before hitting the running knee for the victory. Entertaining old school wrestling. *** (Recommended)

Ed Wiskowski vs. Mike Bond

Another HOSS FIGHT? Sign me up. Wiskowski just clubs Bond right off the bat and just destroys him with a variety of moves. Then he quickly hits a big backbreaker to notch the easy win.

IN THE RING: Ellering is accepting the Persian Club Challenge, which involves him trying to do as many reps as Sheiky Baby. It’s basically a test of strength with Ellering doing single-arm tricep extensions. The crowd absolutely loves it. Ellering does 50 reps and Sheik is PISSED. Akbar says Sheik will do his reps after the match and he’ll even up the money.

Frank Monte vs. The Iron Sheik (w/Skandor Akbar)

Boyd calls out Akbar for his stalling shit. You’ve gotta love Boyd. Sheik goes for the bearhug but Monte fights out and tries to get some momentum going. But Sheik grabs him and hits the suplex to earn the victory.

IN THE RING: Ellering is back in, but Akbar stalls again by noting that Sheik had a grueling match. Heel manager work at its finest. The stalling continues as Boyd hypes up the continuation of the saga next week. Love the cliffhanger to get fans invested in the next show. That’s how you do it.

Blake’s Take on Mid-South Wrestling 12/19/81

  • Best Match: Bob Roop vs. Mike George (***)
  • Show MVP: Paul Ellering
  • Overall Rating: 7.5/10
  • Thoughts: This was a very enjoyable 45 minutes of old school wrestling. The talent on display was just ridiculous, and that Roop vs. George match was a lot of fun. But the real star was Ellering, as his charisma was undeniable. Quality entertainment for wrestling fans.

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Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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