Blake’s Saturday Night’s Main Event 10/13/90 Review: Oktoberfest!

In this WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event 10/13/90 review, The Ultimate Warrior teams with The Legion of Doom to take on Demolition, Hulk Hogan and Tugboat continue their feud with Earthquake and Dino Bravo, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: Saturday Night’s Main Event
  • Date: October 13, 1990
  • Location: Toledo Sports Arena in Toledo, OH

RINGSIDE: Vince McMahon welcomes us to a special Oktoberfest edition of Saturday Night’s Main Event. Roddy Piper joins in with a special outfit for the occasion. They hype the card, which features a Dusty Rhodes vs. Randy Savage rematch, Hulk Hogan and Tugboat vs. Rhythm and Blues, and The Ultimate Warrior and Legion of Doom vs. Demolition.

BACKSTAGE: Ax, Smash, and Crush take aim at Warrior and LOD. Demolition was just the the best. Then we get a promo from Hawk and Animal, who use some Oktoberfest taunts. Warrior pops into the picture yelling something.

Demolition vs. The Ultimate Warrior and Legion of Doom

As a young wrestling fan, this was about the greatest six-man tag the WWF could book in this era. Of course, it was also a sight to see Demolition and LOD in the ring together. Before the bell rings, the camera cuts to the crowd and there’s DUSTIN RHODES. Smash goes right at Animal to start the match, but Animal hits a power slam for two. He tags in Warrior, and the champion runs wild with kids to the midsection of Ax. Warrior with a boot and a series of shoulder blocks and clotheslines. Then he slams Smash, Crush, and Ax before missing a splash. Smash throws Warrior to the outside, and that allows Crush to pummel him with the referee focused elsewhere.

More teamwork in the corner from Demolition until Animal has enough. However, Smash knocks him to the outside. Ax and Smash go for the double team but Hawk stops them. Warrior makes the hot tag to Hawk and goes off on Smash with a flying clothesline. Hawk sends Crush and Ax outside the ring, and Warrior gets the tag and clotheslines Ax and Smash. We’ve got a BROUHAHA with everyone fighting, but it’s Warrior who hits the splash on Smash to score the win.

Blake’s Take: Quite a sprint from these six. Again, the visuals are everything with this unique pairing. This was short and enjoyable with a hot crowd. (Recommended)

AT THE BAVARIAN INN: Mean Gene Okerlund is at the Oktoberfest celebration, and so is The Genius, The Orient Express and Mr. Fuji, Akeem and Slick, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, The Hart Foundation, and The Bushwhackers. Tell me you wouldn’t want to hang out and drink a few beers with that group. Lord Alfred Hayes isn’t impressed by the beer.

“Macho King” Randy Savage (w/Sensational Sherri) vs. Dusty Rhodes

Dusty gives Dustin a big hug in the front row. Meanwhile, Savage shreds a fan’s Ultimate Warrior sign. Dusty takes it to Savage in the early going, and he gets a quick near fall. Sherri hops up on the apron, which allows Savage to hit a running knee to Dusty’s back. Sherri with a choke on Dusty behind the referee’s back. And here comes Ted DiBiase and Virgil entering from opposite sides of the crowd to corner Dustin. They hand out money to fans to make them leave their seats, and they try to do the same with Dustin. He rips up the money and gets in Virgil’s face. They decide to sit by Dustin, with DiBiase pulling him back when he leans over the rail. Dusty heads out and tries to go after DiBiase, but the referee gets in the middle.

Back from commercial and Savage is working over Dusty as Dustin attempts to rally the crowd. Sherri chokes Dusty once again with the referee’s back turned, then Savage leaps over to rack Dusty’s throat on the top rope. Dusty eventually swings the momentum, but DiBiase just laughs in Dustin’s face. Just as Dusty is mounting another comeback, Dustin leans over the rail again and DiBiase pulls him back. Dustin wallops DiBiase and goes after Virgil, but DiBiase decks him from behind. Dusty isn’t seeing any of this with the action on the opposite side of the ring. DiBiase hammers Dustin with a chair, and Dusty finally slides out to make the save. However, Savage jumps from the top with an elbow drop to Dusty’s back, which leads to Savage notching the contour victory.

RINGSIDE: Dustin is busted wide open, and Dusty covers Dustin as DiBiase and Virgil beat him down. Dusty is upset as he’s holding Dustin’s bloody head.

Blake’s Take: I loved this angle. It’s the perfect way to get Dustin over while pushing the hatred between Dusty and DiBiase. And of course Dustin was gonna bleed from the forehead in his first big spot on WWF television. The match was a backdrop to the Dusty/DiBiase storyline, but that’s perfectly fine on this type of show. (Recommended)

BACKSTAGE: Sean Mooney with Hulk Hogan and Tugboat. Hogan isn’t gonna celebrate Oktoberfest until they get revenge on Earthquake and Dino Bravo. He makes a lot of German jokes, while Tugboat turns his references to war. The themed promos on these Saturday Night’s Main Event episodes were ridiculous but great.

IN THE KITCHEN: Gene with Luke and Butch. They’re cutting the cheese. Get it?!

Rhythm and Blues (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. Hulk Hogan and Tugboat

It really is wild to think that Hogan vs. Tugboat was penciled in as a possible WrestleMania VII main event. Hogan and Honky Tonk Man starts things off, but black-haired Greg Valentine tags in. That doesn’t matter as Hogan runs wild on both men with an assist from Tugboat on the apron. Tugboat works on Valentine’s arm, and Hogan hits a double axe handle from the middle rope. They take turns on Valentine’s arm, but the Hammer fights back to tag in Honky. Tugboat gets him in a bearhug until Valentine breaks it up. Some shenanigans from the heels while the referee holds back Hogan.

Blatant choke from Honky on Tugboat with the crowd trying to put on the rally. Vince continually refereeing to him as the Tugster is just the best. Double elbow drop attempt doesn’t work as Tugboat moves out of the way, and he makes the hot tag to Hogan. He runs wild as Jimmy Hart heads to the back. Hogan with the big boot, and just as he goes for the leg drop, Tugboat grabs him to alert him to the fact that Earthquake and Bravo are coming down the aisle. Officials are trying to hold them back and that’s the tease for a commercial. Back to action and Earthquake and Bravo are outta there. Hart gets involved again, and Honky blasts Tugboat with the guitar for the DQ.

IN THE RING: Hogan hauls off on the heels, but Earthquake and Bravo are back. It’s a 4-on-1 on Hogan with Tugboat down on the outside. Earthquake slams Hogan and then he hits the big splash. Earthquake goes for another splash but Tugboat hits him with a guitar, and he sends the others retreating.

Blake’s Take: Another match to build to an angle, and it’s one that’ll set up a big Survivor Series match. They continue to keep Earthquake strong to build more momentum for the feud with Hogan.

IN THE KITCHEN: The Genius is judging Duggan and The Hart Foundation vs. Fuji and The Orient Express in a SAUSAGE STUFFING contest. Fuji cheats and they argue as Gene says they won’t be able to determine a WEINER. What a line.

Haku (w/Bobby Heenan) vs. (c) “Texas Tornado” Kerry Von Erich – Intercontinental Title

Tornado captured the title from Mr. Perfect in convincing fashion at Summerslam. He starts fast in this one to send Haku outside to strategize with Heenan. Haku gains control with the headlock. Tornado tries to battle out, but Haku counters to go back to the headlock. Heenan is grabbing something out of his jacket but stops when he realizes the camera is watching him. Shoulder blocks and a headbutt from Haku, and then Tornado uses the claw as the referee calls for the rope break. Tornado hits his finisher to retain the title.

Blake’s Take: A nice title defense for the new champion. You could put Haku against anyone and make it work.

BACKSTAGE: Mooney with Hogan and Tugboat again. Hogan is onto boat references now while favoring his ribs from the Earthquake splash. Tugboat says he’s been HANGING AND BANGING with Hogan and he’s learned a lot. Hogan says they’re gonna have a war at sea and their goal is to sink Earthquake and Bravo.

Koko B. Ware vs. Sgt. Slaughter (w/General Annan)

Vince is absolutely disgusted by Adnan waving an Iraqi flag in the United States. Piper is also pissed as he notes that Adnan has photos with Saddam Hussein. Koko hits a flurry of offense to get the crowd going, but he misses a splash in the corner to allow Slaughter to go to work. Slaughter hits a back body drop and gets a two count. Piper says that Koko is fighting for America, which would obviously be a theme for opponents during this Slaughter run. Slaughter with the backbreaker but Koko kicks out again. Koko with the spinning neckbreaker and back-to-back dropkicks. Just as the crowd is buying that Koko has a shot, Slaughter reverses the momentum and grinds his knuckles on Koko’s head for the submission win.

RINGSIDE: The crowd boos Slaughter and Adnan as they wave the flag again. Then they start to cheer as they see Nikolai Volkoff on the stage waving the American flag. Vince loves it!

Blake’s Take: Vince was at his most enthusiastic in any America vs. the world situation, so this added to the presentation of what was essentially a squash match.

AT THE BAVARIAN INN: Neidhart and Slick are having a dance-off. Gene throws it to Alfred for the tenth time, and Alfred is drunk as a skunk. Neidhart bumps into Bret, who is holding a beer and that sends him into the Orient Express table. Fuji stands up and declares a FOOD FIGHT. That’s what they do in yet another Vince trope. The man enjoys his food fights, patriotism, and fart jokes.

BACKSTAGE: Mooney with Warrior. Mooney brings up Sherri’s challenge for a title match with Savage on the Brother Love Show. Warrior accepts the challenge.

BACKSTAGE: Piper with Savage and Sherri. Piper questions whether Sherri is in over her head, but she says Savage is gonna take the belt and Warrior will be no more. Savage echoes that thought as Piper slaps Sherri on the ass on the way out. It was a different era.

RINGSIDE: Vince and Piper recap the action and throw it to Gene and Alfred. The food fight is still going as Alfred scolds Gene. So, Gene does what any reasonable man would do and throws a cake in his face.


Overall Rating: 7.5/10

Thoughts: These are so fun to revisit. Again, the themed shows make every one of them feel unique. They’re obviously cheesy at times, but you can appreciate them going all-in on these things. Good storyline advancement with Warrior/Savage, Hogan/Tugboat vs. Earthquake/Bravo, and Dusty/DiBiase, and the opener featured so many great characters.

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Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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