Blake’s WWF SmackDown 3/28/02 Review: Triple H/Flair vs. Angle/Vince

In this WWF SmackDown 3/28/02 review, it’s the final dual-branded show before the split. So, the two general managers figure they’ll settle their differences in the ring.

Let’s jump in!

– THE FIST. Still the most awesome set in WWE history. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler hype the main event and the events of the first draft on RAW.

Booker T vs. Diamond Dallas Page

These two were on opposite sides in the RAW tag match. Their partners? Edge and Christian, respectively. Nice to start the last non-brand split show with a WCW match. We’ve got the draft ticket at the bottom of the screen to promote the sports element. The crowd gets occupied with something early in the match, and it turns out it’s BROCK LESNAR and Paul Heyman. Lesnar just destroys Booker and DDP as Cole and Lawler ponder Lesnar’s relationship with Heyman.

  • Rating: NR

– Our Olympic hero Kurt Angle has arrived. He wrestled in the Olympics with a broken freakin’ neck! Angle tells the crowd they suck and it’s hard to disagree. The “What?” chants are in full force at this point. It’s incredible the mileage that chant has racked up over the years. Angle wants a moment for silence for Stephanie McMahon after she was forced to leave based on being pinned by Triple H on RAW. The fans just won’t show Steph respect, and ANGLE EXITS THE RING TO BEAT UP SOME FANS! Vince McMahon comes out to stop it. Vince hates the crowd and hates Triple H, so he calls him a son of a bitch and blames him for Steph’s problems. He’s also happy Triple H is the WWF Champion so he can wrestle on both shows. HERE COMES THE GAME. Triple H says Vince hasn’t seen nothing yet then cues up the replay of him pinning Steph and the crowd singing the goodbye song. Angle is PISSED and wants a match. So does Vince, and he sets up a handicap match. Ric Flair….WOOOOO….is here. He recalls his Philly partying and says he’s gonna team with Triple H. Not all long segments are great, but this was fun.

Bubba Ray Dudley and D’Von Dudley. They’ve got a shot at the tag titles tonight and it’ll keep them together as a team if they win since they were drafted to different brands. STAKES.

The Dudley Boyz vs. (c) Billy and Chuck (w/Rico) – WWF Tag Team Titles

I’m reviewing this in 2021 and Billy Gunn has not aged a month since 2002. I mean maybe a little bit but not much. Hot start for the Dudleyz, and that makes sense considering what they have at stake. Also, keep in mind this is Philly, and Philly loves them some Dudleyz. Some shenanigans from Rico, and he distracts the referee. D’Von chases Rico to the back, allowing Chuck to use underhanded tactics. That leads to Billy hitting the Fameasser for the win to retain.

  • Rating: **

– D’Von comes back after the match, and they hit the 3D and wasssuuppp before D’Von gets the tables. 3D through the tables and that’s that for the Dudleyz.

The APA is playing cards and they’re not happy about being on separate brands. They see Tajiri and Torrie Wilson, and Bradshaw tells Tajiri to tell everyone there’s beer. Then he tells Torrie to stay to play strip poker. Of course.

Lillian Garcia with Lita and Matt Hardy. They’re excited they’re on the same brand with Jeff Hardy. But someone who isn’t is Chris Jericho. He’s pissed about not being the Undisputed Champion and wants his title back. Matt calls him a has-been, so Jericho attacks him from behind and Lita also takes a spill.

Hulk Hogan and The Rock are backstage. That’s some star power right there. Rock wants them to whoop the nWo’s candy asses. Hogan isn’t sure about trusting Kane, and Rock does expressions saying Kane’s not King Kong Bundy or Kamala but he’s a machine. Kane arrives, and Rock hilariously tries to make him flinch. Kane asks Rock if he’s ready but IT DOESN’T MATTER IF ROCK IS READY. That was terrific. Kane then does a Rock promo and hulks up. Holy shit this was just the best.

Hulk Hogan, The Rock, and Kane vs. The nWo – Six-Man Tag Team Match

It’s a shame we get the generic Hogan music on Peacock instead of Voodoo Child. Cole informs us we’re getting Jericho vs. Matt. We also get plugs for the tobacco is whacko campaign, Stacker 2, and Hungry-Man frozen dinners. What a trio. I did enjoy some Hungry-Man dinners back in the day. The crowd loves this match, and I can’t blame them. A lot of star power in one ring. There’s something about a Rock vs. Hall matchup that’s pretty awesome. It’s probably the charisma. The energy is just different when they’re in the ring together, which I guess wasn’t all that much during their careers. We work to a sleeper hold spot with Hall, who has been busted open, locking it in on Hogan. Then it’s hot tag time to Kane. He runs wild on the entire nWo, and Flair has to be happy with his draft pick. We’ve got an all-out BROUHAHA on our hands, and Kane hits the chokeslam on X-Pac to get the victory. This was quality entertainment.

  • Rating: ***

Chris Jericho vs. Matt Hardy (w/Lita)

Don’t forget to visit, fans! Those superstar websites were something. Can’t say I remember them all that much. I like that this match starts with both men going right at each other. Jericho sneak attacked Matt in the back, so why would Matt walk into the ring and wait for the bell? Little things like that matter, at least to yours truly. The referee gets occupied with Matt early, and Lita hits the hurricanrana off the top on Jericho. However, Matt inadvertently sends Jericho into Lita on the apron, and that didn’t work out well. Jericho used the low blow on Matt while the ref was distracted with Lita, and Jericho used the Walls of Jericho to pick up the win.

  • Rating: NR

– After the match, Jericho locks in the walls on Lita for good measure. Bastard!

– The strip poker game has gained a lot of new members, including Christian, Booker T, and others. Turns out Tajiri wins the poker hand, and Torrie removes a bracelet. Christian gets angry about his hand and beats the table.

Test vs. (c) Rob Van Dam – Intercontinental Title

Forceable Entry, which featured RVD’s theme, is still an awesome CD. Lawler wants to be on the brand that has the best puppies to absolutely no one’s surprise. Cole reminds us Test has immunity (I vaguely remember this storyline) so he can pretty much do whatever he wants and not get fired. So, he does by nearly punching Earl Hebner, and RVD grabs him and Hebner counts the quick pin. True babyface tactics from Earl!

  • Rating: NR

Jonathan Coachman with Raven. He gets a nice cheer from Philly and quotes Oscar Wilde. That’s so Raven.

Raven vs. (c) Maven – Hardcore Title

A rhyme lover’s dream! What’s probably not a dream is getting beat over the head with a trash can lid. Just ask Raven. Since we’ve still got 24/7 rules, Tommy Dreamer hits the ring and ECW fans also love that. After that run-in, Raven regains the advantage and hits the Raven Effect on Maven to win the title.

  • Rating: NR

– Vince isn’t happy about losing the Hardcore title. Meanwhile, Angle has heard a rumor Steve Austin will be on RAW.

– Cole and Lawler recap all the draft picks.

– Back to the poker game and William Regal enters the mix to run down the APA being out of business. Bradshaw kicks his ass and he and Farooq reminisce before walking out the door and switching the sign to closed and turning off the lights. Big fan of the storytelling in this one.

Kurt Angle and Vince McMahon vs. Triple H and Ric Flair

Vince in true GENETIC JACKHAMMER form. Meanwhile, Flair is shirtless and wearing dress pants. Vince wants to start the match…..until Flair starts the match. Flair wrestling in dress pants will never not be weird. It’s CHOP TIME as Flair and Triple H chop Angle. I think during that sequence, Vince’s traps grew an inch. Vince doesn’t get into the match until Angle has Flair incapacitated. Eventually, Vince gets the dumb idea to go for the Figure Four, and that backfires. Flair low blows Angle, but Angle battles back and goes for the Ankle Lock. Triple H breaks it up but the bad guys are back in control with Vince locking on the Figure Four. Flair eventually breaks out and makes the mild tag to Triple H. Flair sells the Figure Four damage like a pro, and while Nick Patrick checks on him, Vince hits Triple H with the belt. However, Angle only gets a two count. That leads to Flair coming OFF THE TOP on Vince, and all breaks loose from there. The Undertaker runs in and decks Flair, then pulls Vince on top of him for the victory. Nice little storyline advancment after Flair picked Taker to RAW.

  • Rating: **1/2

Blake’s SmackDown 3/28/02 Awards

  • Best Match: Hogan/Rock/Kane vs. The nWo
  • Show MVP: Kane (mainly for the promo)
  • Overall SmackDown 3/28/02 Rating: 6.5/10
  • Thoughts: This show advanced a few storylines but mainly set up the new-look rosters for both brands. I liked giving the Dudleyz and APA their moments before heading in opposite directions. The APA one was particularly good. Meanwhile, the Taker run-in adds suspense as to what’s next for him on RAW with Flair at the helm. Solid stuff.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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