Blake’s WWE RAW 3/25/02 Review: The First Draft

Everyone has a different opinion as to when the Ruthless Aggression era started. For me, I’d probably pick the first WWF Draft.

Let’s dive into the Raw that featured the draft.

  • Show: WWF Raw
  • Date: March 25, 2002
  • Location: Penn State University in State College, PA

– Linda McMahon sets up the first WWF draft as superstars sit in the locker room. Vince McMahon is picking for Smackdown, and Ric Flair is picking for Raw. She notes that Triple H, Chris Jericho, and Stephanie McMahon aren’t eligible for the draft due to the triple threat match. Stone Cold Steve Austin isn’t either due to his contract.

– Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler hype the Triple H/Jericho/Steph match for the WWF Undisputed title. If Triple H pins Steph, she’s out of the WWF. I’d like to make a prediction on that one.

Tazz vs. Mr. Perfect

Worth noting that Tazz’s music is from the WWF Forceable Entry CD. That was of my favorites. Also, Perfect was simply perfect. Don’t forget it. Perfect hit the Perfect Plex early but Tazz had the ropes. Tazz took control from there and used the Tazmission to make Perfect tap. Short match and one of those strange matchups that fans got to see because of the incredible roster.

  • Rating: *

– Ric Flair is in his war room with Arn Anderson. Arn is working the phones. We also see Vince in his war room, and he struts out.

– Vince hits the stage to make his pick for the WWF Draft. The ‘what’ chants were relentless during this era. Vince picks The Rock with the No. 1 pick for Smackdown. Rock bolts out of the locker room and makes his way out. Vince tells Rock that the new rule is he can never touch him. Rock also can’t talk about shoving a foot up a candy ass. ‘It doesn’t matter’ is also banned. Vince also isn’t happy about Rock’s newfound friendship with Hulk Hogan. Vince says he made Rock and can take him out. Vince tries to leave but Rock stops him. Rock runs through his accomplishments and gets the people to start a “you are an asshole” chant in Vince’s direction.

– Flair comes out to make his first pick for the WWF Draft. He picks The Undertaker for Raw. Taker throws a chair in the locker room.

– Vince is pissed that Flair selected Taker. Kurt Angle barges in and he’s pissed Vince didn’t pick him first. Vince says he’s gonna make it right. Taker yells at Vince for letting Flair pick him. Vince again promises to make things right.

Edge and Diamond Dallas Page vs. Christian and Booker T

What a tag match this is. Reminder that Christian and DDP squared off for the European title at WrestleMania X8. Also a reminder that Edge and Booker T did the same after feuding over a shampoo commercial. Booker with a stiff kick on Edge to give the bad guys the advantage. Edge and Christian brawl on the outside while DDP hits the Diamond Cutter on Booker. Christian breaks it up, but Edge hops in and they brawl back out of the ring. Booker hits the Scissors Kick on DDP for the victory. Another short match.

  • Rating: *

– Angle lists off his accomplishments to Vince, who is concerned with Flair picking the nWo next. Angle says Flair is gonna pick him. Vince says Flair isn’t gonna get what he wants, so he officially picks Angle as the No. 2 pick for Smackdown in the WWF Draft. Angle hugs him but isn’t happy he wasn’t picked first.

– Flair back on the stage. He promises to work hard to bring Austin to Raw. Flair picks the nWo with his No. 2 pick, which includes Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and X-Pac.

– Vince yells at Angle about saying Flair was gonna pick the nWo. Vince says he’ll somehow sign Austin. Angle suggests there’s someone who hasn’t been around for a while that Vince should pick. Vince picks Chris Benoit with his No. 3 pick for Smackdown.

– The nWo is in Flair’s office. X-Pac says they won’t listen to Flair. He calls them the poison and that they work for him. Arn enters and tells him he needs to make his pick. Flair picks Kane.

Trish Stratus vs. Ivory

Two of the women’s greats. Ivory had just made her return to action. The crowd chants “we want puppies” to make it clear that this was indeed 2002. Trish and Ivory go back and forth for a bit, with Trish hitting the Stratusfaction for the victory. Short and sweet.

  • Rating: *

– Vince back out as the crowd calls him an asshole. Vince selects Hogan for his next pick.

– We get a video for the Divas 2002 swimsuit issue with Trish on the cover. Never bought that one. No way. Not me.

– Flair’s next pick is Rob Van Dam.

– Vince is pissed at the RVD pick. He wanted the Intercontinental title, so Angle suggests he fight RVD for the title. Vince likes it.

– Rock and Hogan shake hands in the locker room. Hogan wants to team up with Rock to take on the nWo. Rock accepts and they run through each other’s catchphrases.

– Vince’s next pick is Billy and Chuck, who are the WWF tag team champs.

The Rock and Hulk Hogan vs. The nWo (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and X-Pac)

Hogan’s “Voodoo Child” entrance being dubbed over with generic music is less than ideal. Great opening spot with Hogan literally tossing X-Pac over the top and onto the floor. Nash tries to get the upper hand but Hogan hulks up. Hogan and Hall with the double clothesline on each other, and Rock gets the hot tag. Rock cleans house and hits the Rock Bottom on Nash. Hogan calls for the tag and he hits the leg drop on Nash before X-Pac breaks up the pin. The nWo regains control and then the pyro goes off as Kane hits the ring and destroys Hall, Nash, and X-Pac to cause the DQ. Rock and Hogan join in on the fun. The crowd was electric for this one.

  • Rating: **

– Vince accuses Flair of stealing his picks. Flair says he doesn’t have to explain anything to Vince. Flair picks Booker T. Vince responds by picking Edge. Flair picks The Big Show. Vince picks Rikishi. Flair says maybe he’ll put his fat ass on Vince’s face. Great line. Vince pushes Flair as Arn holds him back.

Jeff Hardy (w/Matt Hardy and Lita) vs. Billy (w/Chuck and Rico)

Billy with some early momentum but misses a big splash in the corner. Jeff goes up top for the Swanton Bomb but Chuck gets on the apron for a distraction. Jeff knocks him off, and Billy moves out of the way while Matt and Chuck fight on the outside. Rico goes to grab the title belt but Lita flies off the apron and takes him down. Jeff with the roll-up to get the pin on Billy. Another match to further a storyline.

  • Rating: *

– Flair picks Bubba Ray Dudley. Vince counters by picking D’Von Dudley. WWF Draft drama! Bubba and D’Von are angry in the locker room, and then they hug as Bubba walks out.

Rikishi vs. (c) William Regal – WWF European Title

Before the match even starts, Brock Lesnar hits the ring and attacks Rikishi. Brock hits the F5, and Paul Heyman enters the ring to raise his hand. Easy title defense for Regal.

– Jazz is at WWF New York. She wants to kick someone’s ass since she’s the Women’s champ.

– Vince announces Brock as his next pick in the WWF Draft. Flair follows it up by telling Vince its his pick. So Flair picks Brock. Vince then picks Mark Henry. Flair picks Regal. Vince picks Maven, who is the Hardcore champ. Flair’s last pick is Lita. Vince mocks him for picking a woman with his last pick. Once again, 2002 folks. Vince suggests Flair wants to sleep with Lita. Vince once again promises he’s gonna land Austin. Vince talks shit and Flair starts the “you are an asshole” chant again.

Kurt Angle vs. (c) Rob Van Dam – WWF Intercontinental Title

JR and Lawler remind us that the draft lottery is after Raw on But first, a brouhaha between two of the best. RVD’s theme was also on Forceable Entry. Greatest WWF album ever.

Angle with a German suplex before the bell even rings for a near fall. RVD with a superkick and he gets a two. Angle with a belly-to-belly and these two are great. More suplexes from Angle and then Rolling Thunder from RVD for a near fall. More offense from RVD and he goes for the frog splash, but Angle leaves the ring. RVD joins and throws Angle into the steps. Back inside and RVD comes off the top, but Angle shoves Tim White in front of him. Angle with the Angle slam and ankle lock, but White calls for the bell to signal the DQ. Angle goes back to the ankle lock as Edge hits the ring and hits a belly-to-belly on Angle. Edge goes for a spear but Angle counters and hits a suplex of his own. Angle goes for the Angle slam but Edge reverses and hits the spear. The refs hit the ring to break things up. Good stuff to promote the future Smackdown feud.

  • Rating: **1/2

– Michael Cole with Steph. She says she’s not going anywhere and that she’s gonna win the Undisputed title.

Stephanie McMahon vs. Chris Jericho vs. Triple H – Triple Threat Match for the WWF Undisputed Title

Speaking of themes, the Triple H ‘My Time’ theme that Steph used was excellent. Triple H and Jericho go at it to start while Steph retreats. Jericho knocks Triple H out of the ring, which leads to Steph laying down and Jericho trying to pin her before Triple H pulls Jericho out. Triple H then gets in and goes for the Pedigree on Steph but Jericho gets Steph out of there. Triple H throws Jericho into the steel steps and then throws Steph back inside. Triple H catapults Jericho into Steph, who then falls headfirst into Jericho’s groin. Triple H kicks Steph out of the ring but Jericho goes to work on Triple H’s knee. Steph with a few elbow drops on Triple H’s knee. Jericho tries to do more damage but Triple H kicks Jericho into Steph, who isn’t happy. So she slaps Jericho and then he shoves her down by her face. 2002 was interesting. Jericho misses the Lionsault on Triple H, so Steph tries to pin him but only gets a two. Jericho is pissed and goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Triple H throws him into Steph. Triple H throws Jericho out of the ring and then goes for the Pedirgree.

Jericho with a missile dropkick off the top on Triple H for a two count. Jericho grabs a chair and one of the title belts, while Triple H has the other belt. They hit each other with them while Earl Hebner throws out the chair. Steph rolls in and gets a two on Triple H. She then gets a two on Jericho. Triple H with a clothesline on Steph and then Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho. Steph jumps on Jericho’s back and he uses the snapmare on her. Triple H with the Pedigree on Jericho but Steph breaks up the pin. Triple H with a spinebuster on Steph to win it. Steph’s done on Raw. Let’s see if that holds. Triple H waves bye to her as security escorts her out. Triple H then starts the goodbye song with the crowd.

  • Rating: ** 

Show Summary

Here are the televised WWF Draft results for each show:


  1. The Undertaker
  2. The nWo (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, X-Pac)
  3. Kane
  4. Rob Van Dam
  5. Booker T
  6. Big Show
  7. Bubba Ray Dudley
  8. Brock Lesnar
  9. William Regal
  10. Lita


  1. The Rock
  2. Kurt Angle
  3. Chris Benoit
  4. Hulk Hogan
  5. Billy and Chuck
  6. Edge
  7. Rikishi
  8. D’Von Dudley
  9. Mark Henry
  10. Maven

And here were the additional picks for each brand:


  • Bradshaw
  • Steven Richards
  • Matt Hardy
  • Raven
  • Jeff Hardy
  • Mr. Perfect
  • Spike Dudley
  • D’Lo Brown
  • Shawn Stasiak
  • Terri
  • Jacqueline
  • Goldust
  • Trish Stratus
  • Justin Credible
  • Big Boss Man
  • Tommy Dreamer
  • Crash Holly
  • Mighty Molly


  • Billy Kidman
  • Tajiri
  • Chris Jericho
  • Ivory
  • Albert
  • The Hurricane
  • Al Snow
  • Lance Storm
  • Diamond Dallas Page
  • Torrie Wilson
  • Scotty 2 Hotty
  • Stacy Kiebler
  • Christian
  • Test
  • Faarooq
  • Tazz
  • Hardcore Holly
  • Val Venis
  • Perry Saturn

And those without a brand:

  • Triple H (WWF Undisputed champion)
  • Jazz (WWF Women’s champion)
  • Stephanie McMahon
  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

Blake’s RAW 3/25/02 Awards

  • Best Match: Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam
  • RAW MVP: Kurt Angle
  • Overall RAW 3/25/02 Rating: 6.0/10
  • Thoughts: The draft itself made sense given the talent on the roster, but some of the picks were rather strange. And while the matches were short, they at least furthered storylines. However, I could understand why people didn’t like both the draft strategy and the lack of good matches.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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