Blake’s Mid-South Wrestling 12/12/81 Review: Orndorff vs. DiBiase

In this Mid-South Wrestling 12/12/81 review, there’s an intriguing main event on tap with Paul Orndorff squaring off with Ted DiBiase. As a note, this is my first venture into the Mid-South episodes on Peacock, as this was a little before my wrestling fandom started. Should be fun. Let’s jump in!

  • Show: Mid-South Wrestling
  • Date: December 12, 1981
  • Watch: Peacock

RINGSIDE: Ernie Ladd is the guest commentator with Boyd Pierce, which is a great role for The Big Cat.

The Monk vs. Brian Blair

Ladd calling him Mr. Monk is a thing of beauty. Technical work in the ring, but the real focus is Ladd talking about how he can beat Andre the Giant. Again, Ladd is tremendous here, especially in noting how Blair is making Monk’s head turn red with his submission moves. This one is all Blair as he picks up the win in convincing fashion.

Tom Renesto Jr. vs. King Cobra

Doing some research, it appears Cobra was a welder and recently retired after 55 years on the job. Incredible. Have I mentioned I love Ladd’s commentary. He’s terrific. The CRISS CROSS starts the action as Ladd sells the talent in Mid-South like a pro. Cobra in control, and he works on Renesto’s arm for a bit until he misses a dropkick. But Cobra comes back with a big headbutt for the victory.

Ed Wiskowski vs. Jim Garvin

Garvin is jacked, and Wiskowski (the future Colonel DeBeers) is huge. Therefore, we’ve got ourselves a HOSS FIGHT. Even Ladd, a fellow hoss, has to note that Wiskowski makes Garvin look small. Test of strength goes in favor of Wiskowski but the action picks up with Garvin reversing to send the action to the mat. Wiskowski with the big forearm to Garvin’s back, then it’s the knees to the back. Flying forearm from Garvin gets a two, then Ladd loses his mind at Garvin going for an illegal chokehold. Wiskowski throws Garvin out to break it, and Garvin comes back in to counter for a near fall. But it’s all Wiskowski from there as he finishes off Garvin for the win. This was a fun power match. **1/2

RINGSIDE: Boyd sends us to a replay where Paul Orndorff interferes in Junkyard Dog’s match, and it’s pure chaos with JYD getting the better of the heels. However, the referee awards the match to Terry Orndorff via DQ after JYD threw him over the top rope. Ladd thinks JYD deserved it! Of course he did. Ladd is so great.

Jerry Novak and Aaron Holt vs. The Junkyard Dog and Mike George

You know JYD is a star since he gets entrance music in 1981. Ladd wants JYD to lose this match, in case you were curious. Things quickly escalate into a BROUHAHA with all four men in the ring. JYD slams Holt for the easy squash victory.

The Iron Sheik vs. Buddy Ryan

SHEIKY BABY. He’s gonna humble Ryan. Boyd reminds us about the dream match mail-in, sounds like a cool deal. Skandor Akbar instructs Sheik not to win the match right away, but rather, keep the ass-kicking going for a while. Great stuff. Sheik eventually hits a brutal suplex to earn the win.

Diamond Lil and Rick Ferrara vs. Barbie Doll and Tony Charles

So, this is a big man and little woman mixed tag team match, Ladd says he’d buy a ticket to watch the “little gals” wrestler since they can scratch an eye out. In all honesty, I did not know this was a thing since I haven’t watched a lot of this era. But it is indeed a thing. Lil gets the better of the woman exchange before Ferrara and Charles go back and forth. Boyd hypes that dream match mail-in yet again. Lil and Barbie back in, and they fight to a CRISS CROSS before Barbie grabs Lil’s legs for the roll-up pin for the victory.

Paul Orndorff vs. Ted DiBiase

Here’s the goods. Ladd compares this to the Cadillac and the Lincoln squaring off. It makes sense. Great action early with Orndorff using a small package for two. “These guys are really moving,” according to Ladd, and he’s right. This is all action. Leg sweep from DiBiase allow him to work on Orndorff’s arm. But Orndorff fights out with elbows, and several counters later, DiBiase smacks his head on the turnbuckle. However, here comes DiBiase, and he regains the momentum and locks in the Figure Four on Orndorff, who refuses to give up. Then Orndorff turns it, but DiBiase won’t give up either. Ladd is TERRIFIC putting over the shock factor of DiBiase not giving up. Orndorff has him locked in the move for over a minute, and it’s a time limit draw as Ornodrff still has DiBiase’s leg as the show goes off the air. Awesome work from both men in what was a masterclass in selling. *** (Recommended)

Blake’s Take on Mid-South Wrestling 12/12/81
  • Best Match: Paul Orndorff vs. Ted DiBiase (***)
  • Show MVP: Ernie Ladd
  • Overall Rating: 6.5/10
  • Thoughts: Again, this is my first journey into reviewing Mid-South shows, but it was a fun start. I could listen to Ladd read a phone book, so there’s quality entertainment value with him calling the matches. Meanwhile, the main event was excellent, which probably isn’t a surprise with Orndorff and DiBiase going at it.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is the founder of Wrestling Reaction. He posts daily videos and articles sharing thoughts on the biggest topics and storylines in WWE.

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