Blake’s WWF Royal Rumble 1998 Review: Stone Cold, Stone Cold!

In this WWF Royal Rumble 1998 review, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker square off for the WWF title, Stone Cold Steve Austin enters the Rumble match with a target on his back, and much more.

Let’s jump in!

  • Show: WWF Royal Rumble 1998
  • Date: January 18, 1998
  • Location: SAP Center in San Jose, CA

The sponsor for this show is 1-800-COLLECT, and that is as 1998 as it gets.

Jim Ross and Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler are at ringside.

IN THE SUITE: Mike Tyson is here and the fans are booing him.

Goldust (w/Luna Vachon) vs. Vader

We get a video showing Goldust breaking up with Marlena a few months prior, which led to him wearing baby suits, dressing in lingerie, and hitting Vader with a coconut during the build to this match. I love professional wrestling.

Goldust attacks Vader before the bell, but that doesn’t work as Vader hits a big splash in the corner. Goldust retreats and gets a hug from Luna. Vader isn’t having any of that hugging shit (sorry Bayley) as he runs behind and rams Goldust into Luna to send both to the floor. Vader with punches on Goldust before sending him head-first into the ring steps. Vader picks up the steps but referee Jack Doan forces him to think better of it.

Back inside and Vader delivers the back body drop. Luna grabs Vader’s leg and that allows Goldust to go on offense. Running clothesline from Goldust, and then he goes up top and hits the ‘ol diving fist to the nuts move on Vader. The action goes back outside as Goldust throws Vader into the steps. Goldust goes back in to the distract the ref, which allows Luna to start choking Vader.

Right hands from Goldust in the corner until he figures that’s not enough and starts biting Vader’s head. But Vader comes back with a left-handed clothesline. Both men up and Goldust goes for a bodyslam, but that doesn’t work. Vader hits a suplex and then hits a splash for a two count. Another clothesline from Vader before he goes up top to hit the Vader Bomb, but Luna distracts the ref and Goldust hits the low blow. Sunset flip from Goldust doesn’t work, and Vader sits down on him.

Vader drags Goldust to the corner, and Luna hits the ring and jumps on Vader’s back. But the ref isn’t gonna DQ her, and instead, watches Vader hit the Vader Bomb with Luna on his back to get the pin at 7:51. This wasn’t a technical masterpiece, but the crowd fucking loved the Vader Bomb spot with Luna.

• Rating: *1/2

IN THE PARKING LOT: Stone Cold Steve Austin arrives and Michael Cole wants a word, but Austin tells him to park his truck. He also tells him he’s gonna kick his ass if he scratches it. Austin goes into the building before the Godwinns threaten Cole to give them Austin’s location.

Battallion, Tarantula, and El Torito vs. Max Mini, Nova, and Mosaic – Special Guest Referee: Sunny

Sunny refereeing a minis match is something else, folks. Nova is out here kicking some ass early on with hurricanrana’s and dropkicks. Max then starts whooping that Battallion ass. El Torito comes in and press slams Mosaic. Arm drags from Mosaic, and now Tarantula is back for some offense. Lawler makes a Max reading ‘Little Women’ joke.

The camera cuts to Mike Tyson again, who is loving this match. Absolutely loves it. Lawler has to get his jokes in, as now it involves Max playing hockey on an ice cube. And Lawler informs us that Max is gonna buy himself a Matchbox car if they win the match. Torito throws Max into Sunny, who helps him attack the bad guys by holding him in the air. Planchas and corkscrews all over the place as everyone is getting their spots in here.

Max goes up top and hits the flying head scissors takeover before using the cradle to get the pin on El Torito at 7:48. You knew what you were getting here, and it was a nice spotlight for both the wrestlers and Lawler’s comedy routine.

• Rating: *1/2

BACKSTAGE: The Nation of Domination goes to barge into Austin’s locker room, but Farooq holds them back. He tells Mark Henry he has to prove himself in the group and that he wants him to kick Austin’s ass. Farooq, Henry, Kama, and D’Lo Brown barge into the locker room, and Austin isn’t there but left them a middle foam finger sitting in a chair.

IN THE SUITE: Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon have joined Tyson.

VIDEO: JR and Lawler hype the build to the upcoming Intercontinental title match between The Rock and Ken Shamrock.

BACKSTAGE: Cole with Rock. We get a video of the Nation arguing about who will win the Rumble. Rock tells Cole he’s a complete idiot and then rants about the Bill Clinton/Paula Jones controversy.

(c) The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock – IC Title Match

Rock berates the crowd before the match and says he’s the best IC champ ever. Rock forces Shamrock into the corner and swings and misses. They tie up again and Shamrock forces Rock into the corner and blocks the latter’s punch before delivering one of his own. Right hands from Rock but Shamrock hits the karate kick and then hits a hard right to send Rock over the top rope.

Back inside and Rock gets some offense in on Shamrock. Rock with some kicks in the corner but Shamrock hits multiple clotheslines after an Irish whip. Shamrock goes for a hurricanrana but Rock blocks it and racks his neck on the top rope before getting a two count. They trade punches before Rock rakes the eyes and goes back to work. Rock chokes Shamrock in the corner, but Shamrock eventually fights back. Another eye rake from the Rock but Shamrock hits a flying cross body for a two. Then’s it a fisherman’s suplex for another two.

Big clothesline from Rock before he throws Shamrock outside. Shamrock meets the ring steps before Rock throws him back in. Shamrock tries to go back on offense but Rock floats over and hits a brutal DDT for a near fall. Rock locks in the headlock as the chant tells Rock that he sucks. JR and Lawler continue to play up Austin having a bull’s eye on him in the Rumble. Rock goes for another DDT but Shamrock counters it into a fireman’s carry takeover. Both men down and JR tells us this isn’t the senior’s tour. Hello, WCW!

Shamrock with several big right hands and Rock starts pleading for him to stop. Powerslam from Shamrock gets a near fall. Shamrock starts beating the hell out of Rock but gets the eyes raked. Reversal from Shamrock into a hurricanrana, but here comes Kama and D’Lo. Shamrock hits them both and D’Lo gets caught in the ropes, which forces the referee to try to help him. Rock loads up the brass knocks and hammers Shamrock. Ref comes back over and counts 1….2…! Crowd popped big at the kick out here.

D’Lo is still in the ropes as Shamrock hits the belly-to-belly suplex and seemingly wins the title at 10:52. BUT BRO, IT’S A SWERVE. Rock had put the brass knucks in Shamrock’s tights after hitting him earlier, so Rock tells the referee that he got hit by them. The ref tells Shamrock to, um, pull it out of his pants. Shamrock pulls that thing out (we’re still talking about the brass knucks here) and doesn’t know how it got there. Ref calls for the bell and rules that Rock retains the title by DQ. Shamrock is pissed and gives the ref the belly-to-belly and then puts him in the ankle lock. You knew what you were getting from finishes in this era, but I thought this one was creative and played into both guys’ characters rather well. Fine match.

• Rating: **1/2

RINGSIDE: We see the 1-800-COLLECT blimp flying around inside the arena as JR and Lawler start talking about Cactus Jack before they send it to the back. Los Boriquas hit the locker room and think they’re attacking Austin, but it’s actually either Skull or 8-Ball. That leads to a brawl before we go back to JR and Lawler who hype the upcoming tag team title match.

VIDEO: Hype video for the Legion of Doom vs. the New Age Outlaws.

BACKSTAGE: Michael Cole with LOD. We see the footage of DX powerbombing Animal through a table on RAW, which leads to him cutting an insane promo. Hawk says they’re gonna put the Outlaws on ice.

(c) New Age Outlaws vs. Legion Of Doom – WWF Tag Team Titles

Road Dogg and Billy Gunn are wearing Brett Favre jerseys to get that heat with San Francisco 49ers fans. Outlaws attack LOD from behind before the bell and WE’VE GOT A BROUHAHA. Animal hits a quick powerbomb on Road Dogg but Billy breaks up the count. Outlaws leave the ring to regroup but LOD chase them down. JR tells us earlier in the day that Animal was almost not cleared to be in the match. JR is a kayfabe legend.

Hawk with a big clothesline in the corner to Road Dogg before getting a big boot. Animal in and we get a double team on Road Dogg, who is bleeding from the mouth. Hawk comes back in and hits the neck breaker, but Road Dogg manages to make the tag. Hawk with the Lou These press on Billy and he’s BEATING HIM LIKE A GOVERNMENT MULE. Animal hits a suplex on Gunn and then hits a pair of powerslams on both.

Good guys in control for a bit until Road Dogg trips Animal and Billy throws him outside. Road Dogg slings Animal into the steps and now we’re 3-for-3 on the evening when it comes to the steps getting involved. Road Dogg keeps kicking at Animal’s injured back and then all four men are going at it again. Road Dogg and Billy try to double team Hawk, but he reverses and hits a double clothesline. Hawk goes for a spear on Road Dogg in the corner but misses and goes flying to the outside. Road Dogg throws Hawk face-first into the steps and then grabs a pair of handcuffs and hits Animal with them before using them to lock Hawk to the ring post.

Road Dogg and Billy for the back suplex on Animal, but he reverses and hits a double clothesline of his own. Animal hits a flying shoulder tackle on Billy and gets a two count. Billy goes up top but Animal catches him and turns it into a powerslam before Road Dogg breaks up the pin with a chair to force the DQ at 7:57. Road Dogg hammers Animal in the back with the chair and Hawk is going nuts as the beatdown continues. Hawk breaks the handouts and hits Road Dogg over the head with the chair. Hawk checks on Animal as Road Dogg and Billy retreat.

• Rating: *1/2

RINGSIDE: JR and Lawler prepare us for the STONE COLD TRUCK GIVEAWAY. Congrats to Mildred Bowers from Nashville!

VIDEO: Hype video for the Rumble match with a recap of Austin kicking everyone’s ass and playing up being a marked man.

The 1998 Royal Rumble Match

Let the fun begin. No. 1 is Cactus Jack and No. 2 is Chainsaw Charlie aka Terry Funk. Charlie revs up the chainsaw and that leads to Cactus throwing numerous chairs into the ring. Cactus uses a chair to knock the chainsaw away and then nails Charlie in the head. While this is going on, the CHAINSAW IS STILL RUNNING and Charlie nearly runs into it. Referee Jack Doan realizes that it’s probably wise to get it out of there. Dueling chairs until Charlie just stops and tells Cactus to hit him in the head with a chair. So he does. Well that’s not a wise strategy. Now Cactus hands Charlie the chair and he returns the favor. JR reminds us that human heads aren’t built to take chair shots, which unfortunately isn’t something Cactus would listen to given what took place at the following year’s Rumble.

Charlie tries to eliminate Cactus and here comes Tom Brandi at No. 3. Prediction: he isn’t winning this thing. Cactus and Charlie send Brandi over the top in about five seconds, so my prediction was correct. Cactus sets up two chairs and suplexes Charlie onto them. No. 4 is The Rock. He goes after Cactus and Charlie as the crowd starts chanting about the Rock sucking something that rhymes with his name. Beats me. Cactus hits Rock over the head with a trash can and then puts it over his head. Cactus and Charlie beat the trash can and Cactus hits the can with a chair, which sends Rock through the middle ropes to the outside. Mosh is No. 5 and Charlie tries to throw a chair at him as he enters the ring.

Mosh gets some offense in on Charlie while Cactus and Rock go at it. Charlie goes for a moonsault on Mosh but it doesn’t work. Phineas Godwinn is in at No. 6. The usual Rumble offense from all involved and then 8-Ball hits the ring at No. 7. Cactus goes after Charlie but gets flipped over the top for the first elimination. Meanwhile, Lawler tells us that he’s been told that someone has gotten to Austin in the back and that he may not make it to the match. Rock nearly eliminates Charlie but he hangs on. Next is Blackjack Bradshaw at No. 8. JR reminds us that Mike Tyson is gonna be on RAW. I wonder if that will be any good or if anyone will watch? Owen Hart is No. 9 and Tyson loves it, but Jeff Jarrett attacks Owen from behind as Cornette encourages him. Cornette then hits Owen with the tennis racket. Jarrett keeps going to work until a host of referees pull him away.

Next up is Steve Blackman at No. 10. Blackman goes at Charlie, who barely hangs on once again. Lawler says that his source tells him it may have been Shamrock who attacked Austin in the back. D’Lo Brown is No. 11. Rock delivers his trademark kicks to Blackman with the usual exaggerated mannerisms. D’Lo comes over and now we’ve got the two Nation members brawling. Kurrgan in at No. 12. Mosh tries to get some offense in but Kurrgan throws him over the top. Marc Mero is No. 13 and he’s got Sable with him. She gets the biggest pop of the night thus far and about half the men in the crowd are up taking photos of her. Kodak cameras were the best. Kurrgan eliminates Blackman but everyone is still zoned in on Sable. Ken Shamrock in at No. 14.

Shamrock hits a few karate kicks to send Kurrgan to the mat. Then everyone comes over to help send Kurrgan over the top. And Thrasher is No. 15. D’Lo is choking Rock to remind you that it’s every man for himself. Huge Sable chant breaks out and the TESTOSTERONE IS RUNNING WILD, BROTHER. Mankind is No. 16 and JR and Lawler can’t figure out how since Cactus was eliminated earlier. Mankind hits the ring and quickly eliminates Charlie. Shamrock and Rock are back at it again as Goldust enters at No. 17. He battles with Mankind and eventually throws him out. Jeff Jarrett is No. 18. JR and Lawler really play up the fact that he’s the NWA North American champion and is the only representative of the company in the match.

Jarrett enters the ring but Owen runs down and beats him silly. Jarrett goes to throw Owen out but he hangs on and then comes from behind to toss Jarrett over the top. And No. 19 is……The Honky Tonk Man! I legitimately do not remember Honky being in this match, so my guess is that he’s not going to be in the main event at WrestleMania. Right behind Honky is HHH, who is on crutches, and Chyna. Rock eliminates Shamrock while Honky gets his ass kicked. Owen isn’t happy with HHH being ringside and lets him know about it. But Chyna swings a crutch at Owen and he gets distracted. That allows HHH to hop on the apron and hit Owen with the other crutch, which sends him over the top rope. HHH keeps hitting Owen with the crutch until heading to the back.

Owen chases HHH as Ahmed Johnson enters at No. 20. He goes at it with several dudes before Mark Henry comes in at No. 21. Quote of the evening from JR: “Mark Henry is handling the big Johnson.” My teenage humor had to be loving that line. The buzzer goes off for the next entrant but no one comes out, and that leads to JR and Lawler wondering if it was supposed to be Austin. Ahmed gets tossed out by someone, and Phineas also gets thrown over the top. They decide to fight with each other to the back for no apparent reason. Kama is what I guess is No. 23 in this thing.

And here comes Stone Cold Steve Austin at No. 24. His music hits and everyone in the ring stops to stare at the entrance, but he comes from behind and quickly throws out Mero. Everyone goes to gang up on Austin but he gets away and sends 8-Ball packing. Austin uses his jacket to choke D’Lo for a bit. Henry Godwinn is No. 25. The crowd opposite the hard camera turns around away from the ring and is going crazy about something. Maybe someone is riding the 1-800-COLLECT blimp. Savio Vega is No. 26 and he brings his entire Los Boriquas crew into the ring with him. They all attack Austin, who quickly fights them off and goes back on offense.

The Nation music hits for about the 72nd time and Farooq runs in at No. 27 and starts kicking Rock’s ass as Austin goes through the middle rope to the outside. Farooq then goes at D’Lo and Kama. EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF. Rock and Austin battle on the outside and Rock sends him flying into the ring steps. Those things better be getting extra pay for their performance at this show. Rock throws Austin over the steel railing before getting back in the ring. Dude Love is No. 28 to give us the Mick Foley trifecta. He eliminates Bradshaw right away, and Austin throws Goldust into…….the ring steps! It seems like Goldust has been eliminated. Rock hits the elbow on D’Lo but Austin comes back in and beats the hell out of Rock.

The obvious winner of this match is next as Chainz enters at No. 29. Farooq sends D’Lo out while everyone else continues to brawl. Vader is No. 30 and by my count we’ve got 13 left. Make that 12 as Vader sends Honky to the showers. Meanwhile we’ve got CHAINZ AND AUSTIN, CHAINZ AND AUSTIN, CHAINZ AND AUSTIN throwing down. Even Lawler suggests that Chainz could win. Austin eliminates Thrasher and then does the same to Kama. Austin with another elimination to Kama, and Goldust follows that up by eliminating Vader. Godwinn and Goldust then get thrown out. WRESTLECHAINZIA is within reach. And then Austin eliminates Chainz. Well shit.

Farooq sends Henry out and we’re down to four: Farooq, Rock, Austin, and Dude. Austin and Dude send Rock and Farooq into each other for the double whammy. Double arm DDT from Dude on Rock. Dude then locks in the mandible claw on Austin, but Austin gets out of it. Farooq then throws Dude out. Farooq goes to work on Austin but Rock sneaks in from behind and tosses Farooq. Rock and Austin exchange punches as the crowd goes fucking insane. Austin throws Rock over but he manages to hold on. Austin then hits the Stunner and throws him out to get the win at 55:25. Tyson celebrates with Shane after Austin’s victory.

This was fun due to Foley’s character switches and Austin’s awesomeness, but there weren’t any spots that stood out and you had no doubt who was winning. But note to Vince in 2019: Giving people what they want is a perfectly fine business model.

• Rating: **1/2

IN THE SUITE: Cole with Tyson, who says that COLD STONE is his man. Cole asks for a pick in the Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker match but Tyson loves them both.

VIDEO: Hype video for the Michaels/Taker rivalry. We see highlights from their Hell in a Cell match at King of the Ring 1997 and how that led to Kane and Taker eventually joining forces to try to combat DX.

(c) Shawn Michaels (w/HHH and Chyna) vs. The Undertaker – Casket Match for the WWF Title

Tyson gives Michaels the suck it gesture which isn’t something most people expected in pro wrestling in 1998. Michaels throws punches right off the bat but Taker gets the advantage and back drops Michaels on the side of the casket. Taker then press slams Michaels on the floor before throwing him into the casket. Michaels quickly gets out and regroups. Back inside and Taker hits a huge right hand. Bodyslam from Taker and then he misses an elbow.

Taker goes up top for OLD SCHOOL (well it wasn’t it called that yet, but let’s go with it since Cole is all over this show) and then flings Michaels to the outside via the corner turnbuckle. Michaels hops on the apron and hangs Taker on the top rope. Michaels jumps off the top but Taker reverses it into a powerslam. Taker rolls Michaels into the casket but can’t get it closed. Michaels throws powder in Taker’s eyes but then gets clocked by a punch. Michaels regains control in the corner and Taker goes for a choke slam but Michaels counters and gets on the top rope before hitting a flying moonsault.

The action goes back outside the ring as Taker throws Michaels into the rail. Are the steps next? No they aren’t, as it’s the French announce table. But then we get what we came for, and that’s Taker getting thrown knee-first into the steps. Folks, I’ve seen a lot of dudes get throw into ring steps (including about 458 times on this show), but this was brutal. It looked like Taker’s knee got shattered because of how hard he hit it. Michaels picks up the steps and hits Taker multiple times over the back. And Michaels then delivers the piledriver on the steps and that was ugly.

HHH uses the crutch to keep Taker down on the outside and then hits him a few times once he gets to his feet. Michaels grabs a chair and hammers Taker in the back. They return to the ringing Michaels hits a flying elbow before asking the ref to raise the lid on the casket. Taker fights his way out of it as they go back into the ring. Michaels counters with a spinning neck breaker and then jumps on Taker to lock in the sleeper hold. Taker eventually counters it into a suplex, but Michaels comes right back and hits a flying forearm.

Michaels goes up top and hits the flying elbow and sets up for the Sweet Chin Music. Taker stumbles up and Michaels hits it. He rolls Taker into the casket and goes to close it, but instead decides to tell Taker to suck it. Taker does not accept the offer and grabs Michaels by the balls before throwing him in the ring. Taker throws Michaels all over the place and hits a big boot to the face. Michaels ducks another move and that sends Taker flying over him and into the casket. Michaels goes up top and hits the flying elbow onto Taker and the ref closes the lid. The casket starts shaking and Michels tries to escape but Taker drags him back in.

Both men get out of the casket and Taker hits a huge chokeslam to Michaels in the ring. Taker then steps over the top and hits the Tombstone on Michaels into the casket. That was something else right there. Chyna shoves the ref and Road Dogg, Billy, and Los Boriquas hit the ring and start attacking Taker. The lights go off and Kane makes his way down to clear the ring except for Taker. HHH and Chyna help Shawn out of the casket, and then we get the SWERVE as Kane attacks Taker. Kane chokeslams Taker into the casket and Michaels shuts the lid to retain at 20:30 even though there was no bell. Paul Bearer comes to the ring and he and Kane lock the casket before rolling it to the entrance. Kane grabs an axe and destroys the casket. Kane then pours gasoline on the casket and Bearer grabs a match and lights it on fire. Well then. Good match given the stipulation.

• Rating: ***1/2


This show didn’t have any technical masterpieces, but it was all about the story. And for that, the WWF accomplished its goal of taking a big step with Austin while also setting up Undertaker vs. Kane. But I still think Chainz was the better call for the WrestleMania main event.

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